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The southernmost preomonan city-state and also the most militarized and strict of the three. Like it's sisters, the City is also built in clean stone, with open plazas and wide houses of red roofs. Tall, sturdy walls mounted with ballistae and other siege weapons to protect it against the horrors of the preomonan jungle.   In a more general context, Argontos is seen by the other kingdoms as a source for elite mercenaries, who wield iconic helmets and use spears and short swords with fierce and unmatched skill. However, they are the least friendly and more secluded of the preomonans, proud and brooding into their own ethics and culture.  


  Considered xenophobes towards foreigners, the Argonthans have a strict citizenship system, in which all those (who are born in the city) that which to become full citizens must prove their worth, often by militaristic and combat prowess, but also through mathematics and music, all while being judged by several older citizens. Those deemed capable and worthy of living in the city are granted citizenship, while those who fail are outcast, in which they may choose to live forever as servants or slaves (which can't be traded and belong to the state) or be exiled.   It is worth of nothing that those who get exiled are stripped of their wealth and possessions. Given the fact one must afford a ship to foreign civilizations, the only remaining option is the preomonan jungle, which counts the same as suicide.
Founding Date
Around 248 EE
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Gold Kérmas
Major Exports
The city is renowned for it's glass production and exportation of rare plants and other materials obtained from the fauna.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Non-Aggression/ Commercial Pact

