Kinrilak Kirkgard

Bear Guardian

Kinrilak Kirkgard was a bararian Minotaur who worked as a adventurer for most of his life. He got married to Seola Kirkgard and later had two daughters, Kenai Kirkgard and Lenai Kirkgard . He was know to always be a fair man who could take and give a good joke but turned almost deadly serious when the Spirit Clans got involved in the situation or just conversation. He would later become one of the animal guardians of the Spirit Clans, the bear, and uphold his responsibilities until he died.   He grew up in the northern part of the Empire just outside of Starhome within one of the Spirit Clans. During his early days he was known as quite the troublemaker and would often sneak away form the clan to wrestle wild beasts. As he grew older he decided that he needed to see more of the world and traveled first to Starhome and from there further across the Empire. In this travel he meet others who where also exploring the world and together they became the adventuring group known as the "mountain breakers".   After being satisfied, Kinrilak alongside his companions settled down in the northwestern side of the Empire and formed a small settlement away from other society. He would however leave this settlement to return to Starhome and take up the job of the bear guardian for the Spirit Clans. While he lived in Starhome the rest of his family remained in the small settlement and he would regularly go back to them.   In the end he would die together with his wife in their home in Starhome to an attack made by a False Hydra. Before that however he was able to bury the symbol of the bear guardian, his axe, beneath the totem tree so that whenever the stars had chosen a new guardian, only they would find it.  


Seola Kirkgard


Towards Kinrilak Kirkgard


Kinrilak Kirkgard


Towards Seola Kirkgard


Current Location
5189 5260 71 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by a False Hydra
Dark Green
Short rugged and brown
2.3 m
145 kg