Season 4, Turn 47

Days 1 - 15 of the Twelfth Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

All Eyes on the Vale, Continued

  House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
House Longthorpe has been left with some men and enough provisions to last them until food can be grown. The veterans from the Dornish wars seeking to settle down are allowed to stay and make a home, all swearing to take up arms again if Armstead ever needed them. They begin the difficult transition from wartime routine to settlers. The rest continue to sail onward to battle and glory as Armstead is away and attends to other matters.   House Mormont | Kingdom of the North | Knight
A raven enters the rookery in Breakwater, a small parchment attached to its talon. Then another flies in through the window shortly afterwards. They both enter into their cages, side by side, and begin calling out to announce themselves as loudly as possible. It's almost as if they are trying to speak over each other. Eddard enters the rookery quickly, and stops them seemingly just before they would have started fighting. One of the messages simply reads "Paps Island is ours. Heading your way soon." The other is a letter, sealed without a sigil but instead the tip of a blade.   "Better to read this one in private," he says, stashing the letter away. He then feeds the ravens for their work and closes the cages before returning to his quarters. There he opens the letter and quickly reads through it. "Is this a joke? 'Costayne's fleet is to be granted safe passage through the Bite in return for the rights to Longsister'?" he asks sarcastically, reading the excerpt aloud as if to mock the idea. "Well their fleet is certainly moving, but I've yet to hear back from our friend... Guess we'll have to wait and see. Hope those ships are not in a hurry."   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
The winds of the Vale blew cold as Alexander Bracken, his identity concealed by a wolf's head helmet, and Ser Larkin rode out to meet the Costayne host. With the Bracken, Ashford, and Costayne sigils flying high in front of them, the scene was tense and ominous. The Winter Wolves, marched behind them, ready for action, waited silently.   Ahead of them, Ser Ryan Ashford, notorious for his cruelty and arrogance, stood with his forces, an air of condescension about him. Lord Armstead was nowhere to be found, more than likely in the South for the Piper Wedding. As Alexander and Larkin approached, Ryan’s smirk grew, his disdain palpable. He spurred his horse forward, meeting them in the middle of the field.   Ryan’s voice dripped with disdain as he addressed them. "I am Ser Ryan Ashford, here in the name of the one true King, Otho Bracken of the Iron Throne, to take back the Vale. And who might you be, Northerners? Simpletons led astray?"   Alexander, keeping his composure, replied, "I am Ser Jon Snow, bastard son of a humble horse trainer in the North. I have been tasked by Master Jorah Mormont to reclaim the Vale Islands for the North."   Ryan sneered, his contempt evident. "Jon Snow, is it? I can see the North's flair for originality hasn't improved," he said with a mocking tone.   "I don't care if Prince Alexander is running around Winterfell bedding your Wolf Queen. The Prince has no authority over me in this godless land. Unlike his father, Otho, Alexander fled to the North like a dog."   A flicker of anger crossed Alexander's face beneath the wolf's head helmet, knowing he could have Ryan's tongue for his slandering words, but he maintained his calm exterior. He could feel Larkin tensing beside him, ready to defend his prince's honor, but a subtle hand gesture from Alexander kept him in check. "The North will not be the first to strike, Ryan Roses," Alexander called him, a nickname he knew Ryan hated. "But if you seek conflict, the North will be the last to finish it." Alexander's voice was cold, resolute. He turned his horse sharply, the movement a clear dismissal of the pompous knight. "The North remembers."   Ser Ryan's face was a mix of annoyance and confusion, as few knew of this nickname and even fewer would be stupid enough to insult the Reachlord to his face.   As they rode back to their concealed forces, the atmosphere between Alexander and Larkin was charged with unspoken tension. The trees whispered around them, the cold wind carrying the scent of pine and the distant tang of the sea. Larkin glanced at Alexander, concern etched on his face. "What now, Your Grace?"   Alexander, still seething inwardly but outwardly calm, nodded. "Write ravens to Jorah Mormont and Lord Henry Piper. They need to know the situation here. We must prepare for whatever Ryan and his forces decide to do next."   Larkin nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. As they reached their army, the men straightened, sensing their leaders’ resolve. Alexander dismounted, his eyes scanning the horizon. "We must stay vigilant. The North remembers, and we will show them our strength."   House Oakheart | Kingdom of the Andals | Koen27
The Oakheart forces have besieged and captured the castle of Wickenden with minimal losses. Thanks to Aegar's plan to distract the garrison of the castle by positioning our main force for attack at the front gate, drawing all of the defenders to the eastern side of the castle, while Aegar Targaryen and four of his best knights, including Ser Laenor Longwaters and Ser Tristan Timber, through the surrounding woods to approach the backside of the castle, infiltrating it by means of a ladder while the main force besieged the main gate.   “I never thought it possible but I see no harm in letting you mad lads attempt this mad plan.” Ser Oakheart was heard to have said this when Aegar Targaryen explained his plan.   Within a matter of minutes, the small garrison was caught by surprise from the inside, and the main gate was opened. Soon after, Lord Waxley surrendered his castle to Ser Arys Oakheart, who had him locked up and await further orders from King Otho Bracken.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
General Banyani Jaqen was overseeing the soldiers' withdrawal from the land around the Darkwash. The General had been busy for the past few weeks managing supply lines and overseeing the transfer of power to Vale troops.   “General Banyani, are we really leaving sir?!” Banyani snapped to attention, looking up from a ship manifest. The question came from a nearby river barge transporting troops back north.   “I'm afraid so gentlemen, our leisure stroll has come to its end!” Banyani shouted back to the men. He was rewarded with a few laughs but many of the men still looked frustrated.   “Sir, I thought we came here to fight Dothraki and claim land for the Republic. We didn't see a single Screamer, and the Senate sold the whole damn river. What in the gods' names are we doing here?!” Most of the men murmured in agreement with the young soldier.   “I assure you all that Lorath has earned a handsome sum due to our work here. I promise that every soldier's pay will reflect that!” The men cheered as Banyani walked further down the docks to inspect the next ship.   The campaign had been a financial success, but like his men, he had his doubts. He felt that the army had been mishandled by the Senate. He felt that they should be supporting the navy in defending Lorath. Instead, they were essentially acting as mercenaries in helping the Vale exiles. He was certainly going to have a talk with his father upon his return. Lorath needs actual military men on the war council, not ambitious politicians.   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
The Burning Gate
Ser Arrinor resided in his tent when the guards of the Gate charged through his door. "House Piper Army has reached the walls, Ser." That said with a panicked voice.   "Then proceed." Ser Arrinor simply replied with.   The plan was easy to understand, the Bloody Gate was the best defence that the Vale had. However, Otho Bracken had a much larger fleet than the Vale could produce. He had led the Knights of the Vale to The Bloody Gate, believing that by doing so, a large enemy army would be sent there as well, and the rest of the Vale would have fewer enemies to fight. Finally when the enemy army would arrive, they would simply just blockade it and lead the knights to the shore.   It had been a couple of hours since he gave the order, the barrels of wildfire had been dispersed on both mountainside, all of what was left of their wildfire was used on this gamble, except for the few left at the shores to try and damage the enemy fleets. soon the Bloody Gate would be destroyed. Such a thought seemed impossible, but a lot of things seemed impossible these days. Suddenly screams spread across the encampment.   "Take cover! we are under attack!" Cried out soldiers.   Ser Arrinor left his tent, running as fast as his bad leg allowed him to. "The seven hells..." Ser Arrinor said with a horror-struck voice.   "Loose!" Ser Petyr Piper said with a thundering voice. In an instant his trebuchets all launched bundles of barrels. As they smashed into the wall and behind it, they exploded, showering the Bloody Gate and the forces held behind it in a burning green liquid.   "Wildfire!" Cried out his men. In a panic he yelled out "Damn Piper had the same idea as us!" He looked around at his men. He watched as they panicked, not knowing what to do as seven hells rained down upon them. He quickly shot out, "Retreat!! Everybody, Retreat! Make for the Gates of The Eyrie!" He then took his horse Greybreeze, who was nervously awaiting for his master. But Ser Arrinor didn't lead to the Gates of The Eyrie, he rode towards The Bloody Gate. "The gate must be destroyed!"   Trebuchets were launching barrels of wildfire above the Bloody Gate, burning the Bloody Gate and the encampment behind it. The tents were burning, the horses were burning, the air was hot and dark green smoke covered his eyes in hot mist. Just a few moments after, one of the barrels of House Piper impacted with the barrels that his army dispersed into the mountainsides, creating a large green explosion that shook the mountains loose. Quickly debris fell from the hillsides, crashing into more below and cascading downward into the bloody gate. Astonished at the sight of so much, he took his horse and fled, to live another day.   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
Having just arrived from his brother's wedding, Petyr was exhausted. Having been commanded by his brother to lead his forces in the siege against the Bloody Gate, Petyr made haste for his brother's forces. He had been informed of Henry's plans and how to swiftly capture them, but he still couldn't believe them. "Burn the Gate?" he said to himself with a confused voice. "We are in the mountains, stone does not burn.” He pondered deeply over this, unsure of how this siege would work. He would spend the next few days speaking with his captains and the guild acolytes over how the siege was to operate.   In the early morning on the day of the attack just before daybreak, Petyr stood out with his captains at the center of his camp. He saw the campfire smoke rising behind the walls of the Bloody Gate. He could tell that they had made camp behind it, they likely were all still asleep . "Idiots", he murmurs to himself. He looked up in the sky, the clouds gathered around the mountain entrance. They had a subtle blue color to them. The sun didn't shine, but rain wouldn't come either.   As he approaches the trebuchets to speak with one of his captains, he is intercepted by acolyte Renyld on his right. "Master Piper, the barrels have been assembled and bundled together. The men are loading them into the siege weapons as we speak. Soon the rain will fall and their men will be decimated." the young acolyte said with great confidence. He believed everything was going to work out according to how they had planned.   Petyr nodded his head. "Thank you acolyte Renyld, make sure all the trebuchets are loaded as soon as they can, I want them ready by the first hour past daybreak," Petyr said, his voice did not resonate the same confidence, instead he spoke with dread. Dread for the events to come, and the role he is to play in it.   As the men scrambled for the final preparations, he donned his blue and red armor. With his Mallister shield and cold steel sword on his back and side, he mounted his horse with the aid of his servants. He rode from his staging ground to the front of his camp where the footmen had gathered. regiments of armored infantry and longbowmen behind them were organized just outside the range of the gate. His men stood vigilant, they believed that today they would make history as the first army to capture the gate. The thought of death evaded them, only the glory that was to come was present. Standing before them he delivered a speech before them to prepare them for the death he knew to come.   "Look at these walls. They have stood for thousands of years, suffered from hundreds of assaults against them, and here they stand still. These walls have outlived the Dragons of the Targaryens, the coming of the long night twice, and the destruction to all things that time brings. And yet! Here we stand, on the edge of history. Beginning today we stand where countless others have stood, but come tomorrow, we shall be standing where no other has before, triumphantly atop those walls as conquerors with unfathomable glory!" The men cheer and holler out. "They stand and cower in silence behind their wall because they know that today, they will finally break! Men, prepare for war, and prepare to claim victory!" The soldiers let out another cheer and holler Petyr turns himself and his horse forward towards the walls. Lowering his voice, he commands out, "Siege Weapons!"   He paused for a second, watching the walls as he could see little activity from it. After one last heavy breath, he yells out once again with a thunderous voice, "Loose!"  

Unrest in the Thenns

The Thenns | Mista Sista
The returning forces of Prince Fenrir will be moving along the coast of Braavos, making their way back to White Harbor. We wish to stay neutral in the conflict surrounding the Vale, but he will be traveling heavily armed in case either party decides to make an unwise decision.   Although the situation has mostly been kept quiet, with Prince Fenrir answering the messages for his father, the Magnar Brittlefang’s absence has grown worrying. It seems the expeditionary force he had sent to Braavos has gone missing, perhaps caught in the conflict at sea, or lost somewhere in the ruins of old Braavos.   More messengers have been sent by Fenrir to the city of new Braavos to organize a new search party, but in the meantime the uncertainty around the crown demands his attention, as Brittlefang’s eldest recognized heir.   The failure in Pentos will be a stain on his record, for sure, but he at least managed to escape the chaos with his full army intact. The same cannot be said of his allies in the region…   Overall, however, the rebuilt connections with Myr, Lys, and Lorath could work to the advantage of the Freefolk and the Northmen into the future.   Still a fire brews in his heart, ignited by the blood shed on the battlefield. So many Thenns and Northmen killed by the likes of the Brackens and Costaynes, and yet the North sits idly while they invade Queen Lyanna’s bedchambers and make camp in the islands once held by the Thenns themselves. It disgusts the boy, and he remarks on it loudly to the agreement of his Wildling compatriots. Something must be done to stem the influence of the south, the destruction of the Northern way of life.  

Union of the Hand, Continued

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~ Queen Lyanna and Prince Alexander will be unable to attend the Piper/Targaryen Wedding but we send our regards from Winterfell   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
As Henry Piper was in his chambers inside the Great Sept of Excelsior preparing his dress attire for his wedding, he heard a knock on the door, and the voice of one of his servants echoed through the door. He spoke loudly, calling for them to enter the room. As the freshly detailed wooden door opened and then closed, one of Henry's trusted lieutenants stood before him.   "Has word come from my beautiful bride?" Henry asked with a controlled glee   "I don't believe so my Lord," said the servant nervously.   Henry's glee started to dissipate as it was replaced with a patient curiosity. "I see. So what has warranted this visit to my chambers at this time?" he asked, his brow now slightly furrowed.   "It is concerning the Winter Wolves my Lord. There has been a development." the servant said with a voice filled with fear, his nerves making him want to jump out of his skin.   Henry's face dropped flat, losing all thought of the wedding he was currently preparing for and focusing on the serious situation he expected to hear. "How many has he left behind?" He said, his voice monotone. Henry already knows what the man was to say, and was already thinking of its consequences and how he should respond. None of his thoughts he liked.   The servant's nerves still weighing on him, he stuttered as he tried to speak. "I-It's unknown my Lord, enough to warrant a response s-should they be attacked."   Henry leaned his head down as he lightly squeezed his brow with his right hand's first three fingers. He remained silent for a second, concluding his thoughts before raising his head again. He hid the frustration on his face, but his voice was much more revealing of his mood. "Thank you, that is all."   The servant was quickly overcome with relief. Having been afraid of what Lord Henry might do upon hearing the information, he was relieved to find out that his Lord would do nothing, at least to him. "As you wish my Lord," he said, quickly moving to exit the room and then walk down the highway.   Henry was left by himself as he stood in the room by himself, his thoughts racing. He said nothing for many minutes as he thought, red beginning to flush his cheeks. The room remained deathly silent, only being disturbed by one word: "Bastard".   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
The Great Sept Excelsior stood resplendent in the early afternoon sun, its towering spires casting long shadows over the throngs of nobles and commoners alike who had gathered to witness the union of Princess Jaehaera Targaryen and Lord Henry Piper. The sept's magnificent stained-glass windows glinted in the light, depicting scenes from the Faith of the Seven, adding a mystical hue to the grand hall within.   While waiting, the guests were mesmerized by the masterpieces of artisans from all over the continent like Stephan the shipwright or Andrea Gallow the traveling painter or the murals sponsored by House Swan.   As the bells tolled, signaling the start of the ceremony, the guests took their places. King Otho Bracken, a formidable presence from House Bracken, sat beside his wife, Queen Helaena, Jaehaera’s sister, who was radiant in a gown of yellow, red and brown, the Bracken colors. The nobility of Westeros, bedecked in their finest attire, whispered amongst themselves, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the bride.   At the entrance of the sept, Lord Armstead stood tall and proud, his arm extended for Princess Jaehaera. She appeared like a vision, her silver-gold hair cascading down her back, adorned with a delicate crown of rubies and diamonds. Her gown, a shade of ivory silk, flowed gracefully around her, and she wore a cloak in the Targaryen colors of black and red, the "maiden's cloak." With a serene smile, she took Lord Armstead's arm, and they began the slow procession down the aisle, the congregation rising in unison.   Lord Henry Piper stood at the altar, a handsome figure in blue, white and pink, the colors of his house. His eyes were fixed on Jaehaera, his expression a mix of awe and adoration. As they reached the altar, Lord Armstead gently placed Jaehaera’s hand in Henry’s, before stepping back to join the other guests.   Septa Elara Stormcress stood to the side, ready to assist, but it was High Septa Caelia who presided over the ceremony. Her well known presence was commanding yet compassionate as she began with a prayer, invoking the blessings of the Seven upon the couple.   “Dearly beloved,” Septa Caelia intoned, her voice echoing through the sept, “we are gathered here today in the sight of the Seven to witness the union of Princess Jaehaera of House Targaryen and Lord Henry of House Piper. This sacred bond is not to be entered into lightly, but with reverence and love.”   The ceremony proceeded with the traditional seven vows, each representing one of the aspects of the Seven. Septa Caelia recited each vow, and Jaehaera and Henry repeated them with clear, steady voices. Seven blessings were invoked, and seven promises were exchanged, sealing their commitment in the eyes of the gods and the witnesses present.   A chorus of singers then filled the sept with a beautiful wedding song, their harmonies rising to the vaulted ceilings. Following the song, Septa Caelia issued a traditional challenge. “If anyone here has reason to speak against this union, let them do so now, or forever hold their peace.”   A hush fell over the sept, but no voice rose to challenge the marriage. With a nod, Septa Caelia signaled for the cloaks to be exchanged. Lord Armstead stepped forward, carefully removing the maiden’s cloak from Jaehaera’s shoulders. Henry then draped her in a new cloak of blue, white and pink, symbolizing her new role as a lady of House Piper.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Armstead’s joy upon seeing the princess so beautiful was clear upon his face as he walked her to her betrothed. When asked if anyone has any objections it is noticed his hand slides to the hilt of his blade as he scans the room for anyone who might voice a challenge. When no challenges come, he relaxes his stance once more. Upon removing her maiden's cloak, Armstead leans in and whispers something to the couple that only the bride and groom can hear before bowing to Lord Piper and returning to his position with the others. Most barely noticed the exchange, but neither the bride or groom seemed visibly upset by what was said.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
The couple turned to face each other, their eyes locking with a shared promise. “With this kiss I pledge my love,” they said in unison. Henry continued, “…and take you for my lady and wife,” while Jaehaera added, “…and take you for my lord and husband.”   Septa Caelia smiled warmly. “I now pronounce you man and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever.”   Henry leaned in, and their lips met in a gentle, loving kiss, to the applause and cheers of the gathered guests. As they turned to face their family and friends, hand in hand, the bells of the Great Sept rang out in celebration.   The grand feast that followed was a spectacle of splendor, with tables laden with the finest foods and wines from across the Seven Kingdoms. Music filled the air, and laughter echoed through the great hall, while nobles mingled and danced, celebrating the joyous occasion late into the night.   In the midst of it all, Jaehaera and Henry remained close, their hands intertwined, their smiles radiant. It was a union not just of two people, but of two houses, blessed by the Seven and witnessed by all of Westeros.   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
Sitting beside his newly wedded wife at the head table at the feast, Henry found much to feel grateful for. Watching as Jaehaera and Helaena spoke to one another and sat beside each other, Henry felt that as the feast came to its zenith, it was the time for him to make his announcement. Standing from his seat, he rang his glass with the knife provided with his utensils. "My fellow friends, peers," he looks over his shoulder to his right to Helaena and his closest friend King Otho "my King and queen, and of course my beautiful beloved, I would like to thank you all for joining us here before the seven who are one in this beautiful ceremony." He turned his head back to the seated crowd in front of him. "I feel great humility and honor for being allowed to be amongst the first to commit themselves in a holy ceremony before the gods in this truly beautiful Sept."   Henry looks to High Septa Caelia. "I give my greatest condolences and thanks to you High Septa Caelia. I know that without you, this holiest of marvels would not have been possible, and we all would be lesser without it. In this place, I do truly feel closer to the divine above."   Looking back to his bride, he can't help but smile. "And to my Princess, there are a thousand words to describe how beautiful you are and how deeply I care for you, but out of them all, the seven still have yet to invent one that may truly encapsulate all that you are. You were the one who, despite having never spoken to me, accepted my request to speak with you those years ago in your home of Dragonstone. I still truly cherish how we walked the gardens and spoke to each other that day. I remember how immaculate you were when we had our first dinner together in the Red Keep, and how you still were every time after. You have given me something I did not know I ever desired for, and I know that I may never repay you for that, however I know that I will still try."   He snapped his fingers while raising his left hand. Quickly from the opposing end of the room, the doors opened, revealing two knights clad in thick steel armor. On their chest plates were seals of House Piper. They marched forward between the seats and tables hosting all those present. "So as my first attempt to repay you for what you have given me, I wish to present you with this gift." Henry proclaimed with a voice of great confidence and conviction. The two knights stepped forward, stopping just before Princess Jaehaera. The chest they carried was ornately decorated. Its edges were made of gold that held embedded gems. On the outside were patterns of gold leaf on ebony from Yi-Ti and silver decorations.   The chest was placed on the table just before Jaehaera. The chest was opened, revealing a great padding of red and black silk pillows, and atop them was a black egg covered in scales with a faded red hue to it. "I present you: the last dragon egg. Sourced from a Sarnori merchant in Saath, this is the last of its kind. It was believed to be the only one the dragon Drogon layed before flying south and east into the horizon to never be seen again. The past century has turned it as hard and cold as stone, but nevertheless, this is a relic as beautiful and unique as you." With that, Henry turned to his bride to await her reaction.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Jaehaera looked upon the egg and a storm of memories and emotions rushed over her:   Her parents telling her fairytales, always emphasising that dragons were once real and bonded with their family...   She and her sister exploring the old castle of dragonstone and finding old bones of a giant winged creature...   Reading old Targaryen memoires who told specifics of the care for a single dragon...   Desperate pleas to the gods to grant her a dragon to burn everything down...   ...And a deep longing she didn't know she had.   "Henry I ... " she was at a loss for words. "I always..." She looked to Helaena who seemed equally impressed by "our family".   Then several guests gasped audibly for they saw something nobody did suspect: the mad girl, the angry fury of the day watch, the stone hearted Jaehaera cried tears of joy.   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
After several days of enjoying the fruits of their holy matrimony, Henry and Jaehaera are seen departing from Storm's End, their ship sailing south past Cape Wrath. He spends much of his trip atop the deck in his luxury chair while it is sunny, and below decks either reading and writing or with his newly wed when the weather does not permit the enjoyment of the sea sun.   As their ship passes through the Stepstones, several ravens are seen flying out, as well as aboard the ship. They all fly east and west, north and south, parchments aboard their ankles.   Their ship temporarily anchored at Nymethos, taking some time to personally visit the garrison of soldiers that were left there after the island's conquest. The fort on the island was under construction, with the supply stores and lodgings area finished so far. The captain of the garrison spoke of how it will take many more months before the fort is complete, but that construction was moving along at a steady pace.   On the final day of travel, their ship would arrive in the harbor of Lys. Stepping off of his ship, Moredo Rogare was standing there to greet his friend. It was not the first time these two had met, and they embraced each other as if they were long time friends. Henry would introduce his wife Jaehaera, and they would set off into the city.   Free City of Lys | Coenquistatore
"The loveliest of guests for the Lovely City, marvelous! Welcome!"   Free City of Pentos | PatMagroyn
Ellyria shudders, feeling as if a sinister force has manifested itself behind closed doors. She calls for a servant to open the door across from her to alleviate this dread.  

The Three Eyed Raven Lives

  Host RP | Jack Handy
~In the mist-shrouded marshlands of the Neck, Ned Stark, great-grandson of the legendary Bran Stark, lived a life of simplicity and quietude among the reeds and waters of House Reed. Though a Stark by blood and name, Ned was a Reed, blending into the verdant landscape, his nobility hidden beneath common threads.   Ned was an unusual man, his mannerisms and speech often marked by cryptic comments and peculiar habits. His eyes, a piercing gray, seemed to see beyond the present, and his presence was both unsettling and intriguing.   On a gray morning, with the fog clinging to the ground like a specter, Ned set out from the swap and past Moat Cailin. His journey was long, a solitary trek from the marshlands to the ancestral home of his forebears, Winterfell. He moved with the silent grace of a seasoned traveler, his clothes plain and unassuming, masking the noble lineage he carried within him.   The road was rough and winding, yet Ned pressed on, driven by an urgent purpose. Days turned into nights and back into days as he journeyed north, the towering walls of Winterfell eventually coming into view, standing formidable against the horizon. His heart quickened at the sight, memories of his youth... Wait, he thought, he'd never been to Winterfell... these memories must be Bran's... mingling and mixing into his mind.   As he approached the gates of Winterfell, the guards eyed him warily. His appearance, that of a commoner, did little to inspire their respect. Undeterred, Ned stepped forward, his voice steady but laden with authority. "I request an audience with Queen Lyanna Stark."   The guards exchanged amused glances, their skepticism apparent. "And who might you be, stranger, to demand such a thing?" one of them jeered.   Ned met their gazes evenly, his voice calm but with an edge of steel, he began to speak, his words a mix of clear insights and cryptic utterances. "I am Ned Stark, son of Jeager Stark, and great-grandson of Bran Stark, the All Knowing. I come with a message of great importance. The Three-Eyed Raven has many things to do when it comes to the North…”   "The winds carry whispers of the past and the future. Shadows move in places where light fears to tread. The North remembers, but it is also quick to forget. The threads of fate are woven tightly, and our choices will bind us or break us."   The laughter died in their throats, replaced by a mixture of confusion and unease. The name Stark, coupled with the mention of the Three-Eyed Raven, cast a pall of seriousness over them. They conferred among themselves in hushed tones before one of them reluctantly nodded.   "Wait here," the guard instructed, before disappearing into the depths of the castle.   Ned stood patiently, occasionally muttering to himself or glancing skyward as if seeking unseen answers. His odd behavior made the guards even more uneasy. After what seemed an eternity, the guard returned, his demeanor markedly changed....


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