Fenrir Eagling

Prince Fenrir Eagling

Related Character Bio

Fenrir his one of Brittlefang’s eldest sons, born a bastard (to borrow a concept largely unfamiliar to the Freefolk) but recognized for his strong aptitude for leadership and warrior spirit. Adored by his men, he currently commands the Vanguard on horseback of Brittlefang’s army in Essos.   Fenrir earned his name nearly dying while fighting off a vicious wolf pack during his rite of passage. While on the brink of death, he warged into a great eagle and maimed a wolf with the eagle’s massive talons. He returned a changed man, with paler eyes and an unspoken connection to the old gods. Some speculate he bled out from his wounds, only to be revived by sinister magic.   His impressive ability and natural charisma conceal a darker, more private side of him. Handmaidens of his have been known to disappear, only to show up days later as bloated corpses in the woods. However, his power and influence have been able to cover this up, and even those with suspicions that he was involved seem to be assured that the boy could do no harm. As such, his charm was almost supernatural.  

Notable features

Icy blue eyes, warging ability, massive eagle companion.  

Naming Rights

Each member of the clan is supposed to earn their name from a great feat they accomplished. Most earn their name after performing their rite of passage, but this is not always the case. For some, it takes longer than others.   Fenrir Eagling’s great feat just occurred.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
House Sigil

We Wait
Player (Current)
Mista Sista
Year of Birth
405 AC 17 Years old


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