Banyani Jaqen Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Banyani Jaqen

Banyani Jaqen (a.k.a. Captain of the Adventurer)

Related Character Bio

Banyani Jaqen is a short, stout young man. Banyani has wild curly black hair when straightened reaches just below his shoulders in length. He also has olive skin, one of the few features he shares with his father. The young man is considered to be attractive by most. Banyani has an impressive physique earned through his rigorous training routine.   Banyani is likely the best warrior in Lorath though this isn't as impressive as it sounds. The Lorathi are a maritime people and have only recently invested into their military. Still Banyani is a dangerous warrior and marksman especially at sea being used to fighting in stormy conditions. He is brave and kind to most he comes across. Banyani has little sympathy towards Westerosi due to him witnessing the fall of Braavos during his childhood.  


Restore the city of Braavos, and travel the world.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family


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