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This article is part of a collaboration project with the WorldBuilder Espectros, author of the world Orbis.
Few people manage to really grasp what a Fasa really is, and even fewer get to personally lay eyes upon them - nightmarish horrors that feed upon the feelings and will of their victims, slowly rendering them mad, sick and consumed by fear. Also called Weavers or simply Nightmares, the Fasa are mysterious, dark creatures that very rarelly make their presence known, as most of the time they inhabit the minds of whatever poor souls that became their target. 

Fasa differ from wraiths and ghosts in the sense that are not constructs, fruit of curses or damned souls, but actual monstrosities that are theorized to have left the Abyss. Their form shifts and shimmers like smoke, reflecting the anxieties they exploit, with traditional depictions favoring the image of a skeletal crone, yet the Fasa's true visage remains hidden, shapeshifting to fit its victim's deepest fears. These parasites of the psyche are drawn to battlefields echoing with the wail of the dying, plague-ravaged settlements, and homes with unspoken sorrows. They wield and weave potent illusions that twist innocent visions into landscapes of terror. They amplify anxieties, stoke long-dormant fears, and exploit past traumas, turning the victim's own mind into a weapon against itself.

Fasa are emotional vampires, their power growing with each scream, each tear, each flicker of terror they elicit. They savor the despair they inflict, their strength waxing with the waning hope of their victim. While not inherently aggressive, Weavers will unleash a torrent of nightmarish illusions and psychic attacks if cornered, their goal not just to maim the body but to shatter the spirit. 

Most people die within a few years after first getting infected with the Fasa, as the monster slowly drives them mad, causing the host to inflict harm upon themselves, progressively becoming weaker and apathetic, when the Fasa finally moves on to another victim, restarting the cycle. Should the host die while still getting consumed by the Fasa, the monster is destroyed in the process, which is one of the ways the Inquisition has found to dealing with these creatures. Similarly, a Själi or Sinneti might perform a ritual to summon or turn vulnerable the Fasa, which can then be killed if proper weapons and incantations are used. When in physical form, Weavers are powerful foes that strike with shadowy claws cut deeper than swords, hurting the spirit rather than the flesh. 

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

These creatures do not reproduce or multiply in any form, instead, it is theorized they're spawned directly from the Abyss of the Under Realm, somehow escaping to the world above.
Geographic Distribution