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The race of Man is the most numerous and also the dominant sapient one that inhabits the Mortal Realm: expansive, curious and extremely social, their settlements cover almost every acre of land in the world, from the jungles of Preomona and the searing deserts of Brandjorden all the way up to the edge of the Unmapped Lands, in the lands of forever winter. Moreover, mankind has a strong tendency of forming communities that range from a few dozen to several million individuals, the latter being represented by the present city-state of Umera, in the continent of Manniskar. They also have the habit of creating an uncountable number of tools that range from fortress-dooming war machines to the most fragile pencil, designed for art-craft.


Although all humans share pretty much the same characteristics, in a manner that any individual is capable of recognizing another of his own kin, there are, however, several ethnic groups spread across the world, with some being stronger, others more rough looking and other differences. Various sources deviate about how such ethnicities came to exist, some stand for a more xenophobic view, backing claims of how some groups were corrupted during their creation while others were blessed. However, it is widely accepted amongst the scholars of Sarusa that the several ethnic groups came from a single, ancient human race that first inhabited Mellanvärlden, which slowly spread out and developed according to their surroundings and traditions. The main historical sources related to this view date back to the Engelian Empire. In the present days, several ethnic groups can be found across the realm:

Southerners, known as Susans or Urans

Known for being fair skinned, somewhat slender, with long fingers and light-colored eyes. Their hair color vary greatly, with the most common being brown, blonde and red. Although there aren't many reliable sources, many claim that the Southerners have a bigger tendency for diplomacy and knowledge-seeking, being generally less warlike than the other groups. Although the differences are subtle, Susans and Urans can be distinguished, as the red hair is more commonly found in the former, while the latter often have blonde or chestnut hair.

Ashalli, divided in Merus, Itus and Kaliin

Bearing a tanned skin of various degrees, the Ashalli are the people that inhabit the southern continent of Brandjorden. They are known for being unforgiving warriors and take tradition very seriously. The three main groups that compose this ethnicity bear, like the Susans and Urans, slight differences, but these are enough of a reason for them to wage bloody wars amongst themselves, as each clan holds a strong hatred over the other two. Furthermore, the Ashalli see the white-skinned people of Manniskar with great indifference, while the latter holds a strong xenophobia over the desert-people, which are often considered to be thieves and murderers. Amongst the three clans, the Merus have a lighter skin, with straight or wavy hair and large eyes. The Itus have a very dark skin, curly hair and broader faces. Finally, the Kaliin are usually a mix of the other two, but usually bear an average tanned skin, wavy hair and long, slender faces.

Preomonan, known as Anóteros or Efteans

With a light tanned skin, large noses, dark eyes and muscular physique, the preomonans inhabit the insular continent of Preomona, living mostly in independent cities along the coast. Although they rarely leave their homeland, there is a lot of mysticism concerning the Eftean people across the sea, given the harsh environment they find themselves in. Master swordsmen and professional warriors often belong to this ethnicity, reason as to why many kings in the past have employed mercenary bands from Preomona to aid them in their conquest in Manniskar. Preomonans are a laconic people, worrying little about the affairs of the world outside their cities and having a high regard over their own people.

Engelian, divided in several smaller groups

In the days of old, when Engelia stretched almost across the entirety of Manniskar, their people considered themselves belonging of the same "breed", tall men with black, brown and sometimes blonde hair with a significantly bulky physique when compared to the southerners. When the empire broke out, new nations arose and each populace isolate itself in it's own corner of the world, which led to the development of several cultures and ethnicities across the central and northern regions of Manniskar. During the present days, the four most distinguishable groups that inhabit the north are the Thortyan Engelians, which bear almost no difference from the "original" caste, the Trerians, husky and muscular men with large beards and light coloured hair that inhabit the Spear Peninsula and the Snaggravians and Arians of the central kingdoms.


Many are the traditions practiced by mankind, such the high regarded Funeral Rites, the tendency for expansion and the fear of the unknown, including magic, reason as to why spell casting is forbidden almost in the entirety of Manniskar and witches and sorcerers are fiercely hunted down.
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