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Morgrad Uktreveör

(a.k.a. The Noble)

Born in 756 IL, Morgrad was a fabled engelian general, knight and wizard that left his mark on history due to his heroic feats during the 8th century IL. Particularly, he is remembered for having defeated an ancient evil who lived beneath the mountains to the northwest of Manniskar, reason as to why the peaks to the east of Treria are today called The Range of Morgrad. Not only such, but Morgrad was also a pious and devoted man, who used his magic for the glory of his Empire and according to the will of their God, Engel, and because of this, he is considered the first historical record of a Son of Engel, an indiviudal granted with power beyond ordinary men. 


Morgrad discovered his abilities still at an early age, wielding the Lore of Soul or Själens lardom, in old Engelian, in which he held the power to boost the morale and confidence of his men, which he led so many times during so many campaigns as the Empire consolidated its dominion across nearly the entirety of Människar. Along with him, two other powerful wizards stood as his right and left hand: Raveus, Master of Alteration, and Thorgrin, Expert Elementalist. 

Together, the three would compose the vanguard of an unstoppable force, the greatest army to have ever marched the North.


Before ascending to the position of general, Morgrad was but another knight of the Engelian ranks, serving for other 20 years as knight and later commander in battles and skirmishes. During one of their expeditions in the north, braving through cursed woods and forgotten caverns, Morgrad and his small regiment had found a pair of double doors, made of a strange, dark and purplish metal. Curious, they noticed such doors were locked and no amount of pushing or hammering would get them open, yet they could feel the power contained within, behind the metal. After countless attempts, the group decided to leave, when they were ambushed by a horde of orcs, who had their fortress nearby. 

Outnumbered and cornered, Morgrad and his men fought, despite their slim chances. Using his magic to the absolute limit and nearly sacrificing himself to save his brethren, Morgrad and a chunk of the legion had survived, yet just barely. 

When they returned to their fortress-city, Morgrad was greeted as a hero, later ascending to the rank of General Knight, being offered a position in small councils and war-meetings, all of which Morgrad refused, for he had something else in mind. Ruling over the surface, Engelia's might should also reach the world below, and so he set out to investigate the strange doors he had found. He learned about the Labruntine doors of the  Under Realm, found a relic key and gathered a large regiment to travel west once more, to brave the caverns beneath those mountains.

For over a decade, Morgrad organized expeditions to the Under Realm, bringing countless treasures and knowledge from the tunnels each time. A city was established in the surrounding area to serve as a supply post, to provide him with even greater resources. Yet, one day, Morgrad and his men had gone too deep, awakening an ancient evil from the abyss, which he called only as "The Forgotten". 

Having spent days already to get that deep, Morgrad knew that, if he retreated, he would risk allowing said evil to escape to the surface. Instead, he sent his men back, with the promise of holding back the darkness. His two close companions stayed with him, Raveus and Thorgrin. In the end, only the two returned to the surface, for Morgrad had given his life, but vanquished the enemy. The double doors were ordered shut, forbidden for all. Raveus was left scarred and retired from the Engelian Order, by then something very frowned upon, as knights were expected to serve to their deaths. Thorgrin, on the other hand, marched south, dying 6 years later in battle. 

To the present day, little is known about what was found in the depths of the Range of Morgrad, but it served as a lesson to future generations about the dangers of delving too deep into the earth. Labruntine keys were seized and deemed dangerous relics who should, above all, be kept away, locked safely. Morgrad is seen by most Thortyans as a hero of their nation, an example to be followed in bravery, comradery, duty and piety. 


Morgrad is known as the first to yield Frost, a magical sword that later became a royal symbol of authority and piety for every Engelian Emperor to follow, currently kept as a relic by the kingdom.
Date of Birth
756 IL
756 IL 710 IL 46 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died fighting an ancient evil
Place of Death
Range of Morgrad