Season 4, Turn 39

Days 1 - 15 of the Eighth Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

Freefolk: Essosi Era, Continued

  The Thenns | Mista Sista
Fenrir Eagling reflects on his first time in command from his camp in Tiler's Pier. His army is made up of veterans, many of which fought for years side-by-side with his father. In the skirmishes he has fought up to this point, his cavalry has dealt swift victories, but not without heavy losses. The old-heads chastise him to no end for charging into the unknown. “A good commander lies in wait” they say.   A great battle approaches, with the Dothraki horde riding quickly west. An enemy completely alien to the Thenns, yet one with a ferocity that is all-together familiar.   When he isn’t sitting in his tent planning with his men, he meditates, focusing his mind on his great eagle. The stress of the job weighs on the young boy, and he wargs to once again feel the freedom of the open air.

Bracken Dynasty Reaffirmed, Continued

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
The Banners of House Bracken are raised in the Great Halls of Summerhall, as Prince Alexander Bracken accepts the title of Crown Prince of Summerhall.

Return to Trade

  House Costayne | sandman
House Costayne has returned once more to trading across the narrow seas. Redstone Waters is again under my merchant's control. I am also seeking to purchase shipping lanes, lands, and keeps for those in need of coin.

Election Time in Lorath, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
General Banyani Jaqen was grateful for his decision to roll the light fleet overland. His forces had struggled to cross the marshes and bogs that were fed by the Darkwash River. If not for the fleet resupplying the army it is likely the whole campaign would have been called off.   Regardless of how difficult the terrain was to cross, he still saw great potential in the land. He wrote to the senate trying to convince them to outright annex the territory. The army had even established forts and resupply points along the river to assist in colonizing the area. The new territory could go a long way to assist in the ongoing refugee crisis in the city. Not only would it empty the slums of Lorath, but it would also reduce the pressure on the capital's food reserves. Something that was crucial for the Republic to do with the coming winter.

To the Window, to the Wall!, Continued

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~While making camp near Liddle Village, near the Northern mountains, a messenger rides into camp at breakneck speed, barely stopping in time before reaching the Bracken guards.   The message is a raven that was sent to Winterfell from The Red Keep from his father, instructing him to ride for Solitude at once to meet with armies from House Costayne. Word has it, Lord Armstead himself has just arrived and is expecting the Crown Prince within a fortnight.

All Eyes on the Vale

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
The following letter is sent to all Lords of Westeros; including those who do not swear fealty to the Iron Throne.  
Noble Lords and Ladies of Westeros, the time has come for me to make good on my promise when I took this throne.   The day I entered the Red Keep I promised a unified Kingdom for all Andals. A Kingdom under House Bracken. In this pursuit, I have made more deals than I can possibly remember. Now, as I write this letter, this realm that I merely envisioned is nearly whole.   From the Lonely Light to Sunpear, from Oldtown to the Twins… nearly all Andals are united under a Kingdom that is above all else functional. I have brought the rule of law, peace, and stability to all my vassals and their households. No man can deny the peace achieved in Westeros after the defeat of the Dragon of Summerhall. All his vassals are now mine, and they can all attest that they have been treated with mercy befitting of Baelor the Blessed.   My wounds have scarred from the war, and my age is catching up with me… but there is one final conquest that must join my list of victories. I promised that no independent Andal Kingdoms would exist to ensure stability under House Bracken. The “Kingdom of the Vale” under Lord Jamie of House Corbray goes against my initial promise.   I will not deny that I have strayed from this promise in the past. I have lied in the name of achieving victories elsewhere, but any man compelled by the burden that I put upon myself would have done the same.   Lord Jamie is an honourable man, one who I hold in high regard. It saddens my soul that I must bring war to the Vale if he does not submit. I know, though, that the Seven will forgive me for this war… as I am motivated by wishes that serve them.   There is no guarantee that Lord Jamie’s grandson will be as wise and honourable as he is. There cannot be any risk of an independent Vale waging war against my realm and seeking its destruction. It must be ended.   Lord Jamie, I address only you now. For the sake of your family and yourself, I urge you to submit peacefully and join the Kingdom of Andals without a fight. Swear fealty to me without fight and I will raise you as Lord Paramount of the Vale, and you will retain all your lands and titles. You are hopelessly outnumbered. Do not fight a war that is already lost.   If you decide to fight this war, though, I promise that I will see that House Corbray never is able to raise another banner. Heart’s Home will burn. This is my promise. Do not make me uphold it.   To all my vassals: your obligations are clear.
  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
For the Glory of the Throne and the Andal Kingdom, and in the name of my father, King Otho I, I, Prince Alexander Bracken, declare war upon House Corbray.   May the Gods protect those who are righteous!   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
Finally, the Alliance of the 4 kings has reached an end, on all sides. One death, one under submission, and one leading a war against the last one. The Vale has always fought for their independence and we will keep to our ways. We fought the Targaryens, and we lost, we fought again, and we won. King Bracken perfectly knows all that he said. So do I. We were ruled by outsiders and we were poor and defeated. I united the Vale under one banner, under one rule. And the people of the Vale only follow one Banner, one Rule. We have prosperity, we have honor. We have our own kingdom. We are the Vale, and we will stand for what is worth for, for the Vale itself.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
When I have conquered the Vale from you, my friend, there will still only be one banner, with one rule. The Red Stallion will wave over the ruins of Heart's Home. The history books will tell of your bravery to face me, but also your foolishness not to submit.   Fight well.   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
A girl is born. Kenya Corbray may long she live.   Due, the birth of the child after the declaration of war, she has already been given various nicknames such as Kenya, bringer of chaos, Kenya of the Calamity, Kenya, the Warbornt. But due to the ancestral weapon of House Corbray, Lady Forlorn, she is known as The Forlorn Princess.   House Banefort | Kingdom of the Andals | Nyron
I, Lord Tyrus Banefort, hereby declare war on House Corbray. Glory to King Otho Bracken and his promise of a unified Kingdom for all Andals!   House Orchard | Kingdom of the Andals | Bowler
I, Ser Larkin, do pledge my sword to this war, so that I may use it to protect the innocent amidst the carnage and stand as a judicious force for good on the side of His Majesty. I declare war on House Corbray.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
“Those of Westerosi descent have been moved to Citizens Square away from the zealots. We have eyes on Alon Ostin; he has yet to go beyond his fiery sermons. Though we are ready, should he begin to arm his followers.” Captain Barrett finished his report with a curt salute. A brief pause passed before Acting Magister Ando Cahya snapped to attention.   “Thank you, Captain, you are dismissed.” As soon as he spoke, his son began making his way back towards the barracks. He was typically a passive observer in the senate, but now he served as the Acting Magister. His appointment came about due to Illan Bahin’s house arrest. With the leading Admiral restricted to his manor, it fell to Magister Qarlon to command the fleet.   “Acting Magister, Qarlon Jaqen has begun to assemble the fleet at Shalorath. I forward the motion that he is removed from office, his insanity will bring ruin to all of Lorath.” Rollo Bahin's voice echoed through the empty Senate. Though 60 senators attended the session it was as if he and the boy were the only ones present. The party lackies were at a loss for what to do in the absence of their patrons.   “Even if I agreed to take such drastic action, we require a majority vote. Not even a third of the senate is in attendance.” Rollo interjected before he could continue.   “War is a drastic action, and endangering the city is unforgivable! We must act now before it is too late, the fleet has yet to cross the Narrow Sea.” Rollo Bahin turned to the other senators looking for support. None stepped forward to support either side.   “We cannot overturn the laws of the Republic out of fear. The majority placed their faith in Qarlon Jaqen, including your grandfather. To defy them is to defy our democracy itself.” Rollo Bahin clenched his fist in anger upon hearing his reply. He spun around to address the dumbstruck senators.   “Let it be known to history that in Lorath's doom the leading men of the city sat in silence!” Rollo then returned to face him.   “When Otho Bracken lands his army tell him that it's the will of the majority for him to leave. I'm sure he will be as receptive as the Targaryens were in Braavos!” The young man stormed out of the senate hall, his words still echoing in the nearly empty room.   Honoring our alliance with The Vale, the Republic of Lorath declares war on the Kingdom of Andals. May the villains of King's Landing receive their just due.   House Uller | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Rasche
I, Lord Harlan Uller, pledge my support and that of my House to the King against House Corbray. My son, Davon Uller, has proven himself in several tourneys now- he will accompany me to war so that he may solidify his mettle on the fields of battle.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
And so Lorath exposes its true color. A den of evil that wishes to ensure that Westeros is divided and exploitable.   If the Lorath are too prideful to abandon this misforged alliance, then they will suffer the full consequences of their actions.

Essos Claims Another

  Free City of Norvos | Bio
Ravens from Norvos finally take to the skies as messengers spread across the lands with sorrow news.   The envoys at the gates of the city hear it first.   High Priest Hotah has passed away.   He was found deep within the great church guarding the vault to our sacred texts, artifacts and tombs. He guarded and protected these items from destruction and pillage.   A ceremony will be held on the next full moon for his passing and ascension to heaven's grace. All are welcome to the ceremony, it will be filled with the joy of his life and sorrow for his death.   His disciple, Bello the Acolyte to the Gods throne will take up the mantle of High Priest and magistrate of Norvos.


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