Bloodline of Lazar Condition in Material Plane 36 | World Anvil
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Bloodline of Lazar

A congenital trait that, depending on its strength, imbues the individual with Celestial powers.


The bloodline was created by the angel Lazar as he had children during his rule of The Kingdom of Lazar. Those who can trace a strong lineage back to Lazar will have this bloodline and the properties it conveys.


For a individual with a weak bloodline they can expect to have golden flecks appear in their blood, Angels have golden blood and this is remnant of that. Long life, for example Humans can expect to live to 120 years of age. Additionally, males in the bloodline will not be able to father children of their own race, and females in the bloodline will always mother children of their own race.   As the bloodline gets stronger so to do the abilities, listed here in order as the bloodline strength increases: All weak bloodline abilities,increase in strength and charisma, cold resistance, fire resistance, Daylight spell-like ability (increasing use frequency with strength), increase in intelligence and constitution, Darkvision, increase in wisdom and dexterity, Wings, Heal spell-like ability (increasing use frequency with strength), immunity to disease, Regeneration, and Wish spell-like ability (increasing use frequency with strength).

Cultural Reception

In The Kingdom of Lazar this is the trait of the royals and confers immediate respect. During the times of The Lazahar Principalities, this trait is far less common and most often a weak diluted occurance. Those with a strong bloodline are most likely direct descendants of King Justiel Lazar the Fifth.

The more golden the blood the purer the bloodline
Chronic, Congenital

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