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There are two kinds of man: Thespians, and those who wish they were Thespians.

Founded in 645, Thespeos is the last of three preomonan cities to have arised and is considered by many as the Haven of Freedom in Mellanvärlden, that is, for the preomonans. Thespeos holds an interesting history in the continent, having been founded by Artacian slaves who had bought their freedom and fled the city.


During the year 600, a slaveboy by the name of Qohor had been born in the city-state of Artacia, his mother a mere servant in property of a rich winemaker. Growing up with the same fate as his mother and unsure which of the 200 guards might have been his father, Qohor was quick to develop a rather resentful and rebellious personality. As he became older, he discovered to be Marked, and not an ordinary one. Qohor was the first All-Caster in recorded history, a wizard with the power to wield all the known lores of Magi.

As time passed, he developed his power in secret, learning to master his gift until the day he judged he was strong enough to take on each and every guard of the property, having slayed them all with his magic. Qohor fled the city and the legend tells he delved into the jungles of Preomona, where he then spent over 30 years in seclusion.

And then, at the 6th of January, 645, an auspicious morning of winter, he returned to Artacia and stood by a lectern, identifying himself and confessing his past crime, followed by a long speech about what he had learned during his seclusion and his discoveries about life, ethics and justice. The city at the time was ruled by a tyrant, which Qohor acknowledged would never give up his power, nor did Qohor himself wish to use violence. Instead, he preached about his ideals, he spoke of freedom, about the quality of the preomonan people and matters of good an evil. He then finished his speech by addressing all the slaves of the city, that if any wished to follow him, no guard would step forward to stop them. Almost each and every enslaved individual from the city agreed and joined Qohor's side, as he then left by the main gates, unimpeded, the tyrant left fumming with anger behind.

With his magic, Qohor took all the slaves to a beautiful bay in the long coast of Preomona and there he instructed the people to build a city. A city for the virtuous, for the diligent and above all, for the free. The city would have no king, and instead, decisions would be taken by a consensus between the people, who'd discuss their ideas inside a large temple atop a hill. For a year Qohor participated actively in the building and establishment of the city, even fighting off ocasional raids from Artacia, still resentful of their escape. Then, one day, Qohor disappeared without a trace, never to be seen again. The newly settled thespians were swift to proclaim him their deity, preaching he'd one day return to discuss his wise ideas inside the temple.

Festivals and Holidays 

  Many of thespian holidays derive from Qohor and his doings, as well as a Preomonan common celebration.    6th of February - Arfia - The day of Qohor's return to Artacia and liberation of the slaves, celebrated as families gather together to commemorate their freedom, drinking, dancing, playing music and, above all, performing acts of charity with one another, even foreigners. 

13th of May - Erma - Qohor's disappearance, a day of mourning, abstinence and meditation, individuals will make promises and deny themselves comfort, seeking the betterment of themselves. 

1st of January - Mana's Renewal - The entirety of Preomona celebrates the beginning of a new cycle/year, lavish festivals are arranged with plenty of food and drink, sometimes to the point of exageration. 


Instead of a single ruler, the city holds frequent meetings inside the Alitheia, debating and voting for the the city as a whole. However, only Thespians are allowed inside the temple, as foreigners hold no political power whatsoever.


The term Thespeos derives from the Eftean genitive case (declension) of the word Thespo, which means slave. Thus, Thespeos stands by "Of Slaves", a reference to the founders of the city-state.    Thespians are very proud of their origin and hold a strong value for freedom as a whole. Civilians are allowed to speak their minds and ideas inside the city's temple, called Alitheia. Justice, diligence and bravery are highly regarded virtues and they are abhorrent of tyranny, cowardice and unjustified violence.    Rather paradoxicall however, albeit they have a high regard for equality and fairness amongst themselves, the thespian people is also somewhat xenophobic, as all preomonans. They deny foreigners any political power and most rights of welfare and citizenship.


Due to their dialletical culture, thespians keep art as highly regarded craft. Artisans receive strong funding by the city's richest families and thus the city is well-known for the quality of their paintings, sculptures and most smithingcrafts, more specifically silver and gemsmithing, as Thespeos sits atop large veins of precious emeralds, amethysts and a lot of silver.

Demography and Population

The city's population ranges in about 120 thousand people.


The city's founder and liberator is seen by the citizens as a mortal-deity. Having disappeared mysteriously an year after founding the settlement, Qohor was the first All-Caster of Mellanvärlden and the people believe he'll one day return. Because of his ancestry, magic is not seen as heretic in Thespeos, albeit still forbidden. 
During his preachings, Qohor emphasized that despite his immense power, a man's true skill was his mind and valor, which should be used for the betterment of their society as man strive to the skies. And so, spellcasters devote themselves to priesthood and secluding themselves, albeit not being obligated to. Nevertheless, no casting is allowed within the city's walls. 
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Gold Kérmas
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

