Season 1, Turn 13 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 13

Days 1 - 15 of the Seventh Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Oathbreaker, Continued

  House Stout | Gold Grass | rven
The North must brace itself the Ironborn are attacking at Crannogmen and Blazewater Bay.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Penalty for your protection of this oathbreaker, you idiotic excuse for an inbred fool. His oath was to leave House Tallhart entirely upon the end of our race. He then, by his own admission, broke this oath and assaulted my men in bad faith. You then protected him as he fled, seized his land to block me from reparations for my losses, and are about to seize Winterfell which is my claim. It is clear that your accusations of greed exist merely to shield your own expansionism as you seize and manipulate all around you to expand your holdings.   House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
I honestly don't know what to make of this. I will stay neutral in the wars below the wall. Please stay neutral in the war above the wall.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
There are 2 sides to this story... Lord Ryswell's side just happens to be toasted and buttery... flavorful, but fattened. My side is the truth.   Should the Watch be in need, the courageous and honorable Captain Cerwyn will only sail North if called upon, and only after a certain nasty business of mine is taken care of first.   Sharpens sword, urinates off the bowsprit, then drinks himself to sleep.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
There are indeed two sides, but alas Lord Cerwyn has bribed the greedy Lord Pryor to support him, lending his side credibility through a multitude of sources. Alas, this does not mean it is credible. He broke his oath quite publicly and has lied again and again despite the evidence being in public chat.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Perhaps we should send an expedition north and just burn all of it down. The culprit will be toast, then, too. My father always told me of that path of diplomacy as his favourite.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
It would sure work well for you, and honestly it’s pretty clear that no one wants to read public ravens where he both makes the oath and admits to breaking it, so we might as well all die together if there isn’t going to be judgment against him for his crimes.  

Warden of the South, Continued

  House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I am happy to say the war is over and I may once more turn my attention to other issues the king wishes me to attend to. Lands are being divided now.


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