Lazar Character in Material Plane 36 | World Anvil
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An Angel in the envoy of celestials who worked with the people of the Upper Serene Basin to construct The Celestial City.   Lazar was in awe of mortals. He had extreme respect for their determination and effort they put into a life they knew would end. Most of any of The Celestials that came in the envoy, Lazar saw himself needing to learn from the mortals. This humility he expressed made him the most favored in the envoy and was asked to be the ruler of the new kingdom when it came time for the envoy to go. Lazar had to give up his immortality to stay, but gladly did so. The Kingdom was named after him, The Kingdom of Lazar.   It was not for another 300 years or so when Lazar sacrificed himself to Vecna, the God of Death, to abate the god's incursion into the lands he and his people worked so hard to keep pure and holy. He did so gladly and Veca left the Serene Basin in peace afterwards.   He fathered many children, creating the Bloodline of Lazar.
Lazar sacrifices himself to Vecna
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Lazar sacrificed himself to Vecna to end the invasion of evil to his kingdom.
Black, Dreadlocked
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
Aligned Organization

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