Season 4, Turn 34 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 34

Days 16 - 30 of the Fifth Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

A New Conquest for the Andals, Continued

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Outside of the throne room: "Don't take it to your heart Alexander. I think you have accomplished a great feat and if you need my help for fighting Essosi you can always count on me."   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
"Thank you for your kind words, Princess and I could see your Day Watch deployed to the Stepstones at once, if you'd like to sail for them."
Princess Jaehaera and her Day Watch will be stationed on Nymethos where a small fort, near a town, is being constructed. Your forces will continue to work on the stronghold and maintain traffic of the shipping lanes nearby.   In addition, stonemasons and knights from House Piper will be sent to Crate Cove to help the Princess in the area.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
A regiment of volunteers of the Day Watch (and affiliated troops) will sail over Greenstone to Nymethos.   We will establish a schedule for sending detachments from our other bases. That way our soldiers will have a little more diversity in their duties then just standing on walls and training to fight.  

Election Time in Lorath, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Illan Bahin took a deep breath and readied himself to enter the senate. The Leviathan Party dutifully closed ranks and followed his lead. His party lacked the voting power to push his ambitions through the senate. Illan took the risk in reaching out to Senators that may find common cause in his plan. One had obviously ratted him out for overstepping the Magister's Authority. He could be facing serious charges, especially if the vote went poorly.   “They are ready for you Senator.” Chamber Guard announced returning from the Senate floor.   He and the three other guards took positions on his left and right. They served a dual purpose in protecting Illan from angry Senators but also ready to arrest him if the Magister ordered it. The doors were pushed open unveiling the angry chorus of Senators debating his actions. Ilan was able to hear pieces of conversations, some in his favor, others condemning him. The clamor slowly faded as he made his way towards the Magister.   “Senator Illan mind explaining the presence of a foreign army in Lorathi waters?” The Magisters formal tone had a hint of anger to it.   “I invited them, Magister, I figured…” Qarlon quickly interrupted.   “You figured! Sir, remind me who is the elected Magister of Lorath?” The Magisters question was followed with shouts of traitor from the opposing senators.   “Qarlon, you give free reign to Sallos in Westeros but are offended when I negotiate with the Western Kingdoms?” Illan's response was similarly followed with shouts of agreement from those aligned with him.   “I will remind you that Senator Dynar's diplomatic mission had Senatorial Approval. To compare your rogue and reckless venture to his is laughable. More importantly…”   Magister Qarlon began descending the Speakers Platform.   “What if we are unable to meet the promises you made to these men? Do you think they will simply pack up and go home empty handed!?” The Chamber guards awkwardly moved to separate him and the Magister.   “Do you not trust our allies?” Illan was a tad bit flustered; he had never seen Qarlon so angry.   “Did you believe the Iron Bank thought Braavos would be sacked by the Targaryens!?” The Magister took a deep breath and ascended the Speakers Platform once again.   “Gentlemen of the Senate, we must prepare a welcoming party for our soon to arrive friends. As well as a contingency plan should things get out of hand. As for Senator Illan, you Sir have done enough damage. I sentence you to house arrest until further notice. You best pray all goes according to your plans.” The Senate floor went silent as they watched him be escorted out of the building.
Report Date
30 Apr 2024


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