Session 19

General Summary

The date is Tuesday, 27th June

  We continue exploring the undead-infested catacomb labyrinth.  
In the distance, you can hear sounds that remind you of the hounds at home happily crunching and gnawing on reindeer bones.
  Stumble upon a nest of Ghouls and Zombies. As we move to engage, more zombies and ghouls appear from tunnels both ahead and behind us, hemming us in. Idris summons magical fire amidst the undead. Sigmund gets paralysed. We battle hard as the zombies are highly resilient.   We pause for a rest and then continue on. We find a room with some kind of shrine/statue in the centre, and a mob of aimless dwarf Zombies shambling about the place. We charge in and they swarm us. Then the room goes pitch black, defeating even darkvision. The zombies resist our attempts to quell them. Idris gets dropped. Fyren unleashes magical blasts. Chi brings Idris round with a potion. Sigmund takes out the powerful undead source of darkness so we can at least see again. Fyren breathes fire, hurting several zombies but also taking out Sigmund. Finally, we prevail and bring Sigmund around.   In the centre of this chamber is a decorative mausoleum, its door lying broken on the floor. Many dwarves mill about, decaying flesh clinging to their bones. The walls are lined with niches containing skeletal remains. We're exhausted so stop and rest.  

The date is Wednesday, 28th June

  We continue exploring.  
Vacant-eyed zombies fill these rooms, they advance drawn by the life in your bodies.
    Again the tight quarters and resilient zombies make it a battle of attrition.   We continue exploring. We run across the mysterious floating light in the distance again. Head to investigate...

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Report Date
11 Sep 2019