Season 4, Turn 05 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 05

Days 1 - 15 of the Third Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
House Florent has attacked Crane Household. Despite House Swann of Red Lake Castle‘s stated neutrality.   We will give Florent the option to restitute the people for their lands being razed. If they are not, we will be forced to defend ourselves.
— Lord Siegholt of Red Lake Castle
  House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Are you not sworn to House Oakheart after betraying your former liege House Serry?   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
I think betrayal runs deep in the Swann family.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
Ser Harwin is a blind loyalist and strong fighter, but not much of a strategic mastermind. He ordered his host of 24.000 men to march, while sending a few dozen riders out to scout the area around. No news was heard from them since, nor did they ever return. The Targaryen host under Commander Hasty marched for two days unopposed into enemy territory. As the forest grew thicker, the line of soldiers grew thinner and stretched out. A line marched through The Kingswood when the vanguard spotted the Bracken army who seemed as unaware as the Targaryen soldiers. A vicious and unorganized skirmish unfolded with javelins and spears being thrown blindly into the woods and arrows were shot to wherever there seemed to be movement of the enemy.   But as the Targaryen column approached the Bracken army, the horns were sounded and battle positions were taken. Before a line could be formed on either side soldiers started charging. So The Battle of The Kingswood began.   Ser Harwin led the charge and fought with his soldiers on the front. There was fighting all around and the trees made it difficult to orient one's location. Horrified soldiers retreated straight into enemy lines on both sides, and were killed on the spot.   After a long hour of fighting the Brackens seemed to gain the upper hand and started forming a close line to approach the loose formation of the Targaryen host, still led by Ser Harwin shouting orders while piercing Bracken soldiers with his greatsword Haste.   Harwin had sustained multiple wounds during the battle but remained unwavering. He looked up at the approaching line of Bracken soldiers, forming a shield wall. He knew in that moment that he needed to organize his men and called an organized retreat. The horns sounded the retreat, and the Bracken soldiers stopped in their tracks, realizing the battle was theirs.   But there was no celebration. 14000 casualties were counted on Bracken's side and 15000 for the Targaryens. A high price was paid by both sides, and no ground was won by either.   Commander Harwin commanded to tend the wounded and prepare for a counter attack by the Brackens before entering his tent back at the Targaryen camp. He writes to Vaegon asking for support, or the enemy will soon be at the Eastern Gate of Visenya's Wall at Hasty Hall. If that castle falls much hope will be lost and the campaign will turn into a fight for survival. "It must not come to that" Ser Harwin implies.   Vaegon receives the letter a day later. He reads it carefully with a stern face. "It must not come to that, '' he whispers to himself as he rides under the gates of Summerhall, with a fresh Targaryen army following behind him. The banners of the red dragon on a field of gold held high. His commanders Beren Dondarrion and Mason Fell by his side.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Spies were sent out to Storming Rosefields. Two Swann armies were gathering there. The scouts were able to send the information back to Parchments. This was the sign for the army there to march out. Towards Storm's End!   House Caswell | Kingdom of the Andals | nickjones12113
“Damnation!, I told Commander Bridges to not get himself exposed. Now his force is routed, and we have their main army on the March to bitterbridge.” Lord Caswell can be heard shouting from his battle tent. “He lost his life for his trouble, summon my brother he will lead the expeditionary forces.”   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
The 40k men lost after weeks of fighting at Fireplum Gardens turns the already fertile lands into bloodsoaked mud. The fields will harvest strong crops for generations. Costayne has lost about 30% less men then Fossoway but his forces in the area are depleted due to the Dornish assault approaching. Fossoway having lost 22k+ and Costayne down around 17k. Just as the forces of Costayne dwindle, a large force from House Florent arrives to help.

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  House Stone | Kingdom of the Vale | Jack Handy
~The assault on Breakwater by forces from House Torrent of Littlesister and Ser Godric Stone, is a quick affair. The castle was mostly undefended and those who stood guard were barbarians from Frostfang Clan. About 100 of them are taken prisoner and all of them are hung like dogs. Many of the men fighting for Ser Godric still display the sigil of House Pryor.   Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
Brittlefang spits and curses on the deck of The Northern Winds. News has just reached him of an invasion force that snuck past his fleet in the bite. Breakwater has been captured, and White Harbor stands vulnerable. He must choose to continue south or turn back to defend his lands. He sends a raven to Lord Flint to plan for the counterattack.   Gornson | Frostfang Clan | rven
I deplore the attack on my people at Breakwater. We were welcomed south of the Wall by royal decree and have found our place in the North. We abide by all the same laws as everyone else yet we are singled out as barbarians.

Warning Bells

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Warning Bells can be heard across the coast of Lorath as a large warfleet from the Vale has approached the reconstruction camps in Braavos. The Cities council has unanimously voted to mobilize the whole fleet to face this possible threat. Qarlon Jaqen leads the Lorathi defense fleet in relief of his son Banyani who is in charge of the reconstruction efforts.

From the Ashes, a Septa Rises

  Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, the war for power had all but shattered House Serry, casting a shadow of madness over even the most respected individuals. It was in this tempest of turmoil that Ludwig Avignon and a handful of Maesters stood firm, the last bulwark against impending anarchy. As Serry's final heir sought refuge far from the isle, it seemed that even this slender thread of hope was unraveling, as the ravenous struggle for power threatened to consume them all.   Just as despair loomed like a relentless wolf, ready to pounce on its prey, a glimmer of salvation emerged. A mysterious figure, seemingly born of the night, rallied common folk and militia, imposing order upon the chaos. Collaborating with the small council stationed in Serry Hall, they orchestrated the dismantling of any opposition. Outnumbered and lacking resources, it was as if a guiding hand from above had lent them strength, and none who dared to oppose them could stand in their way.   The Blessing of the Warrior shielded its faithful, and The Crone bestowed wisdom and the diplomatic audacity needed to reunite the fractured lands. Under the protective aura of the Mother Above, Caelia, her voice a clarion call, addressed aristocrats and beggars, soldiers and common folk, believers and those yet to find faith. Without grandstands or ostentatious preparation, she walked amidst the thronged streets, waiting for the people to fall silent. Kneeling in prayer, she then spread her arms to the gods above and spoke:  
Ladies and noble sirs,   Pray, lend thine ear to me,
Septa Caelia of Greenshield, I be.
In the warm embrace of the Seven's grace,
I find my solace in this sacred place.   Amidst opulent halls and noble delights,
I cultivate gentility and grace, shining bright.
A refuge I extend to those in their hour of need,
In tumultuous times, my hand doth take the lead.   In faith, unwavering and profoundly deep,
The beacon of the Seven doth my spirit keep.
To share this luminescence, my dearest creed,
With all who seek in their hearts to heed.   In me, may you find a symbol of hope,
A wellspring of inspiration, a way to cope.
May the Seven's blessings upon us flow,
Guiding our paths to tranquility, may it be so.


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