Season 4, Turn 32 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 32

Days 16 - 30 of the Fourth Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

Fleet of Pentos Dispute, Continued

  House Swann | Kingdom of the Andals | PatMagroyn
Town criers and couriers from Pentos deliver news of another treaty being reached. Princess Ellyria has agreed upon terms with the acolytes of Norvos.   Pentos has generously agreed to provide aid for Norvoshi refugees, and devote resources to rebuilding their city in the wake of the Dothraki.   In addition, for ceasing the supply of arms and funds to her enemies, the City of Pentos will provide patrols for the Eastern Rhoyne, and ensure the safety of travelers routing through the Lynx Pass.   A new day is slowly rising on the horizon. Every hour, it continues eastward, encouraging all on the continent to lay down their unwarranted rivalries for peace.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Passing by a narrow margin, the Republic of Lorath has signed an alliance with the City of Pentos.
Qarlon Jaqen wandered the streets of Lorath, walking from one impromptu party to the next. From the Senatorial Manors to the harbor slums people celebrated the end of the Pentoshi-Myrish war. It was nice to see the city so alive, her citizens ignoring the cold to participate in block parties.   Qarlon found his own worries slowly melting away, being embraced and welcomed to each party he visited. It reinvigorated his confidence in his role as Magister. Tucked away in the Senate, he could only see the slow fracturing of cooperation once shared between the three major parties. Here on the streets it was a united city, little distinguished a Lorathi native, Braavosi exile, or a newly arrived Refugee.   The Magister and his entourage partied late into the night visiting as many neighborhoods as possible.   House Swann | Kingdom of the Andals | PatMagroyn
“DAMN YOU!”   The young boy tumbled into the dirt, as a sword cleaved through the elbow of the goat-man reaching for him. With a quick flourish, the sword then ineffectively bounced off their horned helm. A mistake quickly rectified by a well-placed spearhead.   The boy quickly pushed himself back up off the ground, attempting to draw a small paring knife on his belt to join the fray. An adult’s hand quickly shoved him back. The boy’s determined face soon turned to protest.   “Damn you Benno, this is no game!” Ser Donal only shouted, battering aside a sword before being forced to grapple with another goat man. He received a blade to his belly before sinking his own sword into the Qohorik’s neck, tossing him away unceremoniously.   The melee abated for just an instant, and both sides quickly rallied to their comrades. Ser Donal noted there were 7 men left in their party, and he called to form a half circle around the boy. Place their backs to the river.   The 9 Qohorik soldiers instead chose to form some weak semblance of a line, blocking their escape west. A dust cloud could be seen in the distance from the east. Likely dozens, if not hundreds, more Qohorik.   With the death of Vargo Mott, it seemed a dozen new warlords sprang up in the City of Sorcerers overnight. And the premise of safe harbor vanished along with it. Their escort had been tasked with delivering the second son of House Mopatis to Qohor in case Pentos fell.   And instead, Qohor had. Its leader Vargo chose to die in a foreign land a thousand leagues away. Leaving them in their current predicament. Their ill-bred Qohorik host stated that young Benno Mopatis would yield a hefty ransom from Pentos, or an equal prize from one of its enemies.   Ser Donal barely led half their party out of that manse alive. He had been captain of House Swann’s household guard for two decades. Following Ellyria overseas against his better judgement. If only to safeguard the house’s future. Be it named Swann or Mopatis. He would not let that future be stolen now.   He sighed before sheathing his weapon and turning to the boy. “You can swim, can’t you?” Before the child could even answer, Ser Donal grabbed him with both hands, and tossed Benno into the Darkwash. The other party members' look of shock quickly disappeared, as the massive Qohorik River running alongside the road took the boy away.   They then moved to intercept the goat men that attempted to dive in after him. Likely promised fat purses of gold for bringing the boy back to the city. The Qohorik cursed as they were cut off and the melee resumed.   As he redrew his sword, Ser Donal taunted his enemy once more. To hide his growing fear. To forget bleeding like a stuck pig.   “Curse your dark gods. Curse them for bringing me to your shores.”   Little word has left Qohor about any affairs occurring within its borders. The power vacuum occurring has seen to that.   But it is known by many abroad that Benno Mopatis and his escort are reported absent inside its walls.  

Tournament at Pinkmaiden, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Senator Sallos Dynar has announced his intentions to attend the tournament at Pinkmaiden before returning home with the Dynar merchant fleet.  

The Holy Hundred's Hollow Sanctuary, Continued

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Gary of Waterweed is invited to show his skills and create a masterpiece for the Greatest Sept. He is the second artisan who is invited.
Andrea Gallow, a "traveling painter" has joined the two artisans.  

Journey to Pinkmaiden, Continued

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Jaehaera arrives in Pinkmaiden. She is quite familiar with building sites now, but the extent of the working force still surprises her. She sends an errand boy to the castle "Please tell Lord Henry that I have arrived."   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
Just a short while after the errand boy was sent to find Lord Henry, both can be seen walking together down the road as they entertain fresh treats prepared by the house baker.   The two could be heard giving laughter to their banter as they found Jaehaera close to where she arrived. The errand boy; not older than nine, held a plate of yellow colored pastries in the shape of a flower. Henry walked with one in his hand as the boy held the plate with both of his to not drop it.   A smile was upon Henry's face as he approached Jaehaera. "Ah, the boy did speak the truth, a woman as fair and supple as the maiden does wander my grounds. It is lovely to see you again my Princess. I hope your travels were as delightful as you are."   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Jaehaera's mood was furious. Lord Wensingtone had made trade deals with some Essosi from Lorath in secret and he had the guts to write to her about that when she was on the other side of the continent. She had brooded about this for nearly two weeks now, contemplating everything from a public beheading to a private discussion. But she found no solution. Wensingtone was too precious for the Stormlands and had helped her a great deal. But Essosi were all the same, right?   Just when the question repeated for the umpteenth time in her head, she saw Lord Henry Piper. Perhaps some connections to Essos would be beneficial? "Know your enemy" as her mother always said. She could feel a dumb smile plastered all over her face, but she didn't care. The journey was over and Essos far away.   "You are quite the charmer." she told Henry when he helped her out of the saddle.   He snickered when she let out a relieved sigh. "I didn't know I had that much effect on you."   "It's more the saddle that seems to be glued to me for weeks."   "You could have used a carriage."   "Bah! Too much comfort makes you weak, like my dad said." Just then she became aware of the baked goods in front of her. "Although I like some decadence. Especially with people I like. And now I feel bad for destroying the nice flower." she grinned and took a bite. "Hmmm... I missed good food and you." She took his arm to walk.  

High Tournament of The Eyrie

  House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
312 ravens were sent to the 312 most notorious places of Westeros and Essos, all with a copy of the same letter.   Ladies and Gentlemen, Kings and Knights; Queens and Princes; Merchants, Mercenaries and Bastards; Magisters and Chancelords, Lords and Warriors. You have been invited to the High Tournament of The Eyrie, the Knights of the Vale will be awaiting for you.   Please send a Raven Back informing if you will attend, or participate.   The format of the Tournament will be a surprise.   ~King Jamie Corbray, King of Mountain and Vale   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
The Faith warmly accepts King Jamie Corbray's gracious invitation to the event, viewing it as an opportunity to foster unity and understanding among the realm's noble houses.   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
The Tournament will take place in 5 to 6 months. The prize will be 20,000 Gold Dragons for the melee and 10,000 Gold Dragons for the Joust.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Armstead will participate in any tournaments where there is room. If there is an entry fee, let me know.


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