Seers Armor Item in Miand'Mésvéstell | World Anvil

Seers Armor

They see the Unseen

"The Seers can see that which wish to stay unseen, and remain unnoticed by even the most attentive of beings. It makes one wonder what the true purpose of the Seers are; to simply observe or to end things quickly and quietly?  
— Valentine Palmstone, Scholar.
The Seers Armor is one of the mystical Astyvern Artifacts that is believed to have once been a personal creation of Architect. Considered to be one of the most protective and powerful armor sets in all of Alézun'Teran, most knowledge regarding it prior to the Great Sorrow has been lost, with written works either having been damaged beyond repair or destroyed outright. Memories concerning it have all been affected by the Amnesia Pulse, and have either become unclear like an image from an old dream, or forcefully forgotten.
While the situation with lost and forgotten knowledge is similar for a majority of the Astyvern Artifacts, it appears to have affected the Seers Armors to a much greater extent.  

Unknown Numbers

"Honestly, I do not know. I have only seen two other Seers during my eleven years of wearing this Armor, and one of them was by pure happenstance, and the other sought me out by her own volition. Our sort does after all like to walk unseen among the crowd. So it would not surprise me if there were a whole bunch of us walking about in Aléz.  
— Radka Berkoj.
It is not known exactly how many Seers Armors there exist out there, with guesses concerning either so few as five or as many as twenty or more. The highest approximate count of simultaneously operational Seers Armors have been seven in total, and even that is questionable since it is information that originates from scarce and somewhat contradicting sources; most of which are believed to have been written either during or shortly after the Great Sorrow.  


"It just happened, that is the truth of it. I might have been chased by a group of angry knife-wielding jerks, but that is not important. So what if I was in a near-death situation, it shouldn't have played a role in my suddenly being adorned in this Armor. Why yes, it did save my life. And allowed me to end theirs.  
— Radka Berkoj.
Seers Armor manifest upon individuals at random and without warning, though at least two documented sources mention that it can choose those who are in lethal danger with no other possible outcome but death. It is ill-advised to try out this theory for oneself, for more reasons than the obvious.
While either of the two sexes can be bestowed the Armor, there appears to be a slight favorability towards females. However, there do appear to be clear favorability towards Humans, with only a handful of known documented instances of other races, such as Battlebreds and Vampires.  

Born in Alézun'Teran

"I was actually born in Cericor Valley but moved into the City when I was maybe six or seven years old. Forced to, due to somber circumstances I would rather not speak about.  
— Radka Berkoj.
The only apparent requirement for being bestowed the Seers Armor is that one needs to have been born somewhere in Alézun'Teran. Either in some lonely village in the primal wilds Creastvkr, or within the confines of a Varldstan Realm. At least three known Seers have been born in Varldstan Cericor, which is of some note.
However, while it is true that all known documented instances have given approximately the same answer, most scholars agree that the possibility of someone born within Nanmir'Ath being bestowed the Seers Armor cannot be completely dismissed.  

Apperance of Seers Armor

"It does feel comfortable, yes. As if it was handmade specifically for me and me only. It even happens on occasion that I briefly forget that I actually wear exoskeletal armor, though I would not go so far as to say that it feels like it a second skin. Maybe that is something that will change with time. Not sure I like that idea, honestly.  
— Radka Berkoj.
The Seers Armor is a full-body armor whose surface is covered in Sereoth Dew that glistens like white pearls near light sources, particularly natural fire.
The apparent materials it may consist of are either fine silk, stainless steel, or hardboiled leather. It is common for Seers Armors to combine all three of these to various extents, though sometimes one material will be more favored than the others. It is important to note that, while it may look and feel like steel or leather, the truth of the matter is that they are all made out of a material that shares eerie similarities with keratin, which is what horns, fingernails, and carapace consists of.
Thus it may not come as a surprise that, no matter the material, Seers Armor always appears to have been organically grown to fit the wearer like an exoskeleton. To some, it may even resemble carapace, especially from a distance.  

Notable Characteristics

Armor Eyes

"Yes of course I can see everything they can. It is not exactly an option for me to use my own eyes, is there. At first, it was a little bit disorienting, yes, but I was forced to push through. And believe me, Valentine, you may think you want to look through their eyes but you honestly don't. What has been seen, can never be unseen...  
— Radka Berkoj, regarding the Armor Eyes.
Undoubtedly the most iconic characteristic of the Seers Armor concern the so-called Seers Eyes, alternatively Armor Eyes. Essentially, they are reminiscent of spider eyes that are positioned across the Armor. They are in a wide variety of sizes, with some being as large as apples or as tiny as grains of sand.
Rarely do they ever blink, and primarily it occurs when they change which direction to look at. Their surface is reminiscent of cold obsidian and is perpetually covered in a thin layer of clear, watery liquid. Each can move independently of one other or be focused on a single point.
They are not all a uniform color, as some have the same eye color as the wearer; the rest are completely black and as reflective as mirrors with no discernable pupils or irises.
What is important to know, is that a Seer is subconsciously aware of everything that the Armor Eyes sees, and can switch attention to whatever any set of eyes are focusing on. And if they so wish, they can either look upon the world as ordinary humans do or utilize some of the Armor Eyes' renowned capabilities. In fact, one eye can see utilize Infrared Vision, while another that looks in another direction, can utilize Metaphysical Vision.  

Seers Helmet

"No. No, I cannot remove it. Believe me, I have tried. It is as if it has been fused to my skull. And the few times I have looked upon the world with my own eyes since I received the Armor, things have gone ... bad enough that I have become adamant to never have it removed. Not something I can really help if it cracks in a fight, however.  
— Radka Berkoj, regarding the Seers Helmet.
The second most iconic feature of the Seers Armor is the so-called Seers Helmet: It is an armor piece that obscures the top half of the Seers face. It is never removed and the only instance one may get a glimpse of the eyes of the wearer is if the Seers Helmet is damaged enough in the right area. And it is not something any sane individual would wish to see anyway.  

Protection Offered

"While it is one of the most protective Armors out there, I find that it is marginally below Maiden Armor. Still, I am pretty sure I can stand in a storehouse stacked with explosives, and walk out unharmed. Not that I am going to these that theory unless it is absolutely necessary.  
— Radka Berkoj, regarding the protective
capabilities of the Seers Armor.
As mentioned, Seers Armor is one of the most protective armor sets in all of Vael'Eteria, something that may not be apparent at first glance. It mainly offers protection from impacts caused by shockwaves, weapons, and projectiles of various sorts. Examples such as explosions, hammer blows, or a hail of bullets. It also protects the Seers from extreme heat as well as sub-zero temperatures. Anit-matter and void-energy projectiles have only proven to harm them marginally more than conventional armaments.
It is only certain Artifacts of Power that can cause substantial harm to their general health. This is particularly the case with other Astyvern Artifacts, such as Maiden Armor and Plot Armor.
Other entities capable of harming Seers are the Faceless Constants, along with the Dhavians, Servitas and Urh.  

Characteristics of the Seer

The Eyes of the Seer

"I do not know what they truly see when they meet my unprotected gaze. Something so unfathomable that the mind simply cannot comprehend it and shatters under the weight of it all. As to why their eyes transmute into obsidian, I have no idea. Perhaps something connected with the Armor Eyes.
What do I see? Blinding light. All-consuming darkness. Colors you cannot even dream of. Thankfully, the Seers Helmet organically self-heals within a minute or so, so it is over quickly.
I have personally chosen to euthanase the innocent who happens to look upon me when I am left exposed. To leave them be would be ... immoral.  
— Radka Berkoj, regarding her own eyes.
The purpose of the Seers Helmet is a simple one. To obscure the eyes of the Seer and for good reason. To meet their unveiled black gaze will instantly transmute your eyes into cold obsidian and shatter your mind into infinite tiny shards.
If one is lucky, one will become a drooling imbecile whose every thought evaporates like hot water thrown on a warm stove. If one is unlucky, however, one will retain a sliver of sanity which causes one to be embraced by madness and incapable of rational thought.  

Abilities of the Seers Armor

General Capabilities

Immense strength

Seers Armor provide their wearers with immense strength, allowing them to carry large boulders twice their size and triple their weight without difficulty. A single punch can crack the crystalline bones of an Anishan and pulverize stone.  

Immense stamina

Seers are given an immense amount of stamina, capable of functioning for long periods of time without tiring themselves out, both on a mental and physical level. In general, they can go about for two days without feeling the need to sleep.  

Enhanced agility & speed

Seers are incredibly agile and fast, able to go from one motion to another effortlessly, as well as being able to dodge most attacks targeted towards them. One would be forgiven if one mistook them for professional acrobats. They are also able to dodge bullets without too much difficulty, trusting the Armor to protect them from those that hit.  

Aura Capabilities

Null-Sensory Aura

"It is a very handy capability, and one I find myself utilizing subconsciously more and more. You truly feel like a ghost among the living. An unobserved observer.  
— Radka Berkoj.
Seers can become incapable of being perceived by any technological, biological, and metaphysical means. This does not mean that the Armor becomes literally invisible, but instead, it perpetually gives off a so-called Null-Sensory Aura. All and everything that is affected by it cannot see, hear, smell or sense them unless the Seers allow it.
However, that which is unseen for a mere Human may be perceived up by a Faceless Constant. In order to remain unnoticed, the Seers can elevate the strength of their Null-Sensory Aura through active concentration. The only ones who are said to be truly able to notice Seers Armor — no matter the strength of the N.S.A — are the Urh themselves.
Under normal, passive circumstances this N.S.A has a diameter of about seven meters, and the effects become more subdued the further away one is, making it more likely to spot a Seer in the corner of one's perception, so to say. Its reach can be increased both instinctively and consciously, with the furthest documented range being at least several hundred miles.  

Blind Spot Aura

Named after the Blind Spot Effect, Seers Armor have a so-called Blind Spot Aura. It has a passive reach of several dozen meters and allows Seers to obstruct themselves from the view of any onlookers as they move about. Sometimes, by walking past a group of pedestrians or by having the onlooker simply blink at the exact right moment.
Some wonder if it is an elevated form of the Null-Sensory Aura, as its effects have given adequate results when targeted towards higher beings — such as Faceless Constants — without the need for conscious concentration.  

Danger Sense Aura

Thanks to their Danger Sense Aura, Seers are capable of sensing when a situation is wrong or about to take a dangerous turn. While this is mainly concerned with danger to their own health, it may also be extended towards those the Seers care for and have an acute interest in.
It not only concern situations but also individuals, items, and specific actions. The Seer will not know exactly what the danger in question might be, however, as it is something they need to figure out on their own. This can be helped if the Seer, with concentrated effort, directs their D.S.A towards a person or item .etc that they believe is the source of the oncoming danger. If their suspicions are correct, the D.S.A will react.
In general, the D.S.A will give several seconds, or maybe even a handful of minutes, of warning in advance. In events where the danger has particular ramifications, this may be elevated to several hours in advance.
The Seer Defcon System
Exactly how this Danger Sense feels for a Seer can be different for a few. It also changes depending on the severity of the danger. They utilize a ranking system known as Seer Defcon, to better get a sense of what danger may be present.
They can subdue the symptoms of the danger sense with concentrated effort, though it becomes slightly difficult after Defcon 2. After Defcon Zero, the symptoms will incapacitate the Seer for a few seconds up to a few minutes until core commands within the Seers Armor will activate and numb its wearer's physical pain receptors.
The symptoms of the Danger Sense will subdue if the threat is either neutralized, incapacitated, or positioned far enough away, if possible.  
  • Defcon 5 — Low danger is present.
    • A Seer will either get goosebumps or as some have described it "A mental finger caressing one's thoughts."
    • Is easy to ignore.
    • Example — A normal armed and armored Human.
  • Defcon 4 — Elevated danger is present.
    • A Seer will either get sudden pinches, or a slight headache.
    • Is not too easy to ignore.
    • Example — A armed and armored Battlebred capable of utilizing Bloodmagic.
  • Defcon 3 — High danger is present.
    • A Seer will either feel as if they are stung with needles, or receives a mighty headache, as if they had placed their head in a drum.
    • Is slightly difficult to ignore.
  • Defcon 2 — Great danger is present.
    • A Seer will either feel as if they are stung by glowing hot needles or receive a slight spike of pain in their head every few seconds.
    • Seer is distracted & unfocused for a few seconds.
    • Example — An armed and armored Anishan .
  • Defcon 1 — Severe danger is present.
    • A Seer will either feel as if they are stung by glowing searing hot needles that simultaneously feel ice cold, or feeling nauseous and pain, as if one stabs them in the head with a knife every few seconds.
    • Seer is distracted & unfocused for a several seconds.
    • Example — A Faceless Constant out for blood.
  • Defcon Zero — Extreme danger is present.
    • A Seer feel as if they are shot with multiple, scorching hot bullets that, while being struck in the head with hammer swung by a giant.
    • Seer is incapacitated for a several seconds.
  • Defcon Negative — Acute danger is present.
    • A Seer feel as if they are about to vomit, as if their body is on fire and feel a great deal of headache as if someone is pressing a gun to their head and pulls the trigger several dozen times per second.
    • Seer is incapacitated for a few minutes.
    • Example — A Dhatro or Absenté.
  • Defcon Void — Grave danger is present.
    • A Seer feels as if they are ripped limb from limb while simultaneously being set aflame as millions of needles every second. They will also feel as if they are being shot in the head by scorching hot bullets hundreds of times per second, while a spiked hammer is swung down upon them by a giant.
    • Seer is incapacitated for several minutes.
    • Example — A Servita or the Urh.

    Life Sense Aura

    Seers are capable of sensing the presence of all sources of life within the vicinity of their Life Sense Aura. While not as acute as the Life Sense of the Maiden Armor it is still admirable and paired with the Danger Sense it becomes impossible to sneak up on them.
    Interestingly enough, it becomes more subdued in large locations that are teaming with lifeforms — such as a crowded city — while increasing in intensity and reach where life is sparse. And this is without needing active concentration on the Seers' part. It is speculated that it is due to core commands within the Armor's essence.  

    Peculiar Capabilities

    Adhesive properties

    Seers are able to manifest adhesive properties across the surface of the Armor. It is the most strong across their hands and feet, allowing Seers to scale and traverse walls and ceilings, no matter how rough or smooth they are. They can power walk upright, or climb using only their hands, or crawl using all four.
    If they so wish, Seers can increase the adhesive properties of one or more of their limbs, to the point where they might as well be fused to the wall or ceiling. They can also use this to have a better grip around objects and individuals.  

    Sereoth Thread Manipulation

    Seers Armors are capable of manifesting silvery Sereoth threads, which is believed to be somewhat connected to Sereoth String Magic.
    So thin they appear to vanish and disappear at irregular intervals, and as flexible as silk and more durable than steel, these threads can be combined with adhesive properties to be attached to walls and ceilings. One thread is enough to carry both the Seer and two additional individuals, along with equipment.
    They primarily manifest from the Seers' hands and need to be attached with physical contact but the threads can also shoot off from the Armor itself to connect with either a surface, an object or a living being. Thereafter, the threads can be drawn in to either make the Seers move towards has been Connected, or the Connected will move towards them. These threads mainly shoot off from their waist, back, and chest, and this can be done either instinctively or consciously.
    They can also be used as offensive tools, being able to cut through steel if given enough velocity through certain movement techniques and mental commands from the Seer that slightly alters the properties of the threads. These so-called scalpel-threads produce sounds akin to violin melodies, as if their sharpness causes the very air itself to be sliced and quiver in agony.

    Connection Thread Manipulation

    Seers can utilize a more metaphysical form of their Sereoth Threads that can be attached to the essence of individuals of interest. This allows Seers to know of their general location, intent, health, and all-around threat level.
    This cannot be done from a distance, however, but instead requires direct physical contact, and preferably towards the area where one's heart is — supposedly — located.
    The range from which this Connection Thread can function well is believed to be infinite and surpass space-time. No matter if they are located in another time or realm or both.
    They are only entirely discernable by Seers and the Urh and look like silvery threads are coated in glistening dew.
    They can be severed easily by the Seers if they are no longer useful, either through a mental command or by their own hand. For others to severe them requires either Artifacts of Power with sufficient sharpness to slice the fabric of reality, or an entity with similar power capability.
    Beyond that, they can also be transferred from one Seer to another. They can even be given to other individuals and entities, though in those cases only the health, general location, and intent are discernable and there is a possibility that whoever is Connected will receive similar information about whoever has received it.
    Exactly how many Connected Seers can have on their so-called Contact Webb is unknown. The greatest number recorded is roughly a few hundred, though these reports are to be taken with a grain of salt. In order to not be overwhelmed by the information, Seers can decide to block one or more threads by focusing on them for a few seconds in order to isolate them and then tone down the connection as to not cause any distractions.  

    Paralysis Poison Creation

    Seers are capable of coating their Armor in a thin poisonous liquid substance, where physical contact is the primary method of transfer. It is nigh-colorless save for having a slight emerald shine to it. It is a paralysis poison whose effects can linger for either a few seconds, to several hours depending on the affected's nature. At high enough intensity, it can even be directly lethal to Melathi Species.  

    Armor Enhancement

    Seers are capable of enhancing the protective properties of their Armor by forming an outer, additional layer made out of carapace across its surface. The carapace is reminiscent of ordinary reddish-brown carapace that can be found on crabs but is more durable than steel. From certain viewpoints, it will appear to have a black shimmer to it, like oil on water.
    After either 2 hours or a mental command by the Seer, the carapace will disintegrate into dust, though with concentrated effort it can be sustained for up to 45 hours.  
    Melee Weapon Creation
    Experienced Seers are — with concentrated effort — able to manifest various melee weapons made out of the carapace, such as spears, knuckledusters and claws. There are rumors some have been able to create ranged weapons as well, such as crossbows, but no documented sources on this exist and thus should be taken with a grain of salt.  

    Seers Eye Capabilities

    These capabilities concern the Seers Eyes that are positioned in various places on the Seers Armor. While most are tactical in nature, some do carry offensive and lethal properties.  

    Enhanced Vision

    One of the most used capabilities is simply known as Enhanced Vision. Seers can zoom their vision in on things, allowing them to not only see distant objects on a magnified scale but also see microscopic details on both the living and inanimate objects.
    If they concentrate enough, they are able to see the cells in exposed blood and some even claim to be able to see the bonds between atoms.
    Using this ability does give them tunnel vision to a certain degree, however, and it is recommended to not be used for too long.  

    Omniversal Vision

    Known as Omjiversal Vision, Seers can use see in all possible directions, whether it is in front of them, to their sides, or behind them, as well as below or above them.
    While disorienting to new Seers, experienced ones find themselves using it more and more, and not only during situations when their Danger Sense is on high alert.  

    Phsycological Vision

    Seers can read the intents and emotions of any living being, though they need to come to their own conclusions of what it could all mean.
    No poker face, no matter how well-practiced and stoic can hide emotion from them, which has made some Seers notable card players.
    One could describe it as them opening a book, but some may be written with problematic handwriting or certain slang used may be difficult to discern.
    This can also be paired with the Infrared Vision, to enhance it to a degree.  

    Infrared Vision

    Seers can utilize Thermal Vision to discern heat and cold sources. If a Seer is concentrated enough, they can use it to see even through solid stone walls. Certain temperatures can be blinding, however.  

    Night Vision

    Seers can utilize Night Vision to discern even the most subtle light source from their surroundings, and use it to see even the darkest rooms as if they were lit by torchlight. Certain bright lights are blinding, however.  

    Metaphysical Vision

    Seers can see the metaphysical, such as Souls or Spirits. They can also discern certain forces and energies, such as the Force of Ani. Beyond that, they are also able to see Corruption and the influence of Madness.
    Seers can utilize this to see individuals through solid walls, whether they are made out of stone, steel, or various alloys.
    Experienced Seers are even able to take notice of the Fabric of Reality, and see where it is in good condition and where it needs healing.  

    Death Stare | Scorching Stare

    One of the most feared Seers Eye Capabilities is known simply as the Death Stare, alternatively the Scorching Stare. Those who receive it will perish on the spot as if they received a sudden heart attack.
    One caveat, however, is that the target needs to meet the gaze of at least three Seers Eyes for it to have an effect, even inadvertedly; if not then the target will instead receive severe burns.
    Certain entities will need to meet the gaze of at least seven Seers Eyes for it to have adverse effects, however, and some will only receive burn marks due to their high constitution and metaphysical makeup.  

    Petrification Stare | Frostbite Stare

    The second most feared Seers Eye Capability is known as the Petrification Stare, alternatively the Frostbite Stare. Those who receive it will turn into obsidian statues.
    Similar to the Death Stare, however, is that the target needs to meet the gaze of three of the Seers Eyes, alternatively seven if they are of a high enough tier. Those that the Stare fail at will only receive frostbites of various degrees.  

    The Search of the Sight

    The Seers Armor will not stay on forever. But being released from it comes at a cost. The only other alternative is death.
    hat will cause the Armor to demanifest while still leaving the Seer alive is known as the Sight. What exactly the Sight is nobody knows, and it might be different for each Seer. It is what drives the Seers forward, what subconsciously motivates them to push forward.
    Some wonder if it may have something to do with Architect, something He wished to be found. Maybe it is something that fear being seen, and when it occurs, it is hinderd in its goals.  
    Connected Armor Sets
    Plot Armor.
    Maiden Armor.
    Alternative Names
    Spider Eye Armor.
    Chimimatia Armor.
    Oculus Armor.
    Videntis Armor.
    Aranea Armor.
    Argus Armor.
    The Sleepless Armor.
    Known Users
    Ariadne Araneae.
    Argha Huss.
    Darion Horack.
    Radka Berkoj.
    Roe Guoe.
    Sanna Zalt.
    Videnta Nathar.
    Possible Creator
    Item Type, Artifact

    Faceless Constants

    Faceless Constants are — essentially — self-governing splinters of primordial entities known as Absenté.


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    Mar 17, 2022 16:54

    Wow, this must have been a ton of work! Congrats, it's very complete and very creative. The capabilities are wild. Kind of scary that the armor chooses the wearer, though. I imagine some people aren't altogether thrilled at that.

    Mar 17, 2022 17:19 by Lenosallose

    That it was, spent the last few days on it. Felt like it too forever xD
    And, thanks! ^-^ Tried my best to make it whole, which was one of the hardest things about it actually.
    Not all are thrilled over having been bestowed the armor no, but nothing they can do about it.

    Please visit Miand'Mésvéstell.
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