Season 4, Turn 48

Days 16 - 30 of the Twelfth Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

The New Freehold, Continued

  Free City of Pentos | PatMagroyn
Town criers yell throughout major ports of the east, continuing their unceasing work to spread the New Freehold’s words through Essos.   “Bello of Norvos strengthens his city’s treatise with Pentos! The New Freehold has agreed to provide Norvos comfort and security in exchange for their continued friendship! Myr, Lys, and now Norvos all agree the New Freehold is fit to defend them!”   Free City of Lys | Coenquistatore
Well we called for mercenaries, we got immigrants, mostly in the former lands of Volantis.

Union of the Hand, Continued

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Jaehaera looked forward to seeing the garrison of Nymethos. Several comrades who wanted to see more of the world were stationed there, sometimes rotating with others from the Day Watch or the rebuilt Stormland army. What she didn't look forward to was to sail further east. But whenever the dread creeped into her thoughts there was Henry and with his joy and warmth.

Black Sails in Essos, Continued

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
In the meantime black sails are plundering and burning the whole coast from Andalun Cove to Braavosian North Coast. Eyewitnesses talk about hundreds or even thousands of raiders. With each story, the numbers get bigger.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Raglan's Pride drifted through the stormy waters of Braavosian North Coast. The ship's southern patrol route was being seriously hindered by an incoming storm. So much so that the night crew had pulled down the sails to prevent them from being blown off course. Dark clouds blanketed the sky, and the crew relied on lanterns for visibility.   “I thought the Darkwash campaign was to be your last Daro!?” Mathos shouted to his mentor over the incoming storm.   “It was supposed to be, but Maria caught the Mainland fever. She wants to move the family there and set up a ranch.” Daro said, joining the younger sailor near the mast. Cheap livestock from the Riverlands had set off the seemingly infectious desire to move across the channel. Mathos personally couldn't understand it. He was glad to have the ocean between him and the chaotic mess Essos had become.   “Ships Portside!” The two men immediately scrambled to their post in response to the lookout warning   “Dim the lanterns!” The night crew quickly complied with Daro’s order. There was complete silence on the ship as the men peered into the darkness. Mathos' eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, he held his breath quietly praying that it was a false sighting. His heart sank as he saw the shadowy outlines of more ships.   “Ships starboard!” He shouted as the day shift joined the men on deck.   “Can anyone identify their colors?!” The captain's question was answered by a bolt of lightning. The brief flash illuminated the red three-headed dragons embroidered on the sails of the nearby warships.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
House Bracken of Acorn Hall obviously condemns House Targaryen's attempts to break the Peace with the Republic of Lorath and we call on The Small Council to call in the "Day Watch" at once.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
While Jaehaera accompanies her husband to Lys, the well known and loved Lord of House Wensingtone has taken over as a steward. He works together with a maester, Septa Stormcress, and the commander of the Day Watch to control the different people and tasks she had bestowed upon his hands. When he reads the raven from King Otho he mumbles "What the fuck?".   But Serwyn Wensingtone also is very thorough, even with orders about fleets he knows nothing about. He sends a raven with an inquiry to Dragonstone, asking if any ships had been provisioned and are sailing east. And relays the royal order that no ship is to attack the nation of Lorath.   He also sends a raven to Jaehaera, informing her about the weird order and an answer to the king acknowledging that no ship from Dragonstone will attack Lorath.   Some time later a message somehow arrives at a certain flotilla at Braavosian North Coast. The captain reads it and tells the man, his first mate "Seems like my little operation is going to be found out soon. That means no more support from Dragonstone. Good thing that we established our support network here on Essos in time." He stares out into the distance. "Now it's time that we sail south towards our real target: Pentos. I will burn it down, scatter the stones it was built from and salt their fields so nobody will ever live there again. The revenge will be mine!" He laughs maniacally.   The Thenns | Mista Sista
Fenrir stirs restlessly off the Coast of Andalos, staring at the ships circling in the distance. Adorned with the black and red banner of House Targaryen, the fleet of Lucaellar patrols the waters ahead, preventing Fenrir from going home and reuniting with his father. He has sent ravens north and west, reaching out to the hand and the Northern crown for aid in pushing through the waters unmolested. It was the Hand of Otho, Lord Piper, who answered first. After his intervention in diplomatic talks regarding the Costayne’s withdrawal, he has quickly shown himself to be a friend to the Freefolk. This time he has promised the fleet of Lord Tyrus Banefort, master of ships, to accompany Fenrir’s party through the warzone around the vale. One can only hope this is enough to scare off the rogue Prince.

All Eyes on the Vale, Continued

  The Last March of Ser Arrinor, the Stinky
Ser Arrinor’s army reached the Gates of the Eyrie. The astonished army couldn't believe what had happened, but the presence of the Fool Knight would raise their morale as he was, undoubtedly, one of the most experienced commanders of the Vale. "Listen! I want guards in all directions, mostly the south. Set tents if you have to and heal the wounded. These are the most important things. I also need somebody to make a list of our food storage. And finally, I want somebody to inform me about how many soldiers we have. Send scouts to Redfort. I will be with the horses.”   Several hours later the scout came back. "Ser! Redfort has already fallen. Bracken's army seems to have quickly advanced on the shore. Also, I saw horse tracks moving to the North."   The Ser replied with a notorious, "Damnit!" Then he continued. "Wake up all the soldiers with the rank of Ser. Bring them here.”   When they were all together the Commander said, “We were 35,000 soldiers at the Bloody Gate. Now we stand with an army of 2,648 men. Most of the knights present here, few are injured. However, none of the injured are suffering terrible injuries. The wildfire is merciful - you die or you live. So we have 2648 men, and we have been isolated; it seems that Bracken's army have marched towards The Moongate. We have mostly no food, and our only way to leave would be The Eyrie, to wait for our dead, however my plan is to march against the Bracken's army."   The knights couldn't believe it. 2,648 men against the army of the 6 kingdoms. There was a moment of silence until one said, "This is madness, we cannot be victorious! We should get to the Eyrie, and set up a defence there."   Ser Arrinor approached, limping, to the other Ser and slapped his face with anger so overwhelming the knight could feel it in the strike. "We... we are Knights of the Vale, have you forgotten your Oath? Do you swear before the eyes of gods and men to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to protect all women and children, to obey your captains, your liege lord, and your king, to fight bravely when needed and do such other tasks as are laid upon you, however hard or humble or dangerous they may be? Hide and die, stay at The Eyrie until we eat each other? I would rather have died by wildfire." He made a pause and the silence reigned again. "Rest tonight, and light a fire to pray for the Stranger, we may meet them soon, at first light we march.”   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
The walls of the Redfort now hoist the red stallion.   It had been a curious siege for Otho to oversee. The castle itself was mostly empty, aside from a skeleton garrison, the old man, and his sons. He had expected a surrender when he sent an envoy forth, but when no reply was received he knew the gate would be stormed.   Even when his men battered down the gate he had still expected a surrender. Instead, the fools fought to the last man, swords in hand. The reports reached Otho’s war-tent almost instantly: Lord Arthos and his three sons fought to the death in the Lord’s Hall, despite demands that they surrender. They had each taken two men with them, before being overwhelmed by Lord Peter Cox and his personal retinue.   What a sad way for a house of such history to end, Otho thought. The Redforts were an ancient house, descended from the First Men much like the Brackens. Lord Arthos had held his titles for decades, a man well respected throughout the realm. Why did they throw everything away? He could not help repeat the question in his head a dozen times.   Otho was sure that some scions of Arthos still lived, but if they did they were not found in the castle. With not one Redfort to swear fealty to him, they might as well be extinct. It’s no matter. There are plenty of Rivermen who would proudly accept the honor of holding the keep in his name.   Walking into the Lord’s Hall, Otho could still see splashes of blood on the floor and stone walls. His men had cleared the bodies, but it would take time to fully repair the keep to its former self. Otho, with his usual retinue behind him, approached the lord’s chair of the hall and sat.   He allowed himself a sigh. There were reports of a small host under a Valemen retreating from Wickenden’s battles that was approaching the keep, but he knew they would never make it. Cox would see to their destruction. Similar reports told him of King Jamie assembling a considerable host in Heart’s Home, one that would need to be destroyed in a good battle.   Otho could not help but smirk. His leg was wounded, of course, but perhaps he could at a minimum travel to oversee the destruction of House Corbray. One more battle, he thought, and the Vale would be his.   It would be a shame to miss it.   House Mormont | Kingdom of the North | Knight
The ships of the Winter Wolves stretch from the coast of Pebble to the Broken Shore, lined up side to side in a massive naval blockade. No ships are allowed through one way or the other, though the blockade is stretched rather thin across the long distance. The fleet of House Costayne approaches from the west and is forced to stop as the northern ships refuse their passage just the same as any other. Then a ship from the blockade approaches the Costayne fleet.   Will the two forces come to an understanding, or will there be Bloodshed on the Bite after all?   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
As the dawn broke over the island of Longsister, the crisp sea air mingled with the tension of two armies facing off on the field. The Winter Wolves, led by Alexander Bracken and Jorah Mormont, stood ready, their breath visible in the cold morning air. The Bracken sigil and flag fluttered defiantly in the breeze, symbolizing their resolve.   On the opposite side, the forces of Armstead Costayne, a vassal of Otho Bracken, awaited their leaders' arrival. The fields of Longsister, normally peaceful and serene, now buzzed with nervous anticipation, the ground seemingly vibrating with the collective heartbeat of thousands of soldiers.   Riding out to the center of the field, Alexander Bracken donned his Bracken armor, the sun glinting off the polished metal. His presence was imposing. Beside him rode Jorah Mormont, the Sword of Winter, his demeanor as unyielding as the Northern ice. On the other side was Ser Larkin, a trusted friend and ally, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of treachery.   From the opposite side, what looked like Lord Armstead Costayne and Ser Ryan Ashford approached. Armstead, with his stern expression, seemed every bit the defiant lord, while Ryan, known for his cruelty, wore a condescending smirk. The two sides about to meet in the middle, the palpable tension crackling like a winter storm.   Ser Ryan Ashford chimed in with a sneer to Armstead, as they rode up. "What is this madness? He aligns himself with Northern savages? They’re making life harder, and now he brings this filth to our doorstep."   Armstead, still in shock at the sight of Alexander, says nothing to Ashford, as they continue to ride to the middle of the field.   House Mormont | Kingdom of the North | Knight
As they all approached the center, Jorah wasted no time and called out to Armstead, "I understand you wish to renegotiate the terms of our deal, and that is certainly your choice to make." He turns his horse to the side as he stops, looking directly at Armstead in the eyes with an unflinching gaze. Longclaw hangs from his side, the white wolf and bear on the pommel on full display,   "... but if you are going to do something so unwise, we figured it best that we do this face to face, and with a perfectly clear grasp of where we all stand in this situation. I don't want there to be any more misunderstandings. I am the Sword of Winter, leader of the Winter Wolves and the rightful owner of these lands by both the decree of King Jamie Corbray of the Kingdom of the Vale, and the decree of Henry Piper, Hand of the King of the Kingdom of the Andals. By what right do you continue to occupy these lands?" His voice was slightly gruff from his age, but it still carried far and wide like the voice of a young commander, and his tone was stern and cold.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Orim approaches, wondering why the Prince is with the northern troops as well. "What brings the prince here I wonder, but why makes little difference. It is not to renegotiate, it is to clear this matter up and gain the passage this island is being ceded for. I piss on your claim that King Corbray decreed anything. Only what MY king says matters. The Lord Hand speaks for the king and is the only reason I turn over anything. As my Lord Armstead already informed you, the Lord Hand did not mention the island was to be ceded until it was too late for a raven to fly. The Lord Hand gave my Lord orders to cede the island but never said it is to be before passage is granted.”   "The hand paid for passage once already and then YOU blocked our path after it was paid. Now you demand the island and this too was agreed to. Yet it will be done after passage is granted, not before." He looks to the Prince, "Are these the kind of friends you're surrounding yourself with now? Why do your friends continue to stand in the way of the will of your father? And by the gods why are you helping them? Has my Lord done something to offer offense to the Prince that I am unaware of? I must know why you stand against your father's orders. Is it love? Are you bewitched by the northern queen?"   Shaking his head in wonder, he returns his attention to Lord Mormont. "Let's be clear. I didn't NEED permission to pass. I can make a hole in your blockade with ease. If you do not agree, then we are at a stalemate and to save the lives of your men I say we fight single combat and let the gods decide who is just and keep the spoils of ALL the vale islands my king sent us to claim. that blade will give you an edge in the fight but will look nice on my hip once I kill you."   "My lord informed me that you have no allegiance. Your words were," Orim reads from the letter, "You seem to be confused, so let me make it as clear as I can for you. The Winter Wolves do not answer to House Stark nor to the Thenns; their deals are not ours and our deals are not theirs. Only Ser Jorah Mormont, the Sword of Winter, may command us and he has ordered that no ships will pass this point until we hold the isle of Longsister."   House Mormont | Kingdom of the North | Knight
"I'm sure that is what was said, the people who follow my lead are quite zealous. I am blessed by the Old Gods and the New to have gained so many dedicated subordinates. Though there is something you have gotten wrong; I do hold an allegiance, just not to one person or to a Kingdom. My allegiance lies with the people of the North, and nowhere else," he says, allowing a slight smirk to escape for a moment when referring to his subordinates before returning to his stoic demeanor.   "That said, I would be glad to have this matter settled through single combat if it means avoiding bloodshed on a larger scale, though I reject your terms. We fight over this isle, not the rest. If you win, your liege will keep Longsister and his fleets will be granted passage without further delay. But if I win, your forces will leave Longsister immediately, with the fleets being granted passage only when your people have fully vacated the island, and your liege will be held accountable for having broken the deal and allowing this farce to take place at all." One might expect him to be nervous given the situation, but he speaks calmly even despite the weight of his words and hardly even moves.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
Alexander, Jorah and several Winter Wolves and Bracken soldiers, ride up upon the Costayne Host. Alexander and Jorah ride to the middle of a meadow. Alexander faces Orim and his army. "You ask why I am here and then say my presence "makes little difference ".... Is this how you greet your future King? What is your name, old Knight? Who do I have the unpleasantry of dealing with on this cold morning?" Alexander then paused. He looked to Jorah and then back to Orim.   "And to speak again about Lady Stark, will be the last words you ever utter, if you speak about her in such disdain. In fact, if you wish to test your merit, do it against I... strike down the son of Bloody Bracken and you and House Costayne will experience a hell unlike any before!" Alexander barked at the older knight. "You and your soldiers are not welcome on this land, leave now and I can promise you the North will allow your fleet to sail East. If you disobey this order, I will kill you in front of your men and personally take them as my own army. The King will know of your dishonor and it will be all that you're remembered for," He said before a pause. "Now, what was your name again, good Knight?"   House Mormont | Kingdom of the North | Knight
Jorah raises an eyebrow as he watches the response from Alexander, but he does not protest. Instead he simply glances back to the knight to see his reaction.

The Northern Shuffle

  House Stark | Kingdom of the North | ~TSK~ SteenB11
The North is proud to announce that it has reached a deal with the Southern Thenns of White Harbor regarding the formerly owned Stark Lands.   The Kingdom has agreed to pay a sum of 1400 Gold to the Thenns, while agreeing for them to own all lands for another five moons.   The Kingdom also formally recognises that all lands around the White Harbour region that do not fall under this category shall remain sworn to White Harbour.   They formally recognise General Greta Cavebear as the legal owner of these lands and thus, her heirs too.   The only way this treaty can be changed is under the express agreement of the Monarch of the North and the Leader of White Harbour. Such agreement will nullify this treaty.

Unrest in the Thenns, Continued

  The Thenns | Mista Sista
In the bars and social houses of New Braavos, a legend entertains socialites with stories of wild men and wilder country. Magnar Brittlefang, leader of the Thenns, speaks drunkenly with men in frilly petticoats, the elite of a city springing from the corpse of an even greater beast. Over the past months, he has kept a low profile after finding little of note within the ruins of old Braavos. Instead, he has been writing letters, speaking with bankers, and making friends with generous benefactors. In the night, he meets with those benefactors and arranges for ships, supplies to the front, and other things he can’t do in the open under the guise of a neutral power. In the night, he writes letters to a lover, carrying a newborn passed off as another’s. Her beautiful brown eyes and black hair, close enough to her step father that no one will notice. Soon he will meet his lover, and then it will be time for him to set sail once more, back into the chaos of Westeros. It has surely been too long…

Gifts of the Prince

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~ Alexander Bracken and Lyanna Stark of Winterfell wish to gift the Two Piper Brothers something for their wedding. As of now, the deed to Hasty Hall will be signed over to Lord Henry Piper and his wife, Princess Jaehaera and Lady Lysara Karstark and her fiance, the newly appointed Lord of the Bronzegate, Petyr Piper!   We wish both unions love and support, from the Old and New Gods.


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