BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Spirits are mysterious beings that dwell in and out our world that manifest themselves in countless ways, some as entities of nature, others as transcedental forces of the cosmos. They are enigmatic entities tied to the elements and the forces that govern reality. Some act as guardians of forests, rivers, and mountains, in which their very existence is tied to their duty or instinct. And so, according to those that study such beings, spirits can be intelligent and cunning or savage, trapped to their primal intent.   


  According to Sigrun Tormod, archmage of The Academy, spirits are an old force, whose origin dates back to the beginning of time. 

"When the singularity broke, each "piece" gave origin to one of the realms, shaped by the Elementary Essences. Yet, akin to how a piece of glass breaks, it is never a perfect, even division. You have bigger, smaller chunks and, if you look closely, shards, a sort of dust that is created. This is how Spirits came to be, they are the remaining sparks of the Creation. They are not tied to the realms and their powers, their intentions can vary greatly. 

However, this doesn't mean they are all thousands of years old - most are, indeed, and because they are made of the primal substance of the cosmos, they too have the ability of creation. What this essentially means is that powerful entities have an innate capability of..replication."  
  • Sigrun Tormund, Gray Archmage, 3rd Order. 
  • Nature 

    Some say the stars themselves are the spirits of celestial beings, as each entity takes a shape to govern the aspect of reality associated to them — elementals, natural, ancestral spirits, or even those bound to specific places or objects. They can be benevolent, offering guidance and protection, while others may be mischievous or even malevolent, testing the boundaries of mortal encounters. Such a number of different characteristics makes so that spirits have little to no aspects that applies to all.

    Moreover, it is common knowledge around Mellanvärlden that their numbers have dwindled greatly since ancient times, when spirits use to rule the mortal world, as well as the one beneath it. Their glades and sanctuaries have either been destroyed or lay hidden in forgotten valleys and forests. Mankind is often suspicious and hostile to such beings, as a common argument heard throughout the continent is that their time is long gone, and that mankind stands as their successor. 