Season 4, Turn 09 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 09

Days 1 - 15 of the Fifth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Armstead is quickly making a name for himself, outflanking the Lord of Dayne at Seven Shrines, killing all but a few to tell the tale. Davos is now deep in enemy territory, surrounded and cut off. His forces were both scattered and depleted with as little as a couple thousand left in the region. With Davos weakened, he is more a threat now than ever. A cornered, wounded animal is always the most dangerous. Armstead approaches with a white banner of truce to parlay.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
I hadn't foreseen this. An army approaches next to the building site at Bywater Household.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
The Second Battle of the Kingswood
Vaegon lead his army westward along Kingswood Border, with his trusted commander Lord Harwin Hasty by his side. "We should be concealed from the enemy your grace" Lord Hasty spoke, Vaegon answering with only a nod. The entire army was told to remain quiet during the march so as not to even scare the animals. After a day they turned their focus northward.   It was early in the morning, a thick mist covered the Targaryen army camp, right next to the treeline of The Kingswood. They were just about to break camp as from the treeline the Bracken host was spotted charging towards their location. Vaegon called his man to form a defensive line, shouting orders to any officer he could find to hold their ground. They had only a few seconds to respond. The presence of their king prevented a mass route and soon the Bracken soldiers had reached the camp. It was a massacre, no battle line could be formed by either side, but the Bracken forces were more organized and used the element of surprise to their advantage.   Vaegon fought by the side of his soldiers, whom he saw falling all around him. It seemed a dire situation, a battle that could not be won. His objective now was to ensure the lives of his men. "FIGHT FOR YOUR HOME! FIGHT FOR YOUR KING!" he shouted continuously. The thick mist made it near impossible for either side to know what was going on just a few meters away.   Tents were set ablaze and the fire lit the camp in a dim red glow. The chaos of the battle caused men from both sides to flee for their lives, but the Brackens had more men, and as the sun rose above the horizon, slowly chasing away the mist, it became apparent to Vaegon that he had to retreat. He called Harwin Hasty to rally his men away into an organized retreat into the woods beyond the enemy’s right flank.   The aftermath was brutal. Mauled and burned bodies covered the once grassy field. Almost no tent was left standing, some were even still burning as Jonos Bracken, the brother of King Otho Bracken, mounted high upon his horse entered what was once Vaegon’s army camp, searching for King Vaegon’s body. He did not find it, which enraged him.   He had won the battle, but the war was far from over.   House Allyrion | Kingdom of Summerhall | {N.W.} TheLegend
Lady Cassella Allyrion walked through the gardens of Godsgrace with a heavy heart. The men were all gone, gathering to the west and continuing to prepare for the wars to come. She missed having all the men around. She really had no one around to talk to. Sure, the recent battles to control Dorne were glamourous, but she wasn't allowed anywhere near them and all she heard were rumors and stories. She wanted to see the fighting, to see the battles, to see the killing, to see the blood.   Her handmaid approached with some fruit that she didn't even recognize. "I said I wanted grapes, Llenora." The young woman froze and fear instantly showed on her face. "My lady, we have no grapes." Cassella stared at her for just a second, then slapped her as hard as she could. "Go back and find me some grapes!" "Yes, my lady." The now-crying girl grabbed the fallen tray and quickly headed back towards the kitchen. Cassella looked down and saw the crimson drops on the ground. She smiled. "Ah, finally. I get to see some blood!"   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
The Army of the Cape can see from afar that House Wensingtone opens their gates for the Bracken men riding through their lands. Lord Selwyn Wensington seems to have made his choice for ruler known.   Ser Grandison returned to North Shipbreaker Bay not days earlier after speaking with the man. The army of Queen Ellyria sits still, as if waiting for yet another storm to come batter the walls of Storm's End.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
It is my pleasure to announce that King Banefort and I have come to a peace agreement. All original lands between us and our vassals will be returned, with the exception of the Kayce region being ceded to the forces of the Septa.   With peace now achieved between the Iron Islands and the Iron Throne, the entirety of Westeros is one step closer to an era of peace and prosperity. The False Dragon of Summerhall will be defeated.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
The only false dragon here is the one that you created by raping my cousin, Queen Helaena.   If you’re king enough, I challenge you, Otho Bracken, to a duel to the death!   No more innocent people, loyal soldiers, and knights need to die. Your brother does not need to die. Let us settle this conflict as men   Or would you rather let others do the dirty work for you, what kind of king would you be then?   Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
Rejoice! What a magnificent accord, orchestrated under the divine justice of the Father. This day bears witness to our triumphant stand at Lion's Bay, upheld by the benevolent guidance of our cherished Mother. It signifies the cessation of futile suffering and the pointless demise of countless souls, lightening the burdens of my loyal Silent Sisters, who will no longer have to guide so many lost spirits into the unknown realms of the Stranger.   Today's events deserve celebration! While some may express disbelief and frustration, wondering how we can revel in the wake of one conflict when another looms, take heed. The Crone, in her boundless wisdom, has graced me with glimpses of what is to come, visions of unity and peace. Understand, however, that my understanding is limited, for the Crone's revelations manifest in fragments, cryptic dreams shrouded in enigma. Her foresight is far too grand for any individual to bear the weight of insurmountable destiny.   Thus, I offer you clear and concise words: cease the hostilities, reach for the light, for the Seven stand ready to embrace you within their omnipotent embrace. Every steadfast believer in the one true god shall receive special blessings for their unwavering faith.
— Septa Caelia of Greenshield
  (Every player who has built a Sept to worship the Seven, will be gifted +1'000 faithful followers (units duh) and maybe a surprise too *wink*wink*)   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
I have had the displeasure of bringing death to a great many noble warriors. Lord Tyrus Greyjoy, Lord Marcus Banefort, Lord Jack Oakheart, and so many knights that I have forgotten their names.   Every man that I have struck down in combat believed in something. They believed in the strength of their dynasty, the justification of their cause, or anything else. When I defeated them, all I could feel was relief that I had won and that my story would continue.   You, Vaegon, betrayed your own dynasty in exchange for a pitiful scrap of a “Kingdom”. You bend over for foreign Essosi and have sold your soul to all that is evil in this world. You have no belief in your cause against me. You claim my throne, and yet signed “peace” with me a mere two years ago. You are a stringed rat pretending to be a dragon. A mummer’s farce.   Your words mean nothing. You ask me to duel, to “spare the lives” of the great many Knights under me. Why should I dishonour my followers who have all, free of will, committed themselves to my cause?   You want to duel because you know you have lost. You are a spiteful creature who wants one final victory of slaying the man who is everything you are not. You ask me to duel as “men”, and yet I see no man in you.   In my fifty years in this world I have never met anything more pathetic and spiteful than you. You name me a rapist, a murderer, an oathbreaker, and more. I pity your delusional state.   I will not duel you in single combat. You are not worthy of such a death. If you dare seek me out on the battlefield, the Seven Hells await you.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
Though each of the Florent brigands were apprehended as Lord Siegholt warned them, the war had nonetheless reached Red Lake Castle.   Under the spiteful gaze of none other than King Otho Bracken himself. When the scouts gave word of his march upon Red Lake, Lord Siegholt gave his men the order.   “Men…Lay down your arms. Lay down your shields. Lay down your prides. Do this so that you need not lay down your lives. We raise the white flag at midday, for there is no soul here that need die for a quarrel that should have never been. Hear my words today, loyal men of Red Lake, for I do not wish them to be your last.”   After disbanding their standing armies, and allowing Bracken’s host entry to their castle, House Swann of Red Lake Castle officially surrenders to Otho Bracken.   For his crimes of treason and sedition, Lord Siegholt Swann was personally sentenced to death by King Otho himself, and beheaded with the Valyrian Blade Blackfyre. His last words before execution were “Long live the Warrior, King Otho I.”   For sparing his life and his sister’s, Siegbert Swann swears fealty to the King of the Andals and commits Red Lake’s men to his cause.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
In response to Otho’s outburst:   The Essosi look to me with respect, so I treat them the same. You may insult me if that is how low you’re willing to go. But a king must always show respect even to his enemies. A warrior king you are for sure, but you are neither noble nor fair.   You speak of rats even though you’re the king of rats out there. You neither conquered nor won anything. The battles you won are easy unmentionable victories. King’s Landing was like a walk in the park after Jaehaera opened the gates for you.   You will never be as great as any of the Targaryen dragon kings before you. And you will never be king of all the Andals.   I dare seek you out on the battlefield, but you’re cowering away on the other side of Westeros.   House Florent | Kingdom of the Andals | Fey
Greetings, mother   There have been no more battles near our borders, and I wanted to inform you that I'm doing fine, but I must say father has seen better days; he hasn't been the same ever since we heard about the demise of my eldest brother. He's eaten less and less every day, and his eyes look tired all the time.   The lieutenants have advised him to return to Brightwater Keep, to take the time needed to mourn the loss of his scion and to rest, but he refuses to leave men. I fear that father's old heart will not last another winter. I pray to the Warrior to give him straight.   Stay safe and well, Mother.
— Sidgur Florent (13 years old)
  Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
Dearest Sidgur,   May the light of the Seven shine upon you and bring solace to your troubled heart. Your words, though laden with the weight of sorrow, reveal a resilience beyond your tender years. Your concern for your father's well-being echoes in the halls of faith, and I extend my deepest sympathies for the loss of your elder brother. Such trials can test the fortitude of even the strongest hearts.   I wish to impart a gentle assurance that, in times of darkness, the embrace of the Mother Above is a soothing balm for wounded souls. Your father, a stalwart guardian of your house, deserves respite and healing. The Septa of Greenshield sends her heartfelt prayers for his strength and recovery.   It is said that the power of the Seven manifests itself in the sacred places we create in their honor. In the future, dear Sidgur, consider the possibility of erecting a Sept near Brightwater Keep. Such a sanctuary could serve as a beacon of hope, fostering an environment conducive to healing and spiritual rejuvenation. The Crone's wisdom, channeled through the prayers within those hallowed walls, might hasten your father's recovery.   In the meantime, both you and your father are most welcome at the Sept of Greenshield Castle. Our clerics stand ready to offer solace and assistance. May the Warrior grant your father strength, the Mother provide comfort, and the Seven bless your house with resilience and renewal.   In faith and kinship,
— Septa Caelia of Greenshield

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
Disaster in the Bite! While sailing east to meet up with his ally Lord Flint, Magnar Brittlefang sailed straight into the main fleet of Godric Stone. The ensuing battle was chaotic, as the Magnar attempted to quickly form his lines and fight the enemy. During the fight, the Northern Winds, Brittlefang’s flagship, was rammed, and the Magnar went overboard.   The rest of the fleet retreated in panic, but Magnar remained missing. Time will tell if the leader of the Thenns survived the attack.   House Stone | Kingdom of the Vale | Jack Handy
~The Battle of Breakwater Bite is something to behold. Thousands of ships ablaze on the normally rough seas, many of them slowly sinking to their final resting place. Godric Stone, on the deck of his flag ship, The Bastard's Galley, which has taken heavy damage but is still afloat, surveys the carnage. It is close to dawn, so the fires burning across the horizon seem to illuminate the darkness. Godric is told by a commander that none other than Brittlefang, the savage dog of the Far North, has been taken captive on House Longthorpe and is being sent to Dragonspire for interrogation. Godric smiles, as he thinks to himself of all the different ways he will enjoy torturing this animal.   Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
Hearing of the outcome of the battle, Lord Elrich Mermann, steward of White Harbor, takes control of the remaining fleet. The protection of the city is his first and only concern, so he brings the men back into port.   House Stone | Kingdom of the Vale | Jack Handy
Godric Stone arrives at Coldwater Burn, on his way to Dragonspire to see his prisoner, Brittlefang of the Thenns. As he rides through Coldwater Hills with his men, he receives reports about the war in the South between Otho and Vaegon Targaryen. He's told of Vaegon's change of a duel with Otho to end the war between them. Godric laughs out loud… his men, then force themselves to laugh as well, as they fear the bastard.   "The Toothless Dragon is a fool. He's surrounded by weak minded dogs from across the Narrow Sea, with Horro's Whore of a daughter in his ear, he brings shame to Lady Oakheart with that wandering cock of his. Bracken is winning this war, he will not agree to such a moronic proposition like a duel," Stone said aloud to his soldiers, chuckling to himself. "As long as they continue to kill each other, it only makes the Vale stronger."

Fleet of Pentos Dispute, Continued

  Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
This is very unfortunate. Myr denounces the unprovoked attacks by Pentos at Ghoyan Pass Valyrian Road at Ghoyan Drohe.   Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
(Myr I legit sent out a message earlier regarding your attack on Myrish Traders Route. You ain't fooling anyone)   Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
Pentos, unfortunately for you, anyone can look back at the turn history and see that I occupied Myrish Traders Route long before you took that from me too   Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
Well done? It took me two turns a month to set my armies up to counter. The fact that your only defence is that "It happened long ago" is laughable.   You seek only for war and the destruction of Pentos. Essos must stand against such oppression, betrayal and aggression.   I critiqued your assault when it happened. I sent multiple letters to the offices of Myr which you have rejected to answer. You have been seen for who you truly are. A liar.   Free City of Norvos | Bio
I urge Pentos to return Myr land back to him. Your occupation of Valyrian Road at Ghoyan Drohe and other territories in Velet hills has not gone unnoticed.   Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
Let us meet and talk, High Priest Monterys, I am sure you will find my words incredibly interesting.
"Vargillos, Irro, Jonos, Gessio, Guisseppe, Addario, Tycho, Alios, Baelyx, Marq."   He said the names once more. Aloud this time. Ten total in number. Yet, in his head they were hundreds. Having been thought of time and time again. They were his reason. They were his thoughts and prayers and all he would fight for. Those brave ten.   "They were killed"   Nevio Narratys had to remind himself every day. Every hour. Every minute. The names of those captains that died during the Myrish betrayal and assault on Myrish Traders Route where they had set sail to trade with the Lys.   They had sailed that day into an ambush. Said to have been six thousand men. Piled onto warships. Ready to prey on any poor individual that comes across them bearing the sails of a Pentoshi ship. They had wanted blood, not a battle.   Not a single Pentoshi had forgotten, let alone the Magistrate Nevio. For he knew that revenge would come soon. It had taken time, with Nevio himself tasked with the assault on Ghoyan.   "For them we strike."   The final wouldst he would mutter to himself, as he placed his sword belt onto his hip.   Out Nevio came from his command tent. The order to leave him alone had stood. Looking out the sun was sitting. A lovely auburn sky met him, soon it would be time. The sun low on the mountainside they had encamped on. Only a fool would have done, or a genius.   They had amassed their forces on the edge of the Windfall mountains. Obscured from vision completely they were so high and now with the sun set Pentos will rise.   Nevio gave a confirming nod. The Magistrate gave them the order to move. For his forces to begin their march down to Valyrian Road at Ghoyan Drohe
While the city would rise for war, his warriors would descend. Here, there were no sell swords. No hired men. Purely a Pentoshi force. One which has mustered upon hearing of Myrs betrayal. Prince Horro had called for an army to form and indeed they had. People had come in droves, so many they had to reject many. Patriotism had risen from the attack. Terror would not rule in this city, Nevio knew.   It is with this ferocity, the hope and a true want of revenge that the Pentoshi army came upon those of Myr.   Outnumbered, surrounded and taken unawares Nevio had to respect the Myrish   They fought, knowing their end was coming. With virtue and honour. A quick defensive line formed and Nevio was able to witness several men taking control. Even though it was clear their rank was not worthy of such bravery.   Unfortunately, praise and acclaim was no substitute for bodies. As the Pentoshi came upon them with fury. Nevio could see from afar, where he felt he could order commands easier. Watching and waiting for the right moment. But, none came this time. It is rare that there is ever an easy win... but this was the case.   HEY   They did not surrender. They did not back down. A shame, Nevio believed. They showed great worthiness and could have been a vital addition to his own staff.   The war had just begun, with virtue and righteousness on their side.   Nevio said the names once more.   "Vargillos, Irro, Jonos, Gessio, Guisseppe, Addario, Tycho, Alios, Baelyx, Marq."   They were still not redeemed for their loss. More was to come and it would come from his hand.   Free City of Lys | Coenquistatore
Hundreds of flyers begin circulating within the halls of the elites of Essos - probably the only literate man that would consider any paper-like sheet worth reading from, rather than being used for something else entirely - they all have a fleur-de-lys roughly drawn over a brief text:  
A black shadow lurks over our beloved Essos. Senseless strife and discord are putting each of the Free City the one against the other. Soon an endless feud that will paint our rivers red will break out and swallow us whole. Is that what you want? Is it revenge worth centuries of pain? Is a new Doom a valid outcome of greed? For those who wish pettiness banished from our continent, know there is a way out, a way to outpace the darkness that some of us keep feeding!   Look for the green reflection that will beam through from the cracked Tyroshi skylight of an old mansion, you will find friends to your cause waiting.   Signed
— a Valyrian Sphynx
  Lord Moredo Rogare is making a general announcement: "Lys, her magistrates, and me as their head, believe that all men in Essos, whether sorcerers, pirates, freemen or unsullied, are our Brethren. We have been asked by Pentos to shed the blood of Myr, and by Myr to shed the blood of Pentos, yet we only hear of a brother asking for the head of his sibling. And this cannot be, it Must be prevented!   So, I call all the Free Cities to join us in begging our brothers to settle their disputes not by the sword but with words and honor, and we propose our city Lyson as the place to discuss their quarrels in safety and friendship. All our friends of Qohor, Lorath (should I say Braavos too?), Ny Sar and Norvos are welcome to participate. We have the moral duty to convince our siblings to solve this matter once and for all. Those who are with us, please, we beg of you, voice your support."   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
"... It is foolish to assume that we can live in peace without the establishment of a professional Lorathi Army." Illan Bahin managed to raise his voice above the discourse. The heated debate had gone on for hours, it was certainly a surprise to Qarlon Jaqen. The Magister expected a celebratory mood with the session being held in Braavos. Instead he found his shakey coalition had begun to unravel in his absence.   "We are running a state sir, not a Free Company!" shouted back senator Sallos Dynar facing just as many boos. Qarlon was conflicted on the matter as he had spent so much of the treasury on financing a powerful navy. Yet a powerful navy did not protect Braavos. Whatever decision is reached it would be by a thin majority.   Banyani Jaqen will divert from the tourney of Ny Sar and represent Lorath should peace talks be held.   Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
I am swayed by the talks of brotherhood that Lord Moredo Rogare speaks of and am willing to offer Pentos an immediate ceasefire right here right now on turn 9. I will not put in any orders to attack his lands or armies and neither the armies of his ally at Burned Hills   Free City of Ny Sar | KingEridani
To the public houses of various heads of state across Essos, Ny Sar makes its stance known by official runners. The diplomat-messengers are generally agreeable, and having been selected for their very origin, fit natively into the various polite societies in which they must deliver their news. Apologetically they refuse commitments and politicking, insisting that, although this is a grand season for war, Ny Sar must at this time take a stance of neutrality until the closing of the new years ceremonies.   Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
By the words of the great family of Rogare, Horro Mopatis himself shall attend this meeting. Hoping that it will unearth the lies of Myr and bring for a new age where the Free Cities can live together, in peace. United and sound without the worry of another stabbing them in the back.   As for the ceasefire... it is in Myrish interests once more. With no armies capable of defending the lands in contention. Lands that were promised in our treaty. We shall be taking Ghoyan Drohe Rhonar Pass Field of Ashes Little Rhoynarys Greater Rhoynarys Little Rhoyne Headwaters this month.


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