Session 32

General Summary

The date is Monday, 3rd July

The time is 10:45 AM   We seemed to have defeated all the monsters but still had some searching to do. Inside the throne room where the illithid had been there were three doors. We listened at them all but heard nothing so Sigmund opened the northern one. As he stepped across the threshold a huge fireball exploded! Chi slumped to the floor, unconscious as a result.   Sellis kindly healed Chi whilst Sigmund continued to explore the room beyond. Inside the room are several chests and barrels. Silver coins spill out of an urn. We searched thoroughly. We found some nice items which we collected. We moved to the southern room and entered. It appeared to be a study. The walls are lined with shelves holding many scrolls. At the back of the room is a leather-topped desk, made from the skin of who knows what creature. Some papers lie on the desk along with a large book, sealed by clasps.   Next, we entered the room behind the throne. This large room is decorated with frescos showing the dwarves in their splendour and power. The middle of the room is dominated by a large table made from smooth white marble and surrounded by heavy, ornate wooden chairs. We searched for secret stuff but found nothing.   Fyren cast Detect Magic and started to wander the place. He found that the statue of the female dwarf in the north room had an inscription which read:   When the earth drinks it brings forth life.   Fyren put some water into it and it seemed to heal him. Searching the statue it had a strange scabbard. It seemed to be a lever so of course Sigmund pulled it. A rumbling sounded in the main room and we discovered that the water in the pool was moving. Chi dived in to find a tunnel which led 70' to a room full of treasure.   We rested up in the treasure room for a while and then left the dungeon to return to Javik.  

So Endeth the Exploration of Faern-Ol-Endar

  There we were pleased to find Tordek in the longhouse, having many (too many) beers. Chi entertained the group by juggling some hand axes. Sellis sat down with Chi and described the local area so he could expand on his local map.   Sellis told us about some local landmarks.   Many people were interested in what we discovered in the depths of the mine, especially Ebenezer Stouttoes. We told him what we had found. He identified the scale mail armour as being acid resistant. The spellbook was looked over but was protected with an Arcane Lock and a Glyph. Sellis managed to dispel the Arcane Lock but the glyph remained.   Ebenezer said that he and Tordek might explore the mines now we have cleared them, although we warned him that we were not sure quite how safe they were.   We had a pleasant and enjoyable few drinks and reacquainted ourselves with the locals.  

The date is Tuesday, 4th July

The time is 8:00 AM   We woke up feeling a little groggy. Tordek was more sensible so we spoke to him about the state Idris was in and he was able to cure him. Yay. Sellis was able to dispel the remaining glyph on the spellbook and Fyren opened it up to see what was inside. It was full of useful spells which none of us could use.   We asked Tordek a lot about the dwarven history of the Ironhand and Copperkettle clans. The dispute was 350 years ago when the Copperkettles overthrew the Ironhands. We discovered that Thror Ironhand is the current ruler of the Ironhand clan. Balinburg is about 200 miles northwest of Javik, up in the Glacier Mountains. Tordek told us they let travellers and merchants in.  

The date is Wednesday, 5th July

The time is 8:00 AM   After a few quiet and peaceful nights' sleep in the village of Javik, we set out to the east in search of the lands of Sharluz and the Bat Clan Goblins. Apparently, they have a chieftain called Elf-bleeder. Sellis foraged as we went. The terrain was full of heather and gorse.   We manage to travel on about 10 miles each day, making a camp and having a fire and a watch each night. We estimate it will take us about a week to reach Sharluz.  

The date is Sunday, 9th July

The time is 11:00 PM   We have just fallen off to sleep on the 4th night when... 6 huge Ogres carrying an assortment of nasty weaponry assaulted us. They regretted it rapidly. They had nothing of value upon them.

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26 Nov 2020
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