Season 4, Turn 38

Days 16 - 30 of the Seventh Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Free City of Norvos | Bio
The envoys of the church had taken control of Norvos back from the Dothraki. Other than some remodeling and many many more horse pens the city seems the same as the past. Many homes are still abandoned but families that fled are expected to come back.   The grand church… well it was… used for something I can’t imagine. But it will take some work to get it back to looking like its old self.   The high priest himself is still unaccounted for.

Highgarden Tournament

  House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
I am pleased to announce Highgarden has finally been rebuilt, a dream of my father's set in motion after the war. To commemorate the occasion, I will hold an annual tournament.
Report Date
31 May 2024
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