Season 4, Turn 33 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 33

Days 1 - 15 of the Fifth Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
General Banyani had halted his advance at Lorash to rest and regroup his forces. He oversaw the occupation of the city and released or recruited the Chancellor's soldiers. The Chancellor himself was on his way to Lorath to make his case before the Senate. Banyani had taken to calling him Young Vargo Mott. He really did match the descriptions of the former Chancellor but looked much too young to actually be the “Black Goat".   Young Vargo had already made a good impression,by not only granting them Lorash but also the city of Qohorik. The young imposter managed to secure the city's garrison by sending Lorash's stored gemstones. His men were disappointed to miss out on the loot but he was quite pleased to take both towns with minimal fighting.   While they waited, Banyani held a military council to discuss strategy. To continue using their fleet power Banyani ordered the light ships to be rolled over land to the Darkwash. Iro Bahin would be granted command of the new river fleet and ordered to wreak havoc on the wealthy river estates. His brother, Lazos would take the heavy ships to occupy Qohorik. Banyani and the veteran Jaqesso would divide the army and March along the opposite banks of the Darkwash. The two armies and the river fleet would converge at Darkbridge then move on to Qohor to take the great city.  

Journey to Pinkmaiden, Continued

  House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
As Jaehaera took Henry's arm, he said with a stupid smile, "Ha, hopefully not too much evidence. I would hate to have Septon Rychard take his valuable time to come out here to hear my confession." As both of them began to walk, he took a moment to dwell on Jaehaera's words, considering their validity. After easing himself, he said "I've missed you too... and the food of course." He finished playfully. As the two walked into the gardens his mind wandered back to when the two of them walked through the Aegon's garden   "Do you remember the first time we spoke outside courtly duties? I asked you if you would show me the gardens."  

A New Conquest for the Andals, Continued

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
Otho sits in silence, his face a statue until his son has finally finished speaking. Once Alexander silences himself, he grunts.   “The Stepstones have geographic value for protecting our trade, nothing more. You have deluded yourself into thinking these lands can become something from nothing. You have seen and slain the brute that ruled them, that… Vargo Mott. Do not pride yourself on putting down a beast, for the last one I put down caused a war.”   Otho grimaces for a second, before resuming.   “Raynald’s death is a shame, aye. You were close with him. I will leave his funeral arrangements to you, though I expect this little trip of yours to the North may make you busy. If you truly believe you can seduce the Queen of the North, be my guest. I will not see war break out with those Northerners, and alliance through marriage would be… acceptable. Peace must remain with the North if our realm is to hold together. Any campaign against them would be suicide.”   “As per your other matters, see that it is done. High Tide to my loving wife, yes, and maintain friendship with the Rogares.”   Otho’s eye seem dark and cold, with no loving warmth coming from his scarred face. He gives a sigh.   “I will be remaining in King’s Landing for some time. I see no reason to leave the city for the foreseeable future, unless a campaign of great importance arises. I expect you to return soon, after your business is handled.”   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
In the heavy air of the royal chambers, Alexander stood rigid, the weight of his father’s words pressing down upon him. King Otho’s expression was unreadable, his eyes a mirror of the cold stone that surrounded them in King's Landing. The lack of warmth from his father was nothing new, yet it stung each time, as if expecting a different outcome was folly.   “Yes, Father,” Alexander responded, his voice steady despite the turmoil brewing within. “I will ensure that your wishes are conveyed to Lord David Fossoway, who is in command at High Tide and that our relations with the Rogares are maintained.” Each word was crafted to mask the disappointment he felt at not having earned his father’s approval yet again.   "Your Grace, I will heed your counsel and attend to our interests in the North with all the wisdom that you have imparted to me. I shall return upon the completion of my duties, with hopes to bring honor and strength to your reign."   With a final, respectful bow, to both his father and the Queen, Alexander turned on his heel, his cloak swirling behind him as he exited the throne room and prepared to ride for Acorn Hall.
Report Date
05 May 2024


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