Session 33

General Summary

The date is Sunday 9th July

The time is 11:00 PM   We had just smashed a half dozen ogres into the floor. We decided we should see if we could find their camp but also figured that we'd be better off searching with the aid of daylight so we went back to bed.  

The date is Monday, 10th July

The time is 8:00 AM   We searched the ogres in the daylight, finding some coins and, bizarrely, a crude child's doll. Idris scouted about and found a set of tracks made by the ogres the night before. Curiously they had come in from the west, behind us, so perhaps they had been following us? We followed the trail back the way we came, just a couple of miles where it swung north. Soon we came to a small dell.  
At the bottom of a small dell is a pool fed by a babbling stream. About the pool are a few crude tents covered in old animal skins. To one side is a fire pit with a metal pot hanging over it.
  We entered the camp and saw no one. We looked about. Tracks led all over the place in a confusing jumble. We guessed that six ogres lived here, which was the same number as attacked us. Searching through we found nothing of value or interest. At least this seemed to indicate that all was well in the region now the ogres had been dealt with.   We continued east looking for some sign of hills or mountains but three days later had still seen none. The area was covered with old tracks of goblins, bears and deer but we actually saw no sign of any creatures during our travels. Sellis suggested this was normal in this part of the world.  

The date is Saturday, 15th July

The time is 1:00 AM   Drums! Drums in the deep, no, in the distance! Idris was on guard and woke us up quickly. We guessed that the sound was drifting in on the wind and was a long way off still. The prevailing wind appeared to be from the southeast and was probably from Sharluz but of no immediate danger. We tried to get back to sleep. The drums played on for an hour or so and then quietened down. The rest of the night passed seemingly without event.   The next day it was gently snowing. Not unusual in July around here. At dawn, we altered our direction and headed more southeast in response to the drums. The terrain started to rise and we headed up into the hills. Eventually, in the distance, we saw thin wisps of rising smoke. As we progressed we realized that the goblinoid tracks were getting more common.   We rounded a corner and saw...  
  We snuck up to the edge of the village. Inside we spotted goblins, wargs, human prisoners and some strange giant goblins who were wearing heavy armour. Chi summoned the shadows and we moved off to scout out the exterior of the village. Once we had done so we moved into the village from the southwest. We got pretty much into the middle of the village and then were spotted by the guards.   All hell broke loose.   We fought our way into the palisaded centre of the village where a huge giant goblin was holding court.   In the middle of the melee, a goblin spellcaster came out of a tent and threw a fireball at us!   During the fight another tough goblin came out of the tent in the palisade, wielding a big notched greatsword. This was Elf-Bleeder the goblin chieftain.

Related Reports

Report Date
03 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Giant Goblin
Yameek the Goblin shaman