Arrinor Corbray Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Arrinor Corbray

Lord of Dragonspire and Splintered Lance Arrinor Corbray (a.k.a. The Grey, The Fool, The Stinky)

Related Character Bio

Ser Arrinor is the Uncle of the current King, Jamie Corbray. He is the ruler of Dragonspire and Splintered Lance; a part of the representative of the second line of House Corbray.   He fought alongside his brother in the wars against the Conquest of the Vale, and the Northern War, where he got several head injuries. He also led the attack on Pryor's lands during the Rebellion of the 4 Kings.   The once notable Ser, capable with the sword and the books as most of the Vale lords presume, received an arrow in his head during the Northern War. The Maesters agreed that he would not survive, however he proved them wrong. The left side of his body has been paralyzed, or nearly so. His mind is not as sharp as it was once before, and most doubt that he can think clearly. The gentleman he was in his youth has lost most of the modals of a Ser, and his body odor is strong. It's said that you can smell him before seeing him.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Extended Family
House Sigil

Deeds, Not Words
Kingdom of the Vale
Player (Current)
Prince Nyunyu
Year of Birth
373 AC 48 Years old


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