Marian Blackburn Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Marian Blackburn

What Do We Know?

Marian Blackburn is a female human of an unknown age. She is the mother of Darren Blackburn and is a prominent member of the well-known Blackburn Family. Up to this point, while we know of Marian's existence we do not know of her exact location, whether she knows her son is dead, or what she is up to. She likely currently resides somewhere in the Orndoth Domain though.   Pari however, does know of Marian personally as they vaguely recall attending a dinner in which she sat at the children's table with Marian when she was approximately 3 years of age. She was supposedly crying because she "did not want to be there or somehting." We also know that she has at least loose connections to both the city of Thallvestr, where the Blackburn Family has a manor as well as likely to the town of Blackburn as it is named after the family.

Character Information

Physical Description
Female human of an unknown age
Place of Residence
Has a residence in Thallvestr
All other residences unknown
Organizational Affiliations
Blackburn Family
Known Relations
Darren Blackburn (Son)
Suspected Class Information
Known Weaknesses

Members of the Blackburn Family

Darren Blackburn
Marian Blackburn


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