Varin Thenn

Prince Varin Thenn

Related Character Bio

Varin Thenn is the son of Brittlefang and a minor noblewoman of house Mermann, making Lord Wendyll Mermann his grandfather. His mother died fighting alongside General Greta Cavebear against the Bastard of House Pryor in the defense of White Harbor.   Initially taken in by the Magnar due to his early signs of being a bright student, he was eventually disowned due to his interest in the Faith of the Seven. His faith soon turned into devotion, and he would have been abandoned if it weren’t for General Greta Cavebear taking in the boy as her ward and adopted son. Varin Thenn continues to train and takes daily lessons from the Septa of White Harbor.   Gifted several copies of great works by the visiting Prince Alexander Bracken, he now wishes to become a great southern Knight.  

Commonly Wearing

Roughspun trousers and shirt, or leather armor with a pendant symbolizing his faith to the New Gods  

Naming Rights

Each member of the clan is supposed to earn their name from a great feat they accomplished. Most earn their name after performing their rite of passage, but this is not always the case. For some, it takes longer than others.   Varin Thenn is too young to have earned his name.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
House Sigil

We Wait
Player (Current)
Mista Sista
Year of Birth
408 AC 14 Years old
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