

Munice has been a country built around mines and quarries since its founding. There is some decent farmland near the coast but it has always been outclassed by mineral production. The miners fought were caught unaware when Jurim invaded but held out in their mines until starvation made them surrender. For most of the time Munice was a vassal of Jurim it was not a hardship. Jurim invested in Munice’s core mining infrastructure and then when technology advanced transitioned into industry, becoming the manufacturing center of the Jurim Empire. Of all the vassals of Jurim, Munice was always the most loyal and supportive and the noble lines of the two nations had heavily interbred. The former royal line of Jurim had more than a little Munic blood. Had the military coup not occurred, it is very unlikely that Munice would have joined in the civil war against Jurim control. The loyalty of Munice was largely tied to the royal family, not to the people. Instead, Munice was the first to reach out to their peers in Braeg, Choris, and Tefely to explore the possibility of revolution. Many of the former nobility of Jurim fled to Munice after the civil war, joining their cousins to fortify the ruling class. In the recreation of the independent nation of Munice, the wealthy decided to follow the growing movement and reformed as a republic, though voting is limited to landowners only. To date, there are very few landowners which are not members of the nobility so there was little distribution of power from the former kingdom structure. That being said, Munice has benefited from a strong middle class of crafters, traders and even more experienced laborers, such as foremen and dockmasters. The wealthy of Munice are enamored with the fashions and arts from Benka and invest heavily in that nation’s endeavors. This fascination has flowed down to the common people, but lacking the means to experience authentic Benkan culture a movement of low cost entertainment has grown. This establishment is now known as the Low Stage and has gained a reputation for being a way to break into the more esteemed Benkan productions as talent scouts are rife in its audiences.

Notable Locations

  • Vashkanen: The capitol of Munice is the manufacturing capitol of Menerem and also the most polluted outside of the parts of Jurim devastated by volcanoes. Vashkanen is one of the few cities that magical methods have not been able to outpace the buildup of smog and pollution in the water.
  • Hunarg: As a compliment to feed Vashkanen’s industrial complex, Hunarg is where the ores and stone mined out of the Dragonspine mountains is processed before it can be used in final products.
  • Speraga: Speraga is the largest of the mining towns in the mountains of Munice.
Munice Political Map Base Map Image
  • Government: Republic
  • Ruler: Prime Senator Erkan Straun
  • Wealth: High
  • Exports: Ore, stone, manufacturing, mithril

Character Ideas

  • Inventor - Artificer (Any), Wizard (Transmutation)
  • Mithril Crafter - Artificer (Battle Smith), Cleric (Forge)
  • Gunner - Artificer (Artillerist), Fighter (Gunslinger), Monk (Kensai), Rogue (Assassin)
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Republic


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