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Manniskarian Armies

In the sprawling vastness of Mellanvärlden, military forces are the practical embodiment of state power, geopolitical dynamics and technological advancement. They are institutions shaped by the pragmatic needs of rulers, the resources of their regions, their advancement in science, culture and history. Because of this, the armies of each nation and kingdom can be easily recognizable not only for their banners, but the very composition, appearance and focus of their armies.


The pinnacle of advancement in technology, the southron army, albeit considered "small" is a force to be reckoned due to their assets, still, their superiority when it comes to military force lies in the sea. Their land armies are mostly comprised of arquebusiers, pikemen and greatswordsmen, the The Cacciatrici amongst them. As for their ships, fully-rigged vessels and the access to gunpowder based weapons make them the definitive power of the sea.


Royal and oppulent, the heavy cavalry is the symbol of the military power of Umera, coupled with pikemen and men-at-arms. Focused on the defense of their city, the Umeran army is carefully organized and planned to fight in the surrounding region of the capital, in which the Silver Hammer ranks amongst the best trained forces in the continent.


Despite the fact that the Kingdom of
Snadov † has fallen in the year 1000, the armies of Legacya, Velden and Vevia still retain much of the former kingdom's style and organization. Like Umera, the central plains of Manniskar make for a advantageous battlegroud for cavalry of all sorts. Not only so, but the central kingdoms also have the best archers in the continent, given so many outposts exist to keep the land safe from creatures that roam the wilds.  


  Mountainous and bustiling with rolling hills, the lands of the east have created, over centuries of history, fierce and hardy men-at-arms capable of marching through swamps, rocky valleys and dangerous forests. They're armed with axes, spears and swords while the Order of the Larian Blade makes up the elite troops of the theocracy, as their knights and paladins command thousands, guided by the light of their god.   


The feared northmen of the  Spear Peninsula, infamous for their raiding across Wintermar. Incredibly hardy and accostumated to the bitter cold, despite their small numbers, trerian giants are considered the strongest warriors of Människar, perhaps not toppling the ranks for lack of quality of equipment and meticulous training, as the northmen rely on experience and tradition rather than military theory and warfare. 


  The hallmark of excellency, skill and discipline. Thortyr shares much of the Engelian Empire †: its culture, architecture, values and laws. Similarly, their army is equally implacable, determined and precise. Unaffected by the eternal winter they live in, the engelian armies march through wind, blizzard and rain, they fear nothing but the possibility of failing with their people and their country, trained to their absolute limit, not only to defend their borders against anything and anyone, but for the very sake of proving their superiority to the world.