Siegfried Swann Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Siegfried Swann

Lord of Stonehelm Siegfried Swann (a.k.a. The Black Swann)


The legend of this infamous character will surely be told for ages to come. He was the third child born to Siegmund 'the Silver' Swann and 'Wild' Katie Wylde. And it was said he was a sickly child, unlikely to even survive infancy. So his ascension to Lord of Stonehelm was unforeseen by all. But it came all the same. His older brother and sister were lost at sea in a storm. His mother died in childbirth a year later. And after his father suddenly passed due to the Cape Fever, Siegbert Swann indeed found himself Lord of Stonehelm against all odds.   Afraid of the responsibility, or perhaps the ghosts in the castle as he often said, he foisted his lordly duties on his uncle, and set off to live an easy life. Ever the black sheep of the family, the Stormlands soon took to calling him the Black Swan. A moniker he wore proudly until the day he died. He forsook instructors for lessons from wayward bards. He left balls to attend local taverns with drunken smallfolk. His exploits were already infamous before he began traveling the Realm proper. And on these travels, spreading his name through word of mouth, earning his coin through many a performance, a young lord in Old Oak found particular interest in his lifestyle and wanton wanderlust.   Showing talent with music and prose, the Black Swan invited him on his escapades. Which led to the birth of the renowned act, 'Oak and Swan'. Their music eventually led them to the Red Keep, where both soon became a household name in King’s Landing. And where Jack Oakheart was rumored to foster many of his close relations with lords throughout the Realm. Though it was a home away from home, Siegfried still frequented the countryside, with his travels through the North, during the Umber Rebellion, being the last of them. As upon returning to the city, he had found that his Uncle had promised his hand to the daughter of a Pentoshi Magister.   Dragged there against his will, he soon met the most charming woman of his life, Ellyria Mopatis. A match made in the Seven Heavens as both were lovers of song and equal in wit. If it wasn't for the disappearance of Jack at sea, and the attempt on Queen Visenya's life, the Wedding would surely have been the happiest day in his life. After it, Ellyria and the Black Swan went on a 5 year honeymoon, sojourning across Essos. Visiting and playing in every city, both gathering further prestige as the musical duo, 'the Blackbirds'. Where he also met Revan Blackfyre, and who he learned was responsible for the disappearance of Jack Oakheart. As they traveled in Revan's company, he personally saw the Free Cities come under Revan's banner one by one. Which some attribute to the joy Ellyria and Siegfried brought to each court with their songs. His first three children were born during this time overseas.   Eventually, he returned to Westeros, and urged by his wife to take his rightful claim. Though he did, rewarding his Uncle with Jack's lands of Red Lake Castle, he was not happy. His wife governed the land in his stead, and was constantly at work. Their performances became manufactured, only occurring for festivals or balls. And his wife steadily encouraged him toward theatre, which she had taken great interest in. She no longer tolerated the tawdry limericks of a common bard. And Siegfried had become haunted. By the horrors of war seen in the Umber Rebellion. The attempt on the Queen's life. The tyranny the Free Cities experienced under Westerosi rule. And the fact he could not save his friend from slavery. And when Revan's Rebellion began, his personal tragedy reached its climax.   Caught between two worlds. Loyalty to the Queen he loved and land he was from. Loyalty to his wife, and the people suffering under foreign rule. He put forward his name, and gained a seat on the Small Council as the new 'Master of Culture', upon suggestion of his wife. And his wife's handmaiden sent regular reports from Revan's war councils, giving him news from both sides. The conflict in his heart resulted in one of the most disputed events in recent memory: his alleged attempt on the Queen's life. Was it due to jilted love? To end the war for all? Did it even truly happen? Though several present attest to its truth, others still believe it simple propaganda, and that the Mad Queen simply took after her grandfather. Regardless, that was the last act of his life. He wasted in the black dungeons for several weeks before being ransomed. And when he arrived at the Great Parley in Tyrosh, he was soon found with throat slit not long after. Jay Dalt, the alleged assassin, was allegedly murdered by the Black Swan's wife shortly after the Parley ended. Regardless of his actions, the Black Swan was a source of joy and amusement to smallfolk and nobles alike, and his name shall like be remembered in the annals of history due to his peculiar life  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Extended Family
House Sigil

No Foe But Injustice
384 AC 418 AC 34 years old
Circumstances of Death
Stabbed to Death at the Great Parley in Tyrosh


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