Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction Character in Meintalia | World Anvil
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Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction

The Scorned Beauty, The Defiled, Queen of Consent

Divine Domains

Dormalie's primary domain is Seduction but she also has some dominion over consent, love, virtue, justice, life, vengeance and self empowerment.


Woman's Scorn - Dormalie's God Relic, a sword bestowed to her Godbeast Prolicta, Beast of Seduction

Holy Books & Codes

Dormalie does not have her own holy book, her teachings are simple and lax. The main book detailing her story and teachings is The History of the Gods.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dormalie's symbol is a heart like sigil that bears some vague semblence to a woman's form.

Tenets of Faith

Dormalie's teachings are simple: embrace your sexuality and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh to the fullest, but only with the utmost consent and respect.


Dormalie's holiday, Dormalius, is a 3 day festival that runs from the 9th to the 11th of Flowertide. the festival celebrates lust, indulgence and mortal desires, oriented towards adults. Followers of Clia, Seducia, Sidonus, Vanitus and Xyena also celebrate this festival, as well as some followers of Perebus and Matrima.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Dormalie is a passive deity for the most part that seeks simply to promote self love and the freedom to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. However there is one thing Dormalie despises above all else: the violation of consent. Her followers hold consent as the most important aspect and Dormalie aims to punish those who violate this rule.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As with all God's, Dormalie takes on the race of the mortal that is looking at her. She stands slightly below average height and has wide hips and a supple frame. Her skin bears a healthy glow, and her hair is long, black and always braided. She bears the markings of a third generation God of Emotion on her chin and forehead respectively, as well as her unique facial markings as depicted below. These markings are a soft red sitting upon her often tanned and mildly glowing skin. She is typically depicted nude though if she is wearing garments it is usually a revealing rose red dress with birchwood sandals on her feet. She also bears a gold cord around her waist, gold bangles around her wrists and a gold band on her left upper arm. Some depictions dated pre-defilement showing her to be wearing a gold collar around her neck.

Special abilities

Dormalie has dominion over seduction and can use her magic to bolster these effects, though she considers this a sin and violation of consent and thus never does so. She also possesses the ability to bestow magical boons regarding her domain and other more generic abilities to her followers as well as possessing other, minor magical abilities unrelated to her domain, as do all God's.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The first God born of sexual reproduction, Dormalie was born in the year 1698 E1 by Imperial terms to Matrima, Goddess of Love and Varaxus, God of Greed. She created her Godbeast Prolicta, Beast of Seduction in 1710 E1 to keep her company and in her early life would descend to the mortal plane, seducing and sleeping with various men and women across the nation. In the year 2252 E1, Varaxus forced himself on his daughter, raping her after her refusal towards his advances. This event became known as the Defilement of Dormalie and from it resulted two children, Clia, Goddess of Temptation and Seducia, Goddess of Desire. After the defilement, Varaxus was stripped of most of his divine abilities and cast down to Noxum by Penance, the Greater Spirit of Justice for his sins, though he remains part of the pantheon. Since the defilement, Dormalie has dedicated her life and teachings to promoting consent and punishing those who seek to defile the bodies of others, a feat that her daughters also join her in, as well as their Godbeasts. To protect herself and others from the inconsiderate greed of others, she chose a sword as her God Relic, dubbed Woman's Scorn, and bestowed it to Prolicta to enforce her vengeance upon the rapists and defilers in the mortal realms.

Personality Characteristics


As with all God's, Dormalie wishes to acquire more followers and grow in power and influence, though her main motivation is to purge the world of rapists and others who seek to violate the sanctity of a person's body and free will.


Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction

victim (Vital)

Towards Varaxus, God of Greed



Varaxus, God of Greed

defiler (Important)

Towards Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction



Clia, Goddess of Temptation

half sister/daughter

Towards Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction


Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction

half sister/mother

Towards Clia, Goddess of Temptation


Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction

half sister

Towards Monetus, God of Wealth


Monetus, God of Wealth

half brother

Towards Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction


Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction

half sister/mother

Towards Seducia, Goddess of Desire


Seducia, Goddess of Desire

half sister/daughter

Towards Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction


Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction

half sister

Towards Sidonus, God of Vanity


Sidonus, God of Vanity

half brother

Towards Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction


Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction

half sister

Towards Vanitus, Goddess of Beauty


Vanitus, Goddess of Beauty

half sister

Towards Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction


Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction

Partnered Deity

Towards Honesus, God of Truth


Honesus, God of Truth

Partnered Deity

Towards Dormalie, Goddess of Seduction


Divine Classification
Year of Birth
16980 3793020 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The first God to be born from sexual reproduction
Honesus, God of Truth (Partnered Deity)
Clia, Goddess of Temptation (half sister/daughter)
Monetus, God of Wealth (half brother)
Seducia, Goddess of Desire (half sister/daughter)
Sidonus, God of Vanity (half brother)
Current Residence
long black hair in a braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and faintly glowing
Aligned Organization


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