Session 31

General Summary

The date is Monday, 3rd July

The time is 10:45 AM   Our intrepid heroes are deep in the 5th level of an ancient deurgar fortress, seeking to eradicate the risk to the local village of Javik and perhaps stop the fell creatures of the Underdark from entering this fell place. The current environment is full of rust monsters and when we last left them they were crawling all over the place - and over us.   Tinnan and Chi rushed in, the least at risk as they were armourless, and dealt with the pair of rust monsters we were engaged with. Sigmund continued to explore and found more of the rusty monsters deeper into the tunnels, but wisely backed away from them. Idris helped out with a cantrip but the lone rust monster remained. The others prepared for the expected rush of baddies in the main corridor. Tinnan smashed the rusty he was fighting to mean that all the ones not in the main corridor were dispatched.   One ran into us from a side corridor but Sigmund rapidly smashed it with his staff and it was a bloody pulp on the floor. Idris advanced up, following Sigmund, who reported there were just four of them left ahead of us. Chi ran into their midst and called everyone to blast him - they did with fireballs and thunderclaps going off, which killed all the rust monsters and also knocked out Chi.   We took the opportunity to have a brief rest to lick our wounds and then pressed on deeper into the level, following the river and pillars.   Chi summoned his shadows from the Void and we progressed quietly. We could see some interesting things. Ahead we could see a blue light. To our left, a low, narrow opening leads to a sizable cavern. The floor is covered in organic debris in which a fairy ring has grown. Amongst the debris, odd bits of equipment and possessions can be seen, such as a club or a bit of clothing. Ahead of us, a chamber seemed to open up.   Sellis took a look at the mushrooms but didn't discern anything special about them. However, she didn't spot the great Grell which leapt on her from a huge hole in the ceiling! It had a big beak for a mouth and many tentacles. Oh, plus a tail. It whipped Sellis with the tail and smashed her nastily. It followed up by slashing her with her tentacles, grabbing her. It pulled her into its mouth but she squirmed out of its grip. Phew.   Quick to react Sellis turned her evil eye upon the creature and blasted it with cold, but missed. Sigmund ran in and swung with his newly summoned mystical polearm, Fyren moved to a position of vantage and blasted it with fire. The creature then turned its attention onto Sigmund, grabbing him with a tentacle and then biting him. Sigmund was pulled up into the air. But then dropped. Idris moved in and blasted with his sacred flame but the creature dodged. Chi shot at it with his new bow but was clearly not an archer and missed twice. Tinnan threw a couple of javelins but without much effect. Sellis hit it with a blast of cold and then Sigmund smashed the life out of it, dropping it dead.  
A dim blue light glows in the water and seems bright compared to the utter darkness of the caves. In its glow, a great chamber can be seen, hewn out of the rock. Three colossal stone statues towering 60' high stare out over the hall, they seem dwarves of lordly might.
  Around the back of the statues came brains on legs!   The first one scraped Tinnan with its claws. Sellis responded by frosting it. The second one then charged Idris and clawed him, but he was able to dodge nimbly aside. However, something then happened and Idris clutched his head in agony. Something the creature was doing really hurt him. Chi teleported into it and stunned it, trying the same tactic on the second one but failing. Tinnan chopped the first one into little pieces with his razor-sharp axe. Fyren blasted the last one and killed it.   Idris was a dribbling wreck. Nothing we could do would make him come around. No magic would let us fix him. We agreed to try and carry on. We inspected the giant statues and found some signs on them which read:
  • Karadin. Lead the Duergar to victory in the battle of Kazdoran against the Quaggoth.
  • Dalarim. Master runesmith, forger of magic.
  • Meldrum. Bearer of Brimstone, slayer of drow.
We left the room of the intellect devourers and headed east. The passage ahead is blocked by a great portcullis supported between two, thirty-foot high towers, topped with crenulations. The gate also descends into and blocks the narrow canal.   A stupendous hall has been carved out of solid rock. Twelve gargantuan pillars support the vaulted ceiling. Light from a central pool fills the room with a dim blue glow. The walls and pillars are richly carved with scenes of dwarves, in battle, mining, feasting or smithing.   Amongst the debris are several cages filled with prisoners. A large number of Grimlocks lounge about.  
The air in this cave smells acrid, the floor is covered in detritus and many small insects crawl over it. Hanging from the ceiling are three huge bats. They flew off as soon as they noticed us. We followed them. A fortified wall spans the cavern, only inky blackness can be seen beyond. Against the wall are some leather contraptions.
  We climbed up onto a battlement and from here could see darkness beyond. A huge chasm dropped off at this point. The river fell into it, disappearing into the dark.   The leather contraptions seem to be giant saddles - maybe for riding the giant bats.   Chi spotted a strange creature on the ceiling. Chi teleported away and ran to the others for security.   All hell broke out! The strange creature dangling from the ceiling lashed out at us with long grabbing tentacles (what's with all the tentacles around here?). Spells flew, and people were grabbed. Sellis summoned a cloud of sleet which obscured it. Sigmund smote it mightily, dropping it to the floor. Chi teleported to its side and stunned it and then we all wailed on it. Sigmund rushed back in and finished it off.   We rested up and then snuck into the main entrance chamber. Chi did a little scouting. A small opening cut into the side of the hall is framed by ornate carvings. On either side crowds of dwarves are depicted heading in. Within, a narrow stairway leads up and up and up. It led up fifty or sixty feet up. It opened into a chamber. In the darkness small points of light glow on the walls and ceiling almost giving the impression of looking up at a clear, star-filled night sky. To the back of the cave is the statue of a dwarf woman, she seems stocky, sturdy and strong as if she has the power of the earth in her. Before her, she holds a large, empty bowl. In there was a huge, very dark-skinned Grimlock. Chi returned.   We snuck into the main room and unleashed hell  
  During the fight, Chi went to open the door. From behind the heavy door, frantic pleading and whimpering can be heard, and then a terrified scream that abruptly ends. Chi peered in. In the room beyond were a few Grimlocks and a Mind Flayer!  
A majestic throne draws the eye to the far end of the room. Splendid marble columns support the vaulted ceiling and statues of dwarf warriors line the walls. Kneeling before the throne is a dark elf, beyond him a strange humanoid creature has tentacles wrapped around the elf's head. It looks up to see what has disturbed its feast. Before the throne stand a number of grimlocks waiting for scraps after their master has finished. Behind one of the columns is a Grell.
  A huge melee erupted in the hall. Sigmund was made to run away. The rest of us dealt with a huge number of terribly nasty creatures. Chi took some bad advice and teleported next to the mind flayer... and it chickened out and disappeared.   After the epic battle, the hall fell silent.   We had no idea what had happened to the Illithid, Sazayaza though....

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Report Date
19 Nov 2020
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