Siegholt Swann Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Siegholt Swann

Lord of Red Lake Siegholt Swann

Related Character Bio

Lord of Red Lake Castle, and former Steward of Stonehelm. After his brother, and most of his nephews and nieces died, he ruled Stonehelm in the Black Swan's place. Despite the Black Swan's absence, never once did his uncle usurp power from him, though he was strongly encouraged to by not only the household, but the Black Swan himself. He ruled well, and even arranged Siegfried's marriage to Ellyria Mopatis. For his loyalty, and upon Siegfried finally claiming his birthright, Siegholt was granted Red Lake Castle. Land bestowed to House Swann by the late Jack Oakheart. Or as was thought at the time. Siegholt pledged his loyalty to House Serry, then House Oakheart when Jack was revealed to still live. Due to conflicting loyalties, has remained neutral through every war that has taken place so far.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Extended Family
House Sigil

Ever Elegant
Player (Current)
Year of Birth
354 AC 67 Years old


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