Session 6

General Summary

The date is Monday, 1st May

In the aftermath of the Kobold battle. Pause and look around. Seer's bat (Strahd) heads off to scout. Quickly discover rest of the small cave complex is empty of kobolds. Pick up some useful bits and pieces. We surmise the meteorite and cart went to the second kobold cave so head over there next.   Strahd scouts for us. Seems quiet. Find faint wagon tracks - we're on the track of the meteorite. We wander in.  
A small dark tunnel has been excavated into the canyon wall. A pair of poorly carved dragons are etched on either side of the entrance and keep watch.
  We swiftly take out a sleeping kobold sentry and begin heading inward. A short flight of rough stairs are cut into the rock. We set off a trip wire! Cascading pebbles fall onto a drum and the sound echoes noisily along the passage.   A small obelisk dominates the centre of the cavern, raised on a dais and surrounded by several thick candles. A wooden sledge lies against one wall while several manacles are chained to another. Two Giant Lizards guard the obelisk - we rapidly deal with them.   We suspect the obelisk is the meteorite. It has strange veins of metal running through it. First, we need to secure the rest of the caves.   Find another chamber with alerted kobolds awaiting us. Blitz them. Find some coins, scrolls and some bits and pieces. Search more thoroughly. Take a short rest.   Decide to investigate the third cave before attempting to move the obelisk. In the centre of this room is a stone throne that faces the entrance. The skins of various beasts lay before it. Passages lead off to the north and east. Four winged kobolds of unusual size drink flagons of beer, one has many of his scales with a deep crimson hue, and his ears have several small sharp bones threaded through them. Time for another fight. Fyren makes them all fall asleep. We execute them. Another room, another band of kobolds. They don't last long either.   A warm earthy smell seeps out of this chamber. A large steaming peat heap is in the middle of the room, several dark orbs (kobold eggs) are half buried in its surface. Against another wall are a number of sacks. Break the eggs. Search but don't find much else. Rest overnight.  

The date is Tuesday, 2nd May

The time is 11:00 AM   Check out the near vicinity. Take out some kobold sentries up a watch tower. Load obelisk on sledge. It's very heavy and will be very slow to transport. Collect our pack of reindeer. Head home.

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Report Date
18 Jun 2019
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