Session 35

General Summary

The date is Monday 24th July

The time is 8:30 PM   Chi and Fyren went off to scout the whispy smoke and found it to be a village with lots of froggy footprints. There were 6 small huts and 3 large ones. A storm started to come in - a real one this time. We saw only a few Bullywugs moving around outside. Chi and Fyren returned to the group and set out the situation. We agreed to attack the village for the purpose of gaining shelter.   As we entered the village we noted a couple of Scarecrows by the side of the path. As we approached they animated and attacked us!   As was our usual way, all hell broke out...   The fight included a Frost Hag which blasted us with cold magic. Also, a big green tree creature came in to attack us. Fireballs flew left right and centre. Many of us were knocked unconscious and Healing Words followed. There were a lot more frogmen than we thought in the village, many of them elders and including one big, golden-crested version.   The fight was very close but, even when a Giant Constrictor Snake appeared from the lake and tried to swallow Tinnan, we prevailed.   As soon as the hag was killed the blizzard dissipated but we still used the frog village for an overnight sleep to recover.   Also in the village was a huge gold-plated frog; probably some sort of idol for the frogmen we figured. Too heavy to shift so we left it alone. They did have a bunch of unusual magical items which we looked over and distributed.

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17 Dec 2020
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