

Braeg as a nation has only existed since being conquered by Jurim. Originally, there were four smaller nations that shared a cultural identity: Draemol, Ghaerin, Killian and Laeryn. They gathered together with Tefely in defense of the Jurimite invasion but ultimately failed. Jurim decided that on a middle management approach to these nations and grouped them together as states under a single government residing in Rogannah, the closest of the capitols to Jurim’s original lands.

For most of Jurmite occupation, Braeg prospered and became the manufacturing center of the combined nation. The four former nations had a great deal of friction to them being fused into one early on but after multiple generations they began to see them as a unified force.

After rebelling against Jurimite control the four groups decided to remain unified as the nation of Braeg. Jurim had worked hard to craft them into an interdependent economy and they recognized the benefits in maintaining a shared army but they fear a strong centralized government and have formed a federation. The states retain much of their own autonomy with the federal government only exercising power over interstate and international conflicts, immigration, and importation.

Braeg supports Menerem’s largest navy and is working on converting much of its power to airships. Rogannah is home to the Windrspray Academy, the second airship training school on the continent.

Notable Locations

  • Rogannah: The capitol of the state of Draemol, Rogannah is the largest city in Braeg and was instituted as the combined nation’s capitol by Jurim. Rogannah’s economy is supported largely by its industry and large port.
  • Crenauch: The capitol of the state of Ghaerin is located along the Herra River and just outside the Twilight Woods, Crenauch is the only source of darkwood to Menerem and maintain a strong druidic circle to ensure their unique resource is not depleted nor impacts the rest of the woods.
  • Maecongar: Located in the southwestern fields of Braeg, this capitol of the state of Killian makes its money shipping its textiles and livestock. Maecongar is also home to the Braeg Army’s headquarters.
  • Srammach: The capitol of the mineral-rich state of Laeryn, Srammach is a city with a large riverside port that acts as a port to both minerals mined in the Dragonspine Mountains and for goods imported from Telefy to the Relyst Sea for sale in Braeg and Munice.
Braeg Political Map Base Map Image
  • Government: Federation
  • Ruler: Chancellor Haeden Fraye
  • Wealth: High
  • Exports: Manufacturing, Textiles, Darkwood, Common Ores

Character Ideas

  • Airship crewer - Artificer (Artillerist), Bard (Swords), Fighter (Champion), Paladin (Open Sea)
  • Forest Tender - Cleric (Nature), Druid (Land)
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Republic


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