Session 7

General Summary

The date is Tuesday, 2nd May

The time is 11:00 AM   Just finished dealing with the kobold sentries. Chi, from our village, arrives. He'd come out to search for us, the village elders were concerned for our safety and whereabouts. We explain about the meteor and the kobolds. Decide to return home via dwarven mine as being the better route to push a heavily laden sledge.   Mid-afternoon, run into a Woolly Mammoth accompanied by "winter" elves (some are riding it). Fyren goes to speak to them. Exchange pleasantries. They saw the meteor in the sky and are en route to investigating. They spot our sledge and its burden. We explain what we saw at the Meteor Crash Site and the Kobold Canyon.   They think we are from a human town ~200 miles to the north. The elf speaker introduces himself as Neve. They are nomadic, following migrating reindeer herds though often overwinter in the Great Wolf Forest to the south.   We tell them about a magical orb we found in the kobold lair. They inspect it. Apparently, it arrived on the meteor, is very rare and valuable to wizards for crafting magic items. They tell us the meteorite is likely mithril.   They warn us that many creatures (e.g. Humans , Dwarfs, frost giants, frost dwarfs, Orcs ) will have seen the meteor land will be converging on the area. They recommend we depart swiftly and travel as the crow flies. We ask for their assistance, using the mammoth to pull the sledge.   They explain we live on a plain between three mountain ranges - Nimbus Mountains to the east, Glacier Mountains to the north, White Mountains to the south and west.   They tell us that the creatures of fire and earth we saw were elementals, released by the titanic collision of the meteor into the ground. Such meteors are rare, maybe once a decade.   They accompany us back to Hunterton over 4 days. We purchase some spell scrolls from them.   Arrive safely back in Hunterton. Elves are made welcome as honoured visitors. They stay only a short while before departing to catch up with the reindeer herds.   Reach Level 3   Speak to Hamir the blacksmith. Return his reindeer, trade goods and ore. Give him the mithril meteorite to try and smelt.   Speak to Brogi the chieftain who has a job for us:  
Take these 12 reindeer to Skol for sale, I think they should fetch around 30 gp apiece. Follow the Chalky River, always taking tributaries from the north. Drive the reindeer slowly, let them graze as they go so they arrive fat and we get a good price for them. Remember, you represent the village, be proud do not let them humble you! Say nothing of the meteor, it will only bring trouble.
  Media asks us to bring back some herbs and spices from Skol.   Asami wishes us to make an offering to Uller at Olborg, it will only be a small detour on the journey. As we travel to Skol, a day before reaching the river to the Beaver Falls, head east and travel for two whole days, find a grove and a ring of stones, take this barley and burn it on the central stone as an offering. Do not go into the hills beyond, some evil haunts that land!  

The date is Wednesday, 10th May

  Depart the village. Leave Seer behind. Spend a peaceful few days heading north up the river. Reach the expected turnoff and head a couple of days east to find Olborg.  
In the distance, you see a grove of trees behind an earthen wall. Before this, several grey, bearlike beasts seem to keep guard.
  (They are actually statues). Approach the central stone and perform the ritual as instructed (receiving inspiration). Notice that one of the stones has fallen - we carefully stand it upright.   The 9 stones have inscriptions:
  • Freja - servant of Heimdall, queen of the grove, we humbly ask you, come our aid.
  • Maja - servant of Heimdal, joy of Asgard, we beseech you, come to our aid.
  • Klara - servant of Heimdal, peace of Vanahiem, we implore you, come to our aid.
  • Astrid - servant of Heimdall, strength of Jotunhiem, we entreat you, come to our aid.
  • Elvira - servant of Heimdall, breath of Niflhiem, we beg you, come to our aid.
  • Tyra - servant of Heimdall, spark of Muspelhiem, we appeal to you, come to our aid.
  • Ida - servant of Heimdall, light of Alfhiem, we plea with you, come to our aid.
  • Ingrid - servant of Heimdall, skill of Svartalfhiem, we petition you, come to our aid.
  • Marta - servant of Heimdall, courage of Helhiem, we pray, come to our aid.
Fyren is very excited. He has seen this place before in his dreams, which also featured a rescue by a gold dragon. Since he came of age, his dream changed with the dragon being injured.   We want to pause our mission to Skol so we can investigate Fyren's dreams. But we were firmly warned by Asami to stay well away.   Rest overnight.  

The date is Thursday, 16th May

  Leave Sigmund looking after the reindeer. Rest of us depart to seek the hilltop from Fyren's dream. Find somewhere that looks similar to him. The area is unnaturally barren and desolate with nothing of significance to be seen. See Asami there was nothing to worry about! Return to Sigmund and the reindeer. Head west to pickup the route to Beaver Falls.  

The date is Monday, 22nd May

  Encounter some Goblin warg riders. Kill them easily.

Rewards Granted

  • Reached Level 3

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Report Date
25 Jun 2019