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Yavanna (Elvish - "Giver of Fruits") was of the Ainur and Valar, and one of the Aratar who was responsible for the growth of all the fruits and growing things of Arda. She was also called Kementári (Elvish - "Queen of the Earth"), Ivon (Dwarvish - "Giver of Fruits"). She resided in the Pastures of Yavanna. She was the wife of Aule fashioning the world beside him, where he created the earths minerals and shape, its underground, she created all life, animal and plant, on the earth.   In the Music of the Ainur, Yavanna sang of branches of great trees that would receive the rain of Manwe and Ulmo, and some trees sang to Eru Iluvatar. This is said to be the conception of the Shepherds of the Trees Ents. Her thought also met with Manwë's, setting the arrival of the Great Eagles.   Yavanna planted and caused to grow the first growing things of the world, trees and plants, which she had long prepared. At first, just as every other thing in the world that the Valar nurtured and cared for, these things prospered and thrived for a time. Melkor, however, had his own plans and they involved taking the world from his brethren and ruling it for himself. From his great fortress of Utumno in the far north, he sent forth his poisons into the veins of the world blighting the Spring of Arda. Then the things of Yavanna fell sick and rotted and soon after Melkor assaulted and destroyed the Two Lamps, breaking the world.   After Eru allowed Aulë's creations, the Dwarves, to survive, Yavanna feared that they would cut down all the trees in Middle-earth. Aulë, in reply, told her that even Elves and Men, the true Children of Ilúvatar would have need of her trees as well. Yavanna lamented to Manwë, questioning whether anything she had made would be free from the dominion of others. Manwë brought her concerns before Ilúvatar in prayer, and Eru did indeed have pity upon Yavanna: He answered her plea by creating the Ents to protect the trees.   After the destruction of The Two Trees Yavanna examined their remains and saw that they were lost to Melkor. Doing what she and Nienna could, they managed to bring forth one silver flower from Telperion and one golden fruit from Laurelin. She gave these to her husband Aulë, who fashioned vessels for them and thus created the Moon and the Sun to give light to all of Arda.   Yavanna is respected and worshipped by many druids around the world and has a cult-like following called Sheperds of the World, along with multiple other druid cults.

Divine Domains

Yavanna deals with anything that can be considered a biosphere.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A green tree

Tenets of Faith

1-Nature will be made to flourish and protected, the sheperds of the trees are to be obeyed, the method is left up to interpretation. 2-Animal life will not be hunted for cruelty or sport, unless under Orome's command. Even then, it must be done respectfully. 3-Any corruption of nature must be healed or burnt with fire.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To reverse Melkor's and Chaos's effects on the world and rejuvante the sheperds of the trees to ensure natures supremacy.
Divine Classification

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