Session 34

General Summary

The date is Saturday 15th July

The time is 10:00 AM   Most of the goblin village was dead, so we began a mopping-up exercise. We instinctively agreed to try and capture one alive to question, and the lone surviving goblin shaman seemed to be a good choice.   We easily killed the last few hobgoblins and knocked the shaman unconscious. Talking to the two prisoners they told us that many goblins are out and about in the wilds nearby. They tell us they were born here. They are called Bill and Ben. We began a comprehensive search of the camp. We found some scrolls, a big two-handed sword, some potions and lots of gold, silver and gems. One scroll is magical and the other is different.   The Wailing Hills are far south near our home and Fyren had a vision of the place, long ago.   Apparently, Fez is the big chief of the goblins and lives far to the south.   We woke up the goblin shaman and questioned him. He was called Yameek but wasn't a great source of information.   We execute Yameek, torch the village and leave with Bill and Ben in tow.  

The date is Wednesday, 19th July

  Ahead across the plains, we spotted a huge Woolly Mammoth and a group of winter elves were with it. We met up with them. It turned out that they were Neve and the same band we saw before. We made camp and discussed the goings on in the world.   We asked them about the Elf of the Wailing Hills. Apparently, she is called Anastaria. The elves have been warned by their elders to stay clear of that area. They suggested it might be a good idea for us to go there and stop the goblins from getting Anataria's staff. They also told us that they had killed some goblins who had been directed to the Hill of Shame to seek the Sword of Murdaz.   The elves fear that some power is stirring up the goblins. They told us Fez is a half-orc who lives in Kag (an area of hills to the southeast), inside the goblin city. They also suggested that Fez isn't powerful enough to be the ultimate power behind all this. They suspected the frost giants to the north ("it's always giants", they said).   The Hill of Shame is about a day's march southwest of the Howling Wolf Hills. It is ever shrouded in mist and has a small monument on top. Should be easy to find.  

The date is Thursday, 20th July

The time is 8:00 AM   We say goodbye to our elven friends and set out due south, seeking out the Wailing Hills. We estimate it's about 200 miles or three weeks of hard travel to the hills.   The weather is unseasonably cold and below freezing as we travel south. The days and nights are clear and there is no wind. We travelled for four days, noticing that the area got wetter.  
As you travel onward through the day you gradually notice that the area has become wetter with small pools of water here and there and the heather and bracken have given way to reeds. You find yourself following a well-trodden, muddy path; frogs can be heard croaking all around. At some points, you feel as if you are walking on a floating mat of reeds.
  The tracks seemed mostly to be made by goblins and that ilk. Other strange footprints could be seen. It seemed we had wandered into the Fens of Sugla.  
Suddenly the ground beneath your feet erupts in a writhing mass of coils and strange gargling calls come from the reeds about you!
  The time is 7:00 PM   A contingent of frog men were rushing into us. They appeared to be led by two hag creatures.   A big fight ensued and we were hard pressed, but of course, prevailed. As we killed the last one a blizzard began to hit the swamp but fortunately, in the distance, we could see a wisp of grey-blue smoke rising up into the sky. It was a mile or so away.   Searching the bodies we found some gold and a couple of potions.   Moving towards the wisp of smoke we came across a block of ice by the side of the trail with a frozen goblin preserved inside it. He seems to be a Bat Clan Goblin.   We decided that this meant we should take a quick break and recover a bit before we approached the smoke. We found a small clearing in some bushes and relaxed for an hour.

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