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Dragons are an ancient race of extremely powerful magical creatures. A huge variety of Dragons supposedly exist, the most common being chromatic and metallic dragons. Dragons are one of the oldest races of Materia, having supposedly co-existed with the First Ones near the start of the War of the Gods. Their origin is unclear. Dragons are usually extremely intelligent, and are capable of casting innate magic and shapeshifting their form. In the modern era, many humans believe Dragons to be extinct.   Dragons are the origin of the Draconic language. Chromatic dragons are known to be particularly fierce and domineering towards other races. Metallic dragons generally tend to be more tolerant.  


Dragons consistently grow stronger as they age; usually reaching maximum strength after about a millennia. Most dragons have a powerful breath weapon, depending on their color. All dragons have innate magical abilities, allowing them to shapeshift and cast spells without the lengthy verbal or material components that most spellcasters rely on.  


Dragon deities are not particularly well known as most dragon-adjacent species do not worship them.  


Thanks their innate shapeshifting ability, dragons are capable of cross-breeding with an unprecedented number of other creatures. This has resulted in a variety of species that are descended from dragons directly such as Dragonborn, Dragon Turtles, Drakes, Wyverns, and Kobolds.   There is little information available in the modern age about specific outcomes of dragon cross-breeding with specific races. Some Dragonborn myths suggest that those with "Tarkhan's blood" are capable of having fully draconic children with dragons.
Genetic Descendants
Up to 4000~ years
Average Weight
2700 kg.
Average Length
35 ft.


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