Darren Blackburn Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Darren Blackburn

What Do We Know?

Darren Blackburn was a male human of an unknown age who was the son of Marian Blackburn and a member of the Blackburn Family in the Orndoth Domain. Darren was first encountered by the party following our initial break in to the Blackburn Manor present in the southern city of Thallvestr. He likely arrived to help investigate the incident and hopefully prevent any additional attempts. It was there that, Darren was met by the party and nearly fucked by Cain, before later being invited to a party meant to serve as a distraction.   While at the party, a trap was triggered and shortly after a fight ensued in which Darren barely escaped with his life after proving capable of high levels of skill with enchantment magic. We would later be warned of his surveillance on the Menagerie of Chaos by Archmage Bavol who coined the name the "Burned One."   We then did not see Blackburn again until Arahbo ran into him in the city of Thaneas, where he kidnapped and attempted to essentially mind control Arahbo in order to convince us to give back half of an amulet we had stolen from there residence back in Thallvestr. It was at this point we also learned that he killed off, at the very least large potions, of The Wind who we had actually given the half of the amulet to.   Once he found out the Menagerie did not have what he wanted from us, he attempted to kill us, but failed and later died in that same fight in a military storehouse at the hands of Cain due to his underestimate of our power to break Arahbo's mind control.

Character Information

Physical Description
Male human of an unknown age (Deceased)
Place of Residence
Maybe Thallvestr (Likely had another place in the Orndoth Domain though
Organizational Affiliations
Known Relations
Marian Blackburn (Mother)
Suspected Class Information
Mid-to-High Level Enchantment Wizard
Known Weaknesses
Cain's sword and divine smite


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