Yea Character in Matera | World Anvil
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Yea (Yeah)

The One Who Treads the Earth

The god of Earth, Yea is one of the four Primal Elementals. He sculpted the geological aspects of the world and is the patron creator of the Eleyea.

Divine Domains

As the Primal Elemental of Earth, Yea has supreme dominon over stone and dirt. His divine followers gain access to the Community, Good, Earth, Knowledge, and Travel domains, as well the Caves, Cooperation, Education, Exploration, and Friendship subdomains.


Yea crafted many stone sculptures of various sizes during his many wanderings. These creations take many shaps, from beasts to more abstract forms. These sculptures can take a live of their own, and are known as the Earthshaking Figures. These figures are incredible powerful, but have little of their own agency, and thus can be directed by those who find them. The few that have been found guard the most importnant holy sites of the Earthen Nomads. Many believe that the study of these constructs led to the creation of the first Figurines of Wonderous Power

Holy Books & Codes

Yea's holy books are generally recorded on large stone tablets carried by his priest. His main holy book is known as The Moving Earth, detailing his history of walking the world, pulling the continents and shaping stone with his massive feet.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Yea's holy symbol is a stone slab with a large footprint stamped into it.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Yea generally adhear to the following code:  
  • I will walk as much of the earth as a can, to marvel in the beuaty of what Yea has formed.
  • I shall fight against the evils that hide underneath the earth, and work to clear the earth of corruption.
  • I will protect the Eleyea from harm, so that they may continue to walk the sacred paths/
  • Like unbreaking stone, I shall work to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
  • I will strive to create in some way, so that I may contribute to the earth.
  • Like a mighty avalanche, I shall not hold back when the time for action comes.


Yea's followers don't have many established holidays, instead celebrating at specific holy sites at the end of their many migrations. Before they start any celebrations when the journey is complete, they always observe what is known as a Day of Stillness. This is a day of rest, were each member of the tribe fasts and attempts to move as little as possible, attempting to emulate the stillnes of the rocks of the earth. They also commonly celebrate the Yggian holiday of Garden Day on the 9th of each month.   The few more set holdays they do have include:   Day of the Avalance: While normally quite passive and defensive, the Earthen Nomads set aside their slow ways and activally attack and hunt down the forces of evil. The day this occurs is set by preists high up in the ranks, and is always in the month of Arda, but the exact date changes each year to keep evil forces from predicting it.   Day of the Rolling Stone: Set on the 11th of Usa, at the beginning of spring, this day is a holy day of gathering between nomad clans. Held at a sacred site known as the Great Mound, it is also a day to discover those who are blessed by Yea and test the leaders and warriors of the clans to ensure they are still fit to lead. At the site, a massive stone boulder rests a the base of the hill, which those undertaking the trial must attempt to roll up the Mound, testing how far they can get it. It is believied that the stone gets heavier the farther up the hill it moves, and thus only those who are very fit can move the stone, and only those with Yea's blessings can hope to move it to the top.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Yea's divine goals relate to the purity of earth and the correct movement of tectonic plates. He cares little for large, grand plans of law versus chaos or good versus evil, but is quick to lend his aid to help small folk in need.

Physical Description

Body Features

When appearing in visions of manifesting as an avatar, Yea appears as a colossal stone figure, often draped in vines and moss. While capable of taking many forms, his feet are always the largest part of his body in whatever form he takes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As one of the Primal Elementals, Yef is one of the oldest beings in creation. After his emergence from Ygg, he was primarily responsible for the creation of Ardlam, but once that was complete, he wandered the world, his massive feet carving out cayons and creating natural formations.   During these wanderings, he bumped into Yaw, who had similary finished crafting her own realm. This mixing created the first primordial ooze, Albanor.   Later, he carved out and rested in a great cave, and that night, the Alpha, first of the beasts, came to the cave and rested on the dirt moved from the creation, spending the night staring at the skies. After the two deities left, the dirt and debries coalesced and became An, the first Ursan. When Yea eventually returned to the cave, he was intriquied by the energies he sensed there. Wanting to discover what became of the creature, he found the Alpha, and together, they created Alka, the first of the Alka race, and utilized his strong nose to track down An and meet them.

Gender Identity

Due to Yeas stone-like body, he lacks true gender, but his followers generally refer to him as male and he seems to care little for correcting them. But like all true deities, Yea can change his form and gender on a whim.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Yea shaped much of the earth, and thus is credited for most of its natural beuaty. He is partiatly responsible for the creation of Hisaluu, the Primal Beastmen of the Centaurs, as he carved the stone horse that partook in the race with the Alpha that would fuse into Hisaluu's lower half. He would later use scraps of earth from that race to create Rhakra, the Primal Beastman of the Rhoceni.

Failures & Embarrassments

In 1255 A.C. Yea took one of his mighty naps, becoming part of the landscape. The Alpha, in its wanderings, ran over Yea and left deep indents, although this failed to waken Yea. While these wounds healed, the first of the worlds rats climbed from the holes, and several of them coalesced and formed into Tesso, the first Nezumi. When Yea eventually awoke, he was unaware of this creation, and thus didn't reach out to comfort and help Tesso when he failed to ascend the World Tree and turned to evil and spite. Yea views his faliure to reach out and help Tesso in his time of need a great faliure, and thus attempts to redeme Tesso and his followers whenever possible.   In 2040 A.C. Yea accidently gave Sartos tainted earth, and that earth was used to create Gûnter, who was promptly kicked out of the dwarven pantheon.   In 2308 A.C. the Gnommish goddes Auxish attempts to poison Yea utilizng strange Enthos magic, holding a vendetta against him for creating such beautiful realms outside of Usoram, which led her husband Guzmeg leaving her to explore them. Yea survives this assassintation attempt, and the poison that expels from his body transfoms into Matha, the first of the Stinglings. Yea attempted to adopt Matha and show him the beauty of this world, but he could not curb Matha's more cruel nature or inspire him out of his dispassionate ways, and eventually they departed on bad terms.   In 2615 A.C. during the great rampage of Cabmov, Yea utilized his great feet to hold down the beast so that other gods could strike them. However, Cabmovs many tendrils and claws sunk into Yea, and from the wounds the goblin twins Bob and Hob slithered. Yea was unable to turn them away from evil, and they would go on to commit many atrocities.


Contacts & Relations

Yeas herald is a massive earth elemental named ~. It is a multi-legged creature, capable of trampling entire mountains and uplifting the earth to form entirley new formations.

Family Ties

As a Primal Elemental, Yea is considered a sibling to the others, Yai, Yaw, and Yef. Yea remains aloof from his siblings, prefering to remain by himself. After the Titan Teth split the heavens from the Earth, his relationship with Yai has been strained, with Yai's now more temperatic nature and need for control clashing with Yea's stoic and freeform way. It is belived that Yaw and Yef are both jealous of Yea, as his dominon over the earth is far vaster than either of theirs.   One day, Mip, the godess of haflings, slept uptop of Yea while he was resting, not realizing that he was more than just part of the landscape. Soon afterwards, she gave birth to Ramè, who immediatly crawls away to explore the world his father had created.   Thanaloc, the god of Law, saw that Yea's creations were massivly sturdy, and eventually sought him out. Together, they worked to create Diamond, the first of the Gemillions. Yea wanted to create something bringing out the supreme beauty and gleam of the earth, unaware that Thanaloc intended to utilize Diamond and their kin in his eternal war against Chaos. When his true intentions were brought to the surface, Yea was not pleased, storming off and creating the giant crater that would eventually be filled with magma and become the Lavaforge.   Once the Enthos was born after the Dark Tapestry conflict, many were subject to great perscution and violence. Saddened by this, Yea utilized the corpse of the Earth Wyrm and Enthos magic to create Gromir, instilling him with a duty of protecting the Enthos. Gromir views Yea as father figure, and holds great respect for him.


It is said that Yea never speaks, instead only communing through feelings and images carved in stone.



Petitioner (Important)

Towards Yea




Worker (Important)

Towards Thanaloc




Partner (Important)

Towards Yea




Partner (Important)

Towards Sartos




Carver (Important)

Towards The Earth Wyrm



The Earth Wyrm

Project (Trivial)

Towards Yea




Attacker (Trivial)

Towards Yea




Victim (Trivial)

Towards Axiush




Friend (Important)

Towards Yea




Friend (Important)

Towards Alpha




Attacker (Trivial)

Towards Yea




Attacker (Important)

Towards Cabmov





Towards Yea



Towards Neko



Towards Yea



Towards Mip


Brother (Vital)

Towards Yea




Brother (Vital)

Towards Yef




Sister (Vital)

Towards Yea




Brother (Vital)

Towards Yai




Sister (Vital)

Towards Yea




Brother (Vital)

Towards Yaw



Divine Classification
Primal Elementals
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Yeas main title is "The One Who Treads the Earth", refering to his creation of many of the earths formation in is walking. Other titles bestowed upon him are the Sculptor of the Elyea, the Elemental Lord of Earth, and the Great Mover.
Year of Birth
200 3903 Years old
The Earth Wyrm (Project)
Neko (spouse)
Mip (spouse)
Yef (Brother)
Yai (Sister)
Yaw (Sister)
Current Residence
The Eternal Earth
Quotes & Catchphrases
"(May You) Tread Well": Said as a common goodbye phrase by the Earthan Nomads.   "Roll Far, Settle Deep" Said to enforce the ideals of the Earthan Nomads and their wanderings, as they believe in seeing many places and having many experiences is essential to growing into ones proper roll in life.   "Sleep As a Stone, Wake as a Mountain": This phrase embodies the importance the Earthan Nomads place on rest, as they need to keep care of their bodies to survive their long journeys between sacred sites.
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by @caitlinc37


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