Season 4, Turn 37

Days 1 - 15 of the Seventh Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Khal Hazdahn | Eddy
The great horse rides West, unsure what they will find. Small scouting parties sent out in all directions encounter no resistance anywhere aside from some bastions of Sar militants. The future remains uncertain, and while the landscape of central Essos remains worryingly free of defenders, it likely portends a greater army elsewhere.   The Dothraki have abandoned the city of Norvos, undamaged. Plunder has been kept to a minimum and the city is largely in the condition it was in at the beginning of the occupation. No doubt Norvos will repopulate its conquered territory in the near future!   Free City of Norvos | Bio
My envoys will be entering the city and taking control back from the Dothraki. The transition has been peaceful and we are grateful to the Dothraki.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Translation for Westerosi: They plundered the city and the inhabitants paid them a lot of gold so they wouldn't get enslaved. It's unclear if they have to pay a regular fee from now on.   Khal Hazdahn | Eddy
I see you intend to make enemies, failed Queen! There was very little plunder, in fact. The payment of gold from the inhabitants was to prevent looting, not slavery. We are not opposed to slavery, but at this point slaves would be a burden on our movements.   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
Watch your tongue, slave of R'holor!   Free City of Norvos | Bio
If anything, the Dothraki, even with their reputation, were more forgiving than my own people. Militants held the city for a month even after terms were negotiated and agreed on between the great Khal and the high priest.   From my envoys and scouts the city is in 90% the same condition as we left it.

The Holy Hundred's Hollow Sanctuary, Continued

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
On behalf of The Greatest Sept in Hollow Sanctuary : The outer building is ready. The roof is done, the walls stand tall and strong.   Now the single rooms are worked at. Also the aforementioned artisans have arrived and are beginning their work.   In the near future we can have a housewarming party.

Freefolk: Essosi Era

  The Thenns | Mista Sista
A humanitarian mission was carried out in the old city of Myr by members of the freefolk, enlisted as laborers alongside northern engineers and Myrish officials. Through a monumental effort and a United undertaking, much of the rubble was cleared and a new core in the center of the city has been established. After several more weeks, nearly half the city was cleared of rubble. Slowly, those in the outskirts are starting to repopulate.   This action marked a turning point in Northern and Myrish relations following the conclusion of the peace treaty signed between Myr and Pentos. With the war between Ny Sar and Pentos nearly finished with the eradication of Ny Sar west of the Longwater, the work of Brittlefang and his son Fenrir Eagling is nearly finished.   Though some minor skirmishes occurred with Ny Sar, Fenrir has walked away frustrated that he was unable to test his mettle in true battle.   Brittlefang, on the other hand, is nearly satisfied with what he must do Essos.   He has, however, heard rumors of the cold ruins of Braavos, with its great collapsed titan blocking the harbor.   Many legends surround the ruined city, and he is prepared to take a search party into the city before he departs back for White Harbor.   Does he seek treasure? Perhaps Pryor family members hidden in exile? Or maybe, the House of the Undying?   The Magnar has a score to settle, and his path leads him to the ancient city.   Brittlefang passes through Pentos once more to meet with the magistrates and gather supplies for the expedition. His son Fenrir elects to stay, as rumors of another powerful foe on horseback fills his mind with an insatiable lust for battle. With his great eagle on his shoulder and several close friends and seasoned warriors deciding to stay with the boy, he uses his family’s newfound wealth to recruit more Myrish and Pentoshi mercenaries to ride east with him. He will stain his blade and his beak red with the blood of his inferiors, or he will die a failure. This is the path of a King.
Among the oddities found in the city of Pentos was an old witch, a healer of sorts. Ever since his imprisonment, Brittlefang has struggled to sleep through the night. Haunted not only by the torture he experience in the halls of the Eyrie, but also by the constant pains from his crippled limbs, he became desperate for a cure for his afflictions.   Money was no object for the King of the Freefolk, and so his contacts pointed him towards a practitioner of the mystical arts when the maester’s failed him.   Through some knowledge unknown to the Magnar, the witch named Freya was able to grant him the peace he needed at night, and greatly lessened his pain from his limbs. Brittlefang decided to take her with him, against the opinions of his advisors, back north.   The woman claimed to be a sister of R’hollor, the fire god. The followers of the Old Gods saw this as a betrayal of their long-standing beliefs, and this led many to abandon Brittlefang in favor of his son, Fenrir.   And yet, her healing worked, and so Brittlefang left these men on the shores of Essos and departed north with the witch named Freya to find adventure in the city of Braavos.

Bracken Dynasty Reaffirmed

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
I would like to briefly address the realm to squash some rumours.   It is natural law that a man's firstborn son inherits his lands and belongings. As King of the Andals, I wish to assert and confirm that my son, Lord Alexander Bracken, is henceforth to be formally known as the Crown Prince of the Realm. In honour of him receiving this title, I am granting him Summerhall to rule in my name.   I expect all my vassals to re-assert their fealty to my son and to promise to never falter in service to him, as through blood his words and deeds are mine, and vice versa. He is the future of this Kingdom and the ultimate fulfillment of my legacy. I expect that my next few years will be my last, however many they are, and I will do everything in my power in that time to work towards building this realm to stand against the rot of time. We will not repeat past mistakes and plunge Westeros into chaos. The Bracken Dynasty will establish an everlasting peace even beyond me.   That is all.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~ Alexander Bracken, currently hosting a Southron Royal Progress through the North Snowy Wolfswood, with Queen Lyanna Stark as his host, has not received the raven of his father's public address yet, as the Raven was sent to Winterfell. Alexander has enjoyed his time in the North so far, its majestic landscapes are an easy mistress to fall in love with, with a brook and forest around every corner.

Pentos, the Next Chapter

  Free City of Pentos | PatMagroyn
The revelry in Pentos’ streets over the conflict’s end has finally died down. The public mourning of the City’s beloved Prince is finally over. As the Great War, for most intents and purposes, ends for the City of Pentos, the aftermath of its wake becomes clearer and clearer. What gargantuan task lay next is reconstruction.   And holding on to power. The last facade of public unity has finally disappeared from the Senate, now that it is no longer politically expedient. Horro is dead, his seat ripe for taking, and new power blocs are born to take it. In contrast, Ellyria is left with depleted coffers, a weakened watch, and hungry enemies around.   She continues to exercise her executive powers granted from the war, discouraging any public forums regarding House Mopatis’ power with the help of Alysse Santagar and the disparate lot of sellswords still contracted with Pentos.   Ellyria Mopatis has also immediately begun granting the land won in the war to merchants that have reaffirmed their loyalty to her household. Increasing the division, as these very lands are still also claimed by families who had lost them just several years prior.   And she has even foregone increasing taxation on the mercantile district, to appease the true power structure of Pentos. Instead seeking foreign aid and loans to rebuild the ruined towns and lands of the Flatlands. The many mercenary contracts and the pay promised to soldiers is little worry since so few of them remain to collect.   Solidifying her hold on the Free City is all that’s left to her as her manse stands empty, her children being spread to the far reaches of the world in fear they might have once lost their lives.

To the Window, to the Wall!

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
Alexander Bracken rides for Molestown from Winterfell to finally see the Great Northern Wall with his own eyes.


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