Season 1, Turn 11 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 11

Days 1 - 15 of the Sixth Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Tense River Lords

  House Mallister | Seagard | Pufferfish
House Bracken threatens my borders with war. He has amassed thousands of units preparing invasion for little to no reason as to why. I might once again ask my Banefort allies for help, as it seems I am destined for hardship.  

Kingsguard Enters the Chat

  Kingsguard | Lord Appiecommander
Red Keep Notice: The Small Council is currently under control of the Kingsguard. The 6 members of the Kingsguard will see to it that all Small Council members are checked upon regularly. Council members are to have a household of 10 allowed in their quarters at max at all times. The Kingsguard withholds the right to check each chamber when it sees fit, to search for conspiring members, or possible threats to the Royal family. If more than 10 servants are present already, speak now to the Lord Commander.   If this rule is breached in the future, fitting consequences will be made.   Currently there are 6 Kingsguard, with 1 spot open.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
It would be an honor to have a member of House Oakheart to serve on the Kingsguard.   House Vyrwel | Wyvern Hall | Gaming Snake
It would be an honor to have a member of my House in Kingsguard. I petition Trstan Vyrwel, my second son.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I'll tell you now Tower of The Hand holds 4 men gifted from the Queen. Spy me, recon me, surveillance me if you wish to test my loyalty but do not enter my chambers or I will come check yours too.   Kingsguard | Lord Appiecommander
The Lord Hand is quick to threaten the Kingsguard. He would be unwise to do that very often.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I didn't threaten anything so please do not try and warp my words again. If you enter my chambers then you didn't just threaten me, you attack and kill my trusted guard at the door not to mention deprive me of income. It is but one man, true, but trusted loyal men to guard my door while I sleep are hard to come by. So place guards in the hall and you may watch who comes and goes from my chambers. I've nothing to hide from you, nor does the Queen need fear me for I do as she commands in all things. Including allowing you mercy for your earlier insults. My loyalty is unquestionable. I do not undermine your authority even when you do not even recognize mine.   Kingsguard | Lord Appiecommander
The Kingsguard made the statement, it is for the Small Council members to follow-up. If there are only 4 household members, there is nothing to worry about.   Master of Laws please come to my office to discuss the number of servants you have in the Red Keep currently.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Apologies for the confusion. Must be a close relative of Lord Weber, the resemblance and voice is quite similar. Yet I will still not allow the Kingsguard in my chambers unless the Queen herself commands me, for no other person has that authority over me. And if at any point I place men in my chambers, it will be at her command as well. Until such a command is given, no more men of mine will ever enter my chambers. The 5 combined men the Queen gifted me are all I require. As you guard the Small Council and I am under the Queen’s protection, I've nothing to fear from anyone else.   Kingsguard | Lord Appiecommander
You are under the Queen’s protection, we provide that protection. We Guard the Queen, the King-Consort, and all small council members. Any actions we make are in the Queen's orders.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
Long may she reign!   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Well when I see the Queen order me privately or publicly for you to search my chambers I will of course allow it. Until such time I suggest you remain out of my chambers. As I already said I answer to no one but the Queen. All others do not have any authority over me whatsoever. My bannermen, allies, and in-laws of course may ask things of me but only the Queen may command things of me. Until such a command comes to me from the Queen I will not be allowing you entry to my chambers without my permission. Which clearly I have not given. I suggest to save us both further debate and you just have the Queen give me a command. Until such time I do not allow you to search my quarters.  

Winner of the Summerhall Tournament

  House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
I want to congratulate our Grand Champion, Prince Lucaelarr Targaryen Island of Dragonstone for Winning the Jousting Tournament at Summerhall! It was an honor for House Oakheart to put on the tournament and festivals!   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
The Joust of Ruins of Summerhall shall be praised in a song. I offer 250 gold to the first bard that does it.  

Tumbleton Wall

  House Footly | Tumbleton | Basket Weaver
Lord Footly begins the construction of the Tumbleton Wall. Spanning from Pussywillows to Wendwater River Springs   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
The other Great Wall of Westeros  

Claims of Treason, Continued

  House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
After discussion with the Queen we have decided to restore Redfort's castle and welcome him back to his lands. He's allowed to take over House Redfort. The Queen and the King are happy to see that peace has been restored in the Vale.


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