Session 5

General Summary

The date is Saturday, 29th April

This is the recreation room of the dwarves. There are some stone benches with washing bowls, others with small tools for sharpening pick axes and maintaining gear etc. There are three chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.
  There are 16 unlocked doors all around the edge of the room. Each reveals a small bed chamber, originally used by dwarf miners but more recently by Kobolds.   A small side room to the north contains an anvil and furnace and a few tools in need of repair.   Spend a couple of hours clearing a blocked-up west passage which was filled with debris. All is quiet beyond.   The mineshaft curves to the left and down. It goes on for about a thousand feet, gently spiralling down. The grooves on the floor are perfectly parallel.   Enter the massive excavated chamber. Walls red with iron ore. The ceiling domes to some 50' above. In the centre is a huge pit maybe 200' deep. On either side of the pit is a winch and cradle that can be used to transport dwarves and ore up and down. There are a couple of wagons half full of ore. At the bottom of the pit is a pool of water.   Sigmund and Idris clamber into the cradles and are lowered all the way down the pit. Water fills pretty much the whole diameter. Cast a magical light on a coin and drop it into the centre of the pit, Water is very clear and perhaps only 18" deep. Poisonous snakes, disturbed by the light, emerge to attack! Poke around the pool but don't see much of interest.   There are six mining tunnels distributed randomly around the walls of the pit. Work out a way to access the nearest one. It's excavated 60' to a dead end. Check another 4 out similarly. In the final tunnel, we find a dwarven door. We spend time all going up and down the cradle chain to gather outside the door. It's locked. Sigmund has a dwarf key which fits.   The room contains a chest and several large rocks. The third dwarven key opens the chest. It contains many coins and some bits and pieces which include some parchment written using foreign runes. Seer magically deciphers them.  
  • Letter from Ori
  • Dwarven History Page   Depart the mine. Take what leftover ore we find and load onto the waiting reindeer, so at least our village blacksmith will have a bit to work with.
  •   Start heading back. Halfway through the night, Seer on watch spots a shooting star which comes down heavily to the north, making the earth shake. He wakes everybody and we excitedly go off to investigate immediately.   Still some way off where the meteor landed, we encounter a Black Bear. Seer speaks to it and feeds it a goodberry. Continue on peacefully.   As dawn breaks, see some smoke on the horizon presumably from the impact crater. Walk all day.  

    The date is Monday, 1st May

        Continue travelling towards the smoke. As you near the source of the smoke you see that is it actually many fires. Here and there the scrub is burning in patches spread over miles.  
    Advancing into the smoke field you eventually come to the rim of a wide crater, gazing down through the murk you think you can glimpse fire occasionally jumping about. The far side of the crater seems to be about a mile away.
      In the distance, we see a huge figure made out of pure flames. We see another huge figure, all rocky.   The ground rumbles and a stony figure emerges. We try talking to it but it shows no sign of understanding. It then vanishes into the earth, emerges next to Tinnan and slams him with his fists. We retaliate and hurt it so it disappears back underground.   Were these fiery and rocky creatures here already or did they come down with the meteor?   Head down into the crater. See the remains of four dead Kobolds, with wounds like they'd been attacked by the same rocky creature we fought. Bootprints and wheel ruts lead away - perhaps laden down with a meteorite?  
    As you head southwest the ground gently rises and you enter an area of low hills. You see a ravine carved by a river of cold blue water.
      Follow the trail to a ravine. See a couple of caves and some campfires. No sign of anyone. The trail seems to head towards a cave. Head down, across the river and go take a look.   A small dark tunnel has been excavated into the canyon wall. Just inside are a couple of sleeping kobolds who die swiftly. Continue inside to a chamber, whose inhabitants are alerted by our light.   The passage opens into a wider chamber. Four kobolds sit here skinning a pile of rats and threading them onto skewers. One of the kobolds sports a necklace of rat skulls. A few lizards skitter about the place. Fyren causes them all to lapse into magical slumber. We begin to slaughter them all as reinforcements enter the fray. Idris summons the power of the gods and obliterates all the kobolds.

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    Report Date
    11 Jun 2019
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