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Lore of the Mind (Sinnets Lardom)

Officially called Sinnets Lardom, the Lore of the mind comprehends one of the six branches of Magi, the elementary essence that harbours the majority of magical phenomena. This arcana encompasses the use of the mind as a means to manipulite not only the self, but the external world. It ranks amongst the most powerful and rarest forms of magic, ranking second in rarity and potential, with estimates that less than 2% of wizards wield this lore. 

  Mind Wizards are called Sinneti (plural Sinnetis), which are usually proud, very intelligent and solitary, the latter due to the amount of time they spend in introspection, which is their form of 'study', akin to a Själi's meditation. Nearly every Sinneti from the Academy wear purple or indigo robes, which is also the color their magic manifests in (if it does at all). As one might expect, the source of magic for the Sinnets Lardom is, undoubtedly, the mind,which is also suffers the consequence of overcasting, with described cases of Sinnetis who had strokes or entered a state of coma after overexerting themselves. 

  The Sinnets Lardom is branched in three fields: Telepathy, Illusionism and Psionics.   




  One might think telepathy includes solely the ability of communication through thoughts, when in truth, it includes a wide range of spells and abilities, such as control, invasion, shaping and even destruction of another or one's own mind. A Sinneti attempting to interrogate an enemy might command his foe to confess or outright enter their conscience and physicially search for what they want. Similarly, they also possess the incredible aptitude to organize and structure their own conscience as they'd with an office or library, which allows the Sinneti to achieve and perform things beyond normal comprehension. 


  The ability to create physicial or ethereal magical manifestations in order to confuse, trick or intimidate others, as well as to hide locations, objects and more. Although they cannot invade external minds, they hold significant power to influence them, be with emotions, sounds, images and even change their own appearance, taking on another's.   


  Encompasses the ability to interact spatially with the surrounding world using one's mind, such as hurling objects, people, creatures and more. In addition, Psionic Sinnetis also hold the greatest capability of manifesting actual spells, such as missiles, wards, curses and more.
The symbol of the Sinnets Lardom