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Materia 36: "When I am Queen"

General Summary

Investigating the Shadowfist Monastery, the party learns that its Shou monks have been interned and the monestary is being forced to sell off its assets. After purchasing some items, Mari asks about Imamura Megumi, and learns of her relationship with a distant Shou lover and ownership of a magnificant sapphire Tokkuri set. Heading to the Northsail Brewery, the party retrieves their items and speaks to Shinobu, who assures them of the importance of their mission to secure the Solite succession. Stopping in at the Sunless Temple, the party learns that the Dusk Companions consider Valex Sin'ro to be a heritic.   Returning to their borrowed estate, the party reunites with Jun Houou, who has gained the blessing of the Raven Queen. During a night of partying, Yvri learns of a plot to secure the Suntower and use it to threaten Ishllond. Pretending to be Ilphas, he agrees to proceed with the plan. The next day, the party meets with Viseri and Myriell to determine the validity of their claim to the Solite throne. After learning more about both of them, and seeing Imamura's Tokkuri set at the Starlight Palace, the party agrees to support their claim.
Report Date
29 Oct 2023
Primary Location


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