Season 1, Turn 12 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 12

Days 16 - 30 of the Sixth Moon, 406 AC

General Summary


  House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
House Ryswell requests the Queen’s judgment and a trial against Lord Pryor. He has shielded an oathbreaker and seized his lands and now prepares for war against me.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Lord Pryor should hand over House Cerwyn to House Ryswell.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I thank you, my Queen.
Lord Cerwyn is insulting and mocking me by Raven, so to any Lord or member of the council who is concerned or whom he may have lied to, I am fully willing and able to prove my case in regards to Lords Cerwyn and Pryor in an objective way.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
I, Captain Cerwyn, have abandoned my life trapping and tanning along the White Knife River and found a new calling… yet cries and wails for satisfaction persist from a Lord who doth protest too much. His accusations are egregious, his insults and threats far flung and numerous.... I hereby demand the Queen's Justice, a trial by combat to clear my name. I challenge him, House Ryswell, to a duel to the death at the next tournament or even sooner, at the crown's discretion, so that we can settle this old baggage once and for all.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Lord Cerwyn's ceaseless claims that I am crying despite the fact that my court can clearly see my dry eyes are exhausting. I will accept his challenge if he publicly acknowledges that claiming that another Lord is "whining and crying" is a ridiculous and immature way for a Lord to communicate and spar with his fellow Lords.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
The facts are: you won the race, Torrhen's Square, House Tallhart, and a few good men.   I lost my home and fields to live in exile, as you requested. I lost more than a few good men who were as loyal to the Starks as the Ironborn are to you. Speaking of which, it is curious that they arrived in the mainland around the same time as our king's demise...   I am prepared to defend the honor of the late great King Stark, quieter in death then he was in life. I am prepared to fight for my own honor as I have kept to my alleged oaths on all accounts, and now have nothing more to lose for it except my life.   *glove slap*   Now, I daresay sir, it is I who demands satisfaction.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
I feel for House Cerwyn , now living on a cold island.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
My trade was lawful and beneficial, given the circumstances... 1 castle for 2, and a minor role to help the crown end a war early before more lives were lost. Now I serve a greater cause than kowtowing to neighborhood bullies and absentee leaders.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Lies upon lies upon lies. I won the race, but you broke the oath you swore to leave House Tallhart uncontested upon losing. An oath I swore and would have held to. I also never requested you get exiled, you fully invented that.   Again, I will accept your challenge once you make the concession I demand, to admit that your rhetorical foolishness about crying is a ridiculous way for a Lord to comfort themselves.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
"I wish you success in exile" was not an invention of mine but written clearly and sent by raven from you. I took my leave from your gotten lands while you claimed your spoils... left as well as my own inheritance, so clearly you were the victor.   So why all this bellyachin' still?   The next time you wish me well it shall be whispered to me in concession as my sword penetrates your soft tummy as opposed to you doing it with a knife into my back as I flee. Put up or shut up, m'lord.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
It is you who won't put up, showing through your immense pride that you are unable to admit your own wrongdoings. I would not fight someone so clearly mentally handicapped. Let me know when you will make the statement I demand, I will be sharpening my sword until then.   Oh I wished you success but it was clearly a sarcastic statement, which goes to your soft mind that you did not understand based on context. I made that statement before House Cerwyn was reinforced by Lord Pryor as well. What spoils? My only spoils are the land you SWORE to leave and then broke this oath. If Lord Pryor complies with the Queen’s command and leaves House Cerwyn, I will have no complaints whatsoever.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
I had already admitted fault at the time in public, calling myself a sore loser. Now, months later, I do so again. I will not apologize any further for doing my late lord's bidding nor accepting my punishment, as I already told you. Your insults mean nothing, but your craven attitude speaks volumes. Don't be scared... just make sure you get right with the Old Gods before the duel.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
You admitted fault very vaguely, and it's not punishment if it's self-imposed. However, once Lord Pryor obeys the King I have no further concerns. I will not duel an ego as hefty as yours.   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
Ohh... nobody told you? Lord Manderly passed during the plague, hence the reason why my troops were also murdered in the race to secure New Castle… yet I came to accept my losses, took your threats seriously and moved on, literally by making a lawful deal. I insist you leave outside parties alone and face me since you claim to be wronged by a person and not a place. No reason to make others suffer from your salacious greed than necessary.   I will fight as Captain Cerwyn's champion, since the cowardly Ryswell is too craven to face his alleged aggressor.   What say you now? Enough insults.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
You refuse a direct order from your Queen?   None of your troops were killed in this race, oh foolish one, and I made no threats. According to the Queen’s command, your deal was unlawful. I will not accept your posturing as a champion for the fleeing coward Lord Cerwyn. You have twice my army and I have no interest in sending my men to their deaths. It is clear that the Pryors have become like those they consort with, cowards, oathbreakers, and thieves. You told me that you would NEVER protect or defend an oathbreaker yet when I proved that he indeed WAS an oathbreaker you refused to change your stance. Speak of greed? You manufactured this whole farce as a "protector" and murdered your own Lord Manderly JUST to keep your illegally seized House Cerwyn.   Please let the realm know publicly if you are ignoring the Queen’s clear command to hand over House Cerwyn.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
I consulted my maester and he advised me to let the matter be decided by the gods, new and old. The proposal of a trial where the Lords of both Houses fight a duel is acceptable. A member of the small council will fulfill the task of a royal arbitrator. I think House Banefort is currently in the North, am I right?   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
You've made plenty of threats of war against me, just consult the logs of your rookery. You even made a paltry offer of 300 men for me to give you land, very lowball considering the price I've paid and now continue to pay with my attention on you instead of more important matters. You also offered me rights to New Castle if we were to close on that deal as if it were yours to give. NOW that's suspicious. It belonged to the late Lord Manderly, recovered by Lord Stout, and sold to me. Many men were lost in that race, just like some were lost when you attacked my newly gotten gains in the Cerwyn trade.   Your false claims are piling up higher than your insults, and frankly I grow increasingly annoyed. Captain Cerwyn demands satisfaction and I shall leave it to him to get it personally then.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
If a duel is to take place I will make the suggestion that Master of Coin be considered to be an arbitrator, since Lord Banefort has been here for a long time aiding the poor, poor Lord Ryswell since it was discovered that King Stark expired and his guards spread out like the broken men they were. I don't believe any of Ironborn can play as an impartial party to Northern affairs at all, with the attacks on House Stout to be considered as well.   If my proposal to send the Prince of Summerhall up North as royal arbitrator is acceptable, I will send word now. Or perhaps King on The Iron Throne would like to give this a closer look, as I would always trust a member of the honorable royal family to be fair and balanced over the Ironborn way.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Ignoring all the empty fluff, Lord Stout is an ally of mine and I was confident I could negotiate for New Castle on your behalf. Not one thing I have said is false. Lord Cerwyn is an oathbreaker and murderer, and you protect him making you an oathbreaker as well. Your annoyance is meaningless to me. You lied to me by raven saying you would never protect an oathbreaker, yet here we stand. I care not who is the arbitrator, but if I defeat Lord Cerwyn I demand House Cerwyn as penalty.   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
Penalty for what?? A lie you perceived? As far as my investigation led, oaths were fulfilled. You got the land you set out for and recklessly killed Cerwyn's men to get it, as part of the deal you made with him. But that wasn't enough so you chased him out of his own established holdings. My own soldiers had to clear you out of the house fields as your attacks continued until finally sending me a raven. You don't automatically get rights to MY land for killing a displaced lord nor my men, as I took the lands I paid for.... LAWFULLY.   Seems like land is all you are interested in so perhaps you want to re enter negotiations, but it will take a lot more than 300 men and/or the death of my vassal for me to even consider making a deal with you after repeated threats and baseless accusations topped with insults. If it is "the Iron Price" that you seek, given the company you've been keeping, then I might be persuaded to place a wager on the outcome of the duel instead.  

Tense River Lords, Continued

  House Mallister | Seagard | Pufferfish
House Bracken continues to raise his borders like a madman. He needs to stop. I have done nothing to him, but they continue to fully reinforce their borders preparing for invasion. I haven't received a single raven as to why he wants to invade me.   House Bracken | Stone Hedge | Jamhalo
Lord Mallister, I requested that you swear fealty to both myself and the Crown. You did not reply. Until you do swear fealty, I must protect my borders from an outlaw. It is only out of goodwill that I have not invaded and forcefully brought you under the Queen's Law.  

Kingsguard Enters the Chat, Continued

  Kingsguard | Lord Appiecommander
The Master of Laws has moved several of his servants to outside the Red Keep. No other member came forward about having more than 10 servants inside the Red Keep. Let it be known that violations will be severely punished when caught.  

Winner of the Summerhall Tournament

  House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Since no bard has sung a song about the Summerhall joust yet, the reward for that will go up to 500.


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