Season 4, Turn 49

Days 1 - 15 of the First Moon, 422 AC

General Summary

All Eyes on the Vale, Continued

  House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
Last March of Ser Arrinor
Following the horsestep that were leading North, Ser Arrinor and his army found that some knights of the Vale were heavily outnumbered at Mountains of The Moon. The knights were surrounded by men with spears, while the dismounted Horse army of the Vale could almost not advance and Bracken's army was moving slowly pushing them to the center.   There the stinky knight shouted out, "Knights of the Vale! I summon you! You have made an oath, fulfill it by Deeds not Words. Chaaaarge!" Then Ser Arrinor, with his bad hand, put his horn on his mouth and blew it with all the strength left in his body. His other hand picked up the spear and his mighty horse led the charge down to the hill. When he stopped blowing, he repeated "Chaargeee!"   The impact was severe. The suicide army broke the lines of the invader so the outnumbered army could regroup and join together. It was a bloody feat, but today the Vale won.   After the battle, Ser Arrinor talked with the other commander of the Vale's Knights. "Ser, why weren't you on Gates of The Eyrie?" To which he replied, "My lord, we saw smoke from Redfort. Even though we agreed to meet at the Gates of The Eyrie we thought that we could help Redfort's army, however we were too late... We were seen, soon we were caught and… well, you saved our life. However, Ser, this was only a small part of the army. We saw a much larger army heading towards Heart's Home. I don't know if the King could resist that army."   Ser Arrinor only replied "Well, I wouldn't say I saved your life, we are now following them! Ha! Prepare yourself, glory is upon us! You have half a day to rest, then we march, hope the Seven bless us all!"   House Blackstone Gaming Snake
Lord Arthur’s vanguard fleet, led by Ser Oscar Wayn, has slipped through the blockade of the fingers. The Northern ships have retreated, allowing safe passage. The fleet prepares to land at the beaches and besiege Coldwater Burn until the main force arrives, being led by their Lord Arthur.

Black Sails in Essos, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Magister Qarlon was completely baffled by the situation in Braavos. The previous week, the Senate sent word informing him that peace was signed between Lorath and The Kingdom of Andals. Only 3 days later, he had received reports that a Targaryen fleet was approaching. The Targaryens sank several Lorathi patrol ships before suddenly changing course and then sailing south once again.   The situation could have become even worse had it not been for his own paranoia. Qarlon did not trust Prince Alexander after breaking their first treaty, and it seemed he was right to do so. Had he disbanded the fleet as planned, they would not have been able to respond to the attack.   Qarlon decided to follow the Targaryens south towards Silty Town. Technically, the town was owned by their ally Pentos. In actuality, it had become home to bands of Westerosi pirates for almost a year now. He was determined to cleanse the town of this scourge and create a buffer between Lorath and The Andals.
Report Date
08 Aug 2024
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